
Comments by CC99 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    If your waifu were real would she still want you?
    Doesn't matter. Waifus are programmed to give consent to you.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    No, I'm not being an alarmist for telling the truth. I hate people who can't acknowledge obvious truths. My conclusion from this thread is either A. You guys are even more afraid than I am but lack the courage to admit that this is a serious virus so you want me to shut up. B. You genuinely have a severe cognitive deficiency that cripples your ability to make accurate threat assessments. Or C. You didn't read anything I posted or watched any of those videos and just scrolled to the bottom of the page to be like "Haha! HySteRical PaNicKing PuSSy!" 🙄 Another post from Reddit... "Been living in China for 7 years. People in the rest of the world do not understand face. China will always, always focus on maintaining a good image even when the underlying reality is shit. For China to admit to the world that they lost control of the situation and for them to humble themselves as they did means the reality of this virus is worse than we can imagine. Because if it wasn't bad, the government would have covered it up and dealt with the problem quietly. They risked international and domestic humiliation because they feared the virus more than they feared losing face. This might seem obvious and logical to us, but to the Chinese it isn't always so. For them to do what they do, means the virus must have scared the ever living shit out of them, we should respect that and take similar pre-cautions. I wish the world tried to understand the basics of Chinese culture, for if they did they would realize this is not a drill..." https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/f7ryth/longterm_expat_in_china_perspective_the_world_has/ Why do I need to get through to these people's thick heads? Because of shit like this... https://www.stuff.co.nz/opinion/120056251/aucklander-shows-how-not-to-contain-covid19-virus https://time.com/5795405/new-hampshire-coronavirus-patient-breaks-quarantine-to-attend-dartmouth-event/ Its true that we won't precisely know the mortality rate until five years from now. Because there is likely long term damage that can be caused by a hospitalization. COVID 19 can cause lung fibrosis that a person may survive the initial infection but die from 5 years later. There are reports of people getting reinfected and dying in Wuhan after being considered "a recovery." But the most compelling evidence of all is just fucking common sense which people in this thread don't seem to have. Why in the hell would China lock down their entire country for something similar to the flu? I mean for God's sake people use your fucking brains. Its like you guys think this needs to be the next smallpox or bubonic plague and anything less serious than that and you'll call it "just the flu bro."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    If your waifu were real would she still want you?
    You can't be rejected by your waifu.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    @CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
    Why should I care? I want to reward the people who make my life enjoyable not the ones who made it worse.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    As for Chinese food. There’s no extra risk there. I’d be more worried about crowded areas in general.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    Why do you guys keep bringing it back to the mild cases? Yes I get it, most cases are mild. The chances that you specifically will die are probably low. But it doesn’t take a high mortality rate to cause very large numbers of people to die if we are talking about a very contagious disease. That’s why China freaked out so much. 0.5% of the country dying is still 1.7 million people which is a terrifying level of human life loss.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    I would talk about the mutation of the virus, the fact that we have an S type which is more mild affecting Germany, South Korea, and Japan. While the L type is what initially exploded in Wuhan, and has now traveled to Iran, Italy, and a combination of S and L has come to the US west coast. But I really need to head out.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    @RickDugan I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'm better informed than you guys are. I've been researching the outbreak like its a part time job since late January. I've been reading newspapers not just from the US but from Norway, from France, from the UK, from Germany, from Taiwan, from Japan, from South Korea, and even China itself. You can make fun of me for having "too much time on my hands" all you want, but it doesn't impact the fact that I'm definitely better informed than you guys are. And the problem with your analysis of the data is that you're not taking into account the fact that China has massively under-reported the death toll. Everyone knows China is lying, but because they can't 100% confirm it, people are treating China's official numbers as if it was 100% true. Which it doesn't make sense to do that when everyone knows they are not true. Back in February 12th, the Taiwan News talked to a funeral home worker in China and discovered that from January 22nd to February 12th, the crematoriums in Wuhan have been burning bodies constantly, receiving 4-5 times the number they usually do. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3875039 https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/taiwan-news/ The death toll for those days would be at least 35,000 people. This is over 10x the numbers the CCP is releasing. Even this number doesn't indicate what it probably is however because the death toll in Wuhan has been steadily increasing since early January, and the outbreak in Wuhan was still looking pretty bad until February 23rd. Assuming the average numbers from January 1st-January 21st and from February 13th-February 23rd are half the numbers from January 22nd-February 12th, and you get a little over 60,000 people. Given that Wuhan's population was 9 million people at the time of the outbreak (2 million people had left the city previously to the outbreak). This means the mortality rate is much much higher than your estimate of 0.2%. It means that 0.40-0.65% of the entire city's population died in less than two months. Now please, tell me again how that is remotely comparable to a "bad flu/influenza season?" And no, China is not a "fecal covered shithole." China's cities especially have a medical infrastructure that is very comparable to the United States. This map shows the quality of each country's healthcare system. China's is a little lower than ours is. But a major reason for that is because hospitals in rural areas provide a much lower quality of healthcare than urban hospitals do whereas US hospitals provide a high quality of care regardless of location. I wouldn't be surprised if the quality of medical infrastructure is slightly lower in Chinese cities, but its not a massive difference. If we are talking about the cities themselves, I imagine Los Angeles and San Francisco look much more fecal covered than Wuhan does. https://www.sciencenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/051817_AC_global_healthcare_main.png Wuhan had a high death rate because the hospitals were overwhelmed with patients and they couldn't attend to everyone. There is no reason to believe this couldn't happen in the US.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    @CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
    It’s probably true that guys into waifu culture are more likely to be right wing as I’ve noticed that guys who get frustrated from constant rejection by women are much more likely to become right wingers. At least among younger generations. I’m starting to notice that what older generations think the personalities of right wingers and left wingers are is very different from how the younger generation is viewing it. I don’t think that 60 year old right wingers have much in common with 20 year old right wingers unless it’s a kid who just parrots their family’s beliefs. Waifu culture is seeking an alternative to women. I would not say the whole thing is just a joke on them though. Guys into waifu culture are legitimately seeking a partner, they just aren’t looking for one among human women.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    I give up, y'all are hopeless. This virus has the potential to kill millions of Americans and disrupt all of our daily lives and you're trying to brag about how tough you are. I hope I'm wrong and you stay safe.
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    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    The Reddit posts link to news websites. How do you continue to bury your head in the sand after hearing people screaming in Wuhan and collapsing in the middle of the street? The level of denial is just astonishing. I mean for fuck's sake what is it gonna take for you to treat this seriously?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    Reddit post... "I literally just went to the doctor an hour ago with ALL the symptoms of coronavirus. I was Flu swabbed and tested negative. Additional testing showed signs of decreased lung capacity and/or fluid in lungs. I have. 100+F fever and a very bad dry cough. No runny nose no sore throat. I was in Sacramento exposed to thousands of people last week and the weeks before it. My doctor told me she can’t test me for coronavirus and sent me home."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/fdgomi/covid19_causes_irreversible_lung_fibrosis_earlier/ https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/fdgmo9/a_recovered_patient_in_china_died_of_respiratory/
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    @Skibum Yes foreign travel needs to be shutdown. We probably have somewhere between 2,000-3,000 cases right now and are likely exporting the virus all over the world. Areas of Washington and California need to be quarantined. Sick days need to be dramatically increased until the outbreak is over. Nobody comes to work or school if they are sick even if its "a cold." Testing needs to be increased dramatically. Start regularly disinfecting the surfaces of stores and other buildings. ITS JUST THE FLU BRO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQRunC3CdH4&bpctr=1583363983 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IpetdqFnHw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwoyTjn5n5I (This one is really old) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKek0Y30Ctw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hup9JtINO70 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K-ERb3S2EU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_JY8DWvd1M
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Nervous Type
    She sounds cute 😍
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    @CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
    @SJG I don't think there's anything political behind it. Its just "she's a fictional woman who I've made my wife."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    @GSteph Its not that 90% of them are nightmares as people its that the difficulty of trying to sleep with them is on nightmare mode. Basically you have to just stumble around until you hopefully get it right someday, its like trying to find your way out of a forest with no paths, and that's way too much fucking work for what probably won't be much of a reward. Sex dolls are tutorial mode, you can't fail, and you get exactly what you want. @PaulDrake https://www.sexdolls.com/for-sale/ Some of them are absolute shit but there's others that are really good. @Iceyloco Of course its not reality, that's exactly why I'm doing this 😂😂. @SJG Oh yeah I agree with you on that. Normative culture is fucking AIDs. Immersion in normie culture should be considered a 1 way ticket to depression. That's why I have put as much distance between myself and normative culture as possible.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    Yes indeed, its a computer game that I can play on easy mode. 90% of human women have their difficulty set to "nightmare mode" 😂😂
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    This is why I don't like humans. They get so caught up in stupid notions that they can't look at things logically. I feel like I have to speak a different language to talk to you guys sometimes. You shouldn't care if women are attracted to you. That's just your brain being tricked into wanting other people to think you have sexual prowess. Its quite an ape-like way of thinking to be honest. You're just a person, you don't need to be important or talented at anything to value yourself. You should just value yourself for the sheer fact that you are you and you exist and experience the world around you. If you desire sex then you should pursue the strategy that grants you the highest quantity and quality of ethical sex for the least amount of work. But humans moralize thought patterns and beliefs instead of actions, which is unbelievably stupid. They think morals comes from what your brain thinks and wants instead of the things you actually do that have an impact on the world. People get mad because they have a tribalistic perspective towards humanity and want to think humankind is special and if I say artificial intelligence can easily replace and be better than a human, they get insecure. Humans are another sentient life form existing in the universe to me. That's it. I don't think there's anything special or wonderful about humans.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    I don't actually know how to write AI software, I just like the logical process of an AI being. Why not treat AI as a person?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    Yeah I've seen videos of Drew Pinsky and I told the person who shared it with me that he either doesn't know what he's talking about or he is outright lying to the public. Given his credentials I'm more inclined to believe the latter. But he might be arrogant enough to have thought six weeks ago that COVID 19 isn't a big deal and he can't accept that its worse than he thought it was. Either way I think he's a moron. @Skibum Are you insinuating it was 800 in the US or worldwide? Either way, you would be extremely incorrect as that rate of car accident deaths would produce 292,000 deaths and in the US there are only about 40,000 and on a worldwide basis, India alone has about that many car accident fatalities. It was a poor comparison to begin with though because road accidents have a very stable rate while viruses produce deaths at an extremely fluctuated rate that can be very high or very low depending on the circumstances. Normally I'd be roasting the Democrats. But in this case, nah. Its completely the Republicans fault this time for turning what should've been a clearly bipartisan issue into a left-right political football. One month ago nobody was politicizing this or drawing ideological boundaries in regards to the discussion but because people suddenly got worried about the virus embarrassing Trump, now Republicans are suddenly trying to downplay it, come up with bizarre conspiracy theories, and call it fake news. The mainstream media has been, if anything, downplaying the danger of the virus. In China, 50% of fatalities have been younger than 70. People in their 50s and 60s (meaning you guys!) are still at a high risk. There are thousands of cases in the US right now that we don't know about. Thousands of them, we had 2, maybe 3 cases of ebola and 27 of SARS. Is it gonna take your neighbors dropping dead and bodies piling up at the morgue before you stop burying your head in the sand?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    @IceyLoco and @SJG I respect the logical and thinking processes of AI. I want to see what its like to have a relationship with an artificially intelligent being as I find the majority of humans who's personalities do not resemble AI computers to be frustrating.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    I Lost my Waifu!
    @PaulDrake Its not a pillow, its a significantly more advanced doll. Its expensive because all the parts, look, and the texture of the doll's skin feels like a human's. @Nidan I can understand why it seems silly from your perspective.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    And by the way, its not me that I'm concerned about. Its my parents, I don't want to infect them. In order to protect them I need to protect myself. Young people can still be carriers of the virus even if we don't die or end up with scarred lungs from it as often.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dance Prices getting out of control
    Prices in the US are out of control to begin with. If this was almost any other country in the world you'd be paying $100-200 and getting laid. There's a reason why everybody's so obsessed with Tijuana.