
Comments by txtittyspice (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Younger Customer Observations
    I’ve been convinced. Phatboy is most likely the same troll as well. Why don’t you log back into your RomanticLover account? https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=3452
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    The "Feminist" dancers on here are......
    The only self-declared feminist so far has been Nicole. Go hang out with her. Just like you, she is also not a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Younger Customer Observations
    It’s because... “- I'm really a jerk which is why strippers hate me - I'm broke - I spend all day posting on TUSCL b/c I have no life - I am scared of approaching women in night clubs - I couldn't get a date or get laid to save my life: I have no idea how women, or normal people think” Source https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=2180 But instead of reaching out to others to improve himself just like DC is doing, he has instead spent the last 12 years doing nothing to fix his own issues.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    “@nicespice she/he’s addicted she can’t go away best she can do is a day or three then she/ he needs some more attention just like dougster.” I heard this nicespice person hides behind aliases. I would never do such a thing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Met this guy last night..we both liked each other but didnt want it to go furthe
    AN: raven fangz 4 gelpin me agen im sory ah tok ur postr of gerard but dat guy is such a fokin sexbom! PREPZ STOP FLAMIGNG! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for Dumbledore. We were so scared. “Dumbledore Dumblydore!” we both yelled. Dumbledore came there. “What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” he asked angrily. “Volsemort has Draco!” we shouted at the same time. He laughed in an evil voice. “No! Don’t! We need to save Draco!” we begged. “No.” he said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Voldemort does to Draco. Not after how much he misbehaved in school especially with YOU Ebony.” he said while he frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked him that much anyway.” then he walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Draco!” he moaned. (AN: don’t u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!) “Its okay!” I tried to tell him but that didn’t stop him. He started to cry tears of blood. Then he had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” he exclaimed. “What?” I asked him. “You’ll see.” he said. He took out his wand and did a spell. Then…… suddenly we were in Voldemprt’s lair! We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “Allah Kedavra!” It was……………………………….. Voldemort!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    https://www.tuscl.net/profile-discussions.php5?id=156376&s=1 I’m not sure on Phatboy/Trapbaby yet. It’s a possibility. If phatboy is it however, why not just log back in to the RomanticLover account? https://www.tuscl.net/profile-discussions.php5?id=156376&s=1
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    I’d be careful with that offer, twentyfive. Considering how many accounts he has made, you would end up paying several hundred for all these accounts to go away.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    @blahblah You would think that after hanging out on this site for 14 years, and seen all the dancers come and go as active posters, he would be better at making a fake dancer profile. Oh well. Maybe in another 14 years, the account then will be much better.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    https://www.tuscl.net/profile-discussions.php5?id=156376&s=1 Trapbaby, why don’t you log back into your RomanticLover account?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    His revisionist history and diversionary posts are this long lived troll's attempt to hide from his past. Understandable since davids really crashed and burned amid scorn and ridicule. Young Dougster went face first into that board and gave others too much to use against him. His reason for being so evasive now are much clearer. He does not want to repeat the mistakes of his younger troll years, especially with how he behaves around here. Nine years of kicking up shit and fixating on members who he dislikes. Fascinating that a troll has become one of the most senior active members of this discussion forum. If I was a conspiracy buff I might actually think that he is a state sanctioned troll. ;) Recon continues. This is really gettin fun now. https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=25092
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    Trapbaby: Has failed to improve his shitty social skills before DC even had time to go through puberty.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    I have to admit, I thought two_bits was pretty funny at the time. Well, except when he would drop the satire humor and go for straight insults. (And the insults are the only thing straight about him) So I too have encouraged his nonsense before. Oops. Hopefully I won’t make that mistake ever again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    ^^But I suppose I can’t fault this individual’s campaign to use (roughly) 75% truth and 25% lies every time he wants to come after a user. (Whether it’s txtittyfan, vincemichaels, or currently SC) Since it seems to be effective.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    DC may have social skill issues. BUT he is making progress to overcome them and live a better life. Meanwhile, in 2006 somebody admitted to being gay. But instead of coming out of the closet and getting off a website that has no reviews of *male* strip clubs, he continues to hang out here instead. **TWELVE** years later.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    Note the part where this Davids user confessed to being a homosexual. Guess who I succeeded at jabbing not too long ago? https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=61267 It was a lucky guess on my part, but it worked. xD I bet if I keep digging though the posting history, I can find even better stuff. Sorry dougster, crazy strippers can out crazy you by a long shot. Even if you do make a fake “Trapbaby” profile
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    Gentlemen, my conscience is troubling me greatly these days. I must get these off my chest, so I can sleep tonight: - I am unemployed - I am a communist - I am a geek (and it is a bad thing: no social skills) - I realize all posters here are smarter than me and am really jealous of them: even parody is smarter - I never intended to fight AN: I am scared spitless of him (especially after I learned how much he weighs) - I am jealous of shadowcat and all the cheap lap dances he gets - I am jealous of all the strippers T-Bone and Yoda and even AN have slept with - If I go into the clubs and don't spend money strippers just ignore me - RomanticLover and I are really the same person - I am a homosexual - My education is really bad as you could probably tell by my bad use of english - I got burned really bad (badly?) by a stripper once and really pissed off about it - I realize I'll never amount to anything as parody says - I'm really a jerk which is why strippers hate me - I'm broke - I spend all day posting on TUSCL b/c I have no life - I am scared of approaching women in night clubs - I couldn't get a date or get laid to save my life: I have no idea how women, or normal people think - I have multiple personality disorder - I am manic depressive - I have low self-esteem - I'm the alcoholic not AN - I am clueless - I am a complete pussy - I realize that you guys are to be admired, but unfortunately you are leagues above me so I can never hope to acheive it https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=2180
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    Dougster is the current incarnation of the following legacy aliases: RomanticLover davids jablake Bobbyl He also had a sixth alias, Kyle, that was deleted by Founder. Dougster has evolved significantly over the 11 years he's been sharing here. First, he was obsessed with STARTING DISCUSSIONS IN ALL CAPS, afterwards moving on to a focus on DATING strippers, followed by attacking older customers who "need to pay for it". His latest incarnation using the current alias is lovable bad guy. While Dougster admitted to paying for lap dances as a newbie, he quickly moved on to PUA (pick-up artist) techniques to get into relationships with strippers, especially during the davids era, and that remains his goal to this day. Here are the links to his archived posts, confirming that it is indeed him: https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=28766
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    CREEPIEST GUY ON HERE!!!! SHOUT OUT TO...............
    Profile of Dougster ------------------------------------------------------ BASIC ISSUES: Dougster is the most active troll perpetrator on tuscl. Primary goal appears to be disruption intended solely for his own amusement. Has developed clear obsessions with a few users with a special emphasis on rickdugan. Use of multiple screen names considered highly likely given their repeated proximity to posts under the Dougster name. PSYCHIATRIC CONSIDERATIONS: Obsessive focus on one site member, escalating post counts, irregular sleeping patterns as evidenced by posting times, continuous monitoring of site posts, and heightened creative tendencies, all support bipolar disorder combined with obsessive/compulsive tendencies. Strongly suspected that medication is not being used. Potentially intelligent, but with self aggrandizement and anti-social traits indicative of classic underachievers. Misogynistic posting content also suggest strong resentment of women, likely due to difficulties with the same. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Stated location is Seattle, though suspected of residing in a different western location. Conclusion supported by paucity of recent reviews in purported location and lack of material confirmable intel within old reviews. Further supported by evasive behavior in connection with inquiries re: Seattle. OTHER KNOWN AFFILIATIONS: Self identified as Jewish, though strongly suspected of a mistaken cultural identification vs. a correct religious one*. Suspected of a Reform affiliation, a.k.a a “drive by Jew.” Supported by repeated and continuous postings during each Shabbos. Further suspected, given his disregard for Shabbos and identified psychiatric considerations, that he feels that: “fasting” on Yom Kippur is limiting himself to light meals; moving to whole wheat bread is sacrifice enough for Pesach; and that a cheeseburger with bacon is a perfectly fine meal choice on any ol' day. *Special Note: Don't worry God fearing Christians. These types of Jews breed out quick since they are weak and have no religious conviction. Should this messed up fella somehow ever get his dick wet long enough to knock up some chick, the kid will likely be singing “Silent Night” during the Christmas season. OTHER BEHAVIORAL CONSIDERATIONS: Posting patterns, including timing and frequency, suggest few outside activities and obligations. This, along with the observed psychiatric considerations, support the conclusion that he is a unattached loner with difficulty empathizing with other individuals. INITIAL CONCLUSIONS: This is one fucked up individual who is never gonna stop because he has nothing else and probably never will. But it ain't gonna be painless to cause trouble anymore. TDHQ https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php5?id=25066
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Scarred for Life
    I found your reviews easily through macktruck’s review comment history. And I only noticed because of your thread crying to get him banned. Speaking of that thread...still amuses me that you complained that he should be banned for making a crack at you...and then turn right around and make personal insults at me on my own reviews (which now I guess you’re pretending I’ve never written any...?) Keep up the sass good sir. xD I’ll have to send some male strippers over to you one day.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Scarred for Life
    ^BigDickSammy’s (R.I.P.) reviews had better value and usefulness than yours.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The dancer and hookah quality was higher than expected.
    ^ Yeah, I prefer hookah over ghb. It is what it is
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    a degenerate manipulator and not to be trusted
    Dancer Review
    Well well well...the advocate for keeping trolling out of review comments and calling for those who do to be banned...is trolling in a review comment. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php?id=65713#comment961396 LOL
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Scarred for Life
    ^Well good for you that you would rather do the gents who are sane.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Anyways. Sorry if you have been feeling distress lately. Here’s something that will cheer you up. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b553f7094388