
Comments by Mr_PUA_Guy50 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Bros before hoes, tell him what she's up to.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The guy in the fancy suit picking up your ATF at the club
    Why Women Secretly Love Game and Dislike Men Who Don't Play It
    The whole game of seduction is played by outsmarting women. Women have been taught from birth how to resist men's advances, which is why a woman will be all the more impressed when you take down her defenses and access her primal brain to make her start begging to sleep with you.
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    6 years ago
    What makes you go/not go to a club?
    Use that ego boost in your regular life to give you the confidence to pickup women and sweep them off their feet to make them addicted to you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Putting in work
    DennisHof speaks the truth. Women may claim otherwise but that is simply part of the game for them to deny this. All women have primal triggers that urge her to sleep with high status men. By activating her primal triggers, she will be unable to resist you anymore than you could resist a 10/10 who promises you the blowjob of your life. The difference between men and women is that many men will settle for a woman who's less than ideal, but women, on the other hand look for perfection in a man. They are either swept off their feet by a man or they don't give a shit about him. Because of this, women are not as accustomed to the feeling of being super turned on as men are and are actually less able to resist their attractions than a man is. This is why a man who falls over them is unattractive as he is behaving like a woman by being so taken by an attractive girl.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    MFT Associate & Bikini Dancer
    Do you work as a part-time dancer or sex worker?
    Most sex workers will tell you that game does not work on them. That cash is king and the only thing one needs to sleep with them. It is well apparent, however, that sex workers are even better at playing the game than most women are and fool them into thinking they are getting laid and have a satisfying sexual relationship when they are being played for fools, exacerbating their sexual frustration and are strung along. The men who manage to sleep with sex workers for free are the expert PUAs. The pimps and the playboys, who see them as instruments of fun but avoid getting caught up in their feminine wiles.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Putting in work
    One thing a man can do if he finds that his PUA journey is not taking him anywhere is work on achieving what women obsess over. While a man does not need muscles, money, or a fancy car to pickup women, they certainly do not hurt. If a man finds that no matter what he does, he simply cannot get anywhere, he may need to look into improving his life first. Focus on work, and find a regular gym schedule. Most women will tell you that hulkish body builders are not attractive. It is unnecessary to become a gym rat to pickup women, but women do like a man who has good definition and is not a scrawny nerdy looking man as muscles activate the primal part of her brain telling her that you are a masculine man who can protect her against the lions. As far as achieving in your career. This is the modern man's equivalent of providing a woman protection. Protection against financial destitution. A man with a good career will always be a woman's safety net if her own career turns sour, and for this they latch onto men that they are certain can provide for them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The guy in the fancy suit picking up your ATF at the club
    How To Pickup a Stripper
    Peacocking can work if one knows how to pull it off right. It is more of an advanced PUA move however as its intent is to bring attention to oneself. For a newbie, however, I would recommend a simple outfit that makes you feel confident and like an important man without drawing too much attention to oneself. For this I recommend a suit, it signifies that you are an important man but isn't outrageous enough to draw comments. Once one feels confident in the seduction world, they can attempt peacocking so as to draw the attention of the hottest girls and draw their attention away from the men that they are with so one can swoop in and steal them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Getting an LDK in TJ?
    LDKs, and prostitution in general, do nothing but exacerbate a man's sexual frustration. It is essentially cheating at the game of seduction. In the video game equivalent. It would be like putting your character on god mode. What is the point of playing a game where you cannot lose?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Car Keys and Wallet Dating
    The key is to always show your woman that you have money but that the money you're spending is essentially pocket change for you. Do not ever let a woman stretch your budget to the limits for she can sense this and it will come off as neediness and an overeager attempt to impress her. Your dates should always be the best balance of high class and not stretching your budget as you can achieve. In my experiences, taking a woman out for drinks first can get her loosened up and it is a more casual environment for the two of you to gets to know each other. After drinks you can either immediately suggest a late night restaurant or you can retire for the night and ask to meet up again on another day. Warning though, if your interaction was not particularly interesting during your drinks, she may not be up for a real date when you call her. I suggest taking her to a restaurant once you've already had drinks as she will be in a fun and relaxed mood and escalation should be easier. If a woman does not sleep with you after this, she is likely trying to lead you on on purpose in pursuit of further resources and you should cut your losses and move on to another woman.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Putting in work
    Women like a man who always puts his work as #1. Whatever woman in your life should never be priority #1 or she will leave you for a man more masculine. Make sure your woman knows she will always be #2.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Pimps are often revered, despite their illegal activities for their ability to seduce women effortlessly and essentially create their own harems. Pimps are often considered the ultimate playboys, and their skills can be appropriated to seduce women without going down the route of illegality.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Putting in work
    Women generally like men who care for their own needs. Caring too much about hers sends off needy signals. When taking care of her needs, it should seem as an afterthought only after you have taken care of yours.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    Most dancers hate their customers, which is why you must stand out to her by not being a customer. Once you start handing money over to her, that shows her that you're a man who isn't confident enough to try and seduce her without essentially bribing her with money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What makes you go/not go to a club?
    One can pickup a stripper in any club, or a civie girl at any bar/nightclub you just have to use the tips and tricks I speak about in my lessons.