Comments by Ninjalust1
article comment
2 months ago
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
I was at a club around dinner time. I innocently asked a very charming dancer whether she had eaten dinner yet. She said, “no, but I want eat you.” She smiled and gave me a wink. That’s all it took, and I was off to the races with her.
discussion comment
3 months ago
Go to any city in the U.S. then go to across the border from San Diego to Tijuana. Zona Norte will make any place in the U.S. seem minor league. You will spend less than half your budget, and you will think you died and went to strip club heaven. I don’t speak Spanish, and you can get by.
review comment
9 months ago
Wednesdays, the dances are ‘reduced’ prices at $30, whereas they were $20 in the past. On the other days of the week, dances cost $40. The dancers claim that the price increase is because the club now wants $10 per dance. That would be a rational approach if the need for LD was like the need for gas or the cost of electricity. There is a price point for LD’s in which customers will not afford them and do without.
article comment
2 years ago
I appreciate this thoughtful discussion. I have always thought of the cost of indulging in the pleasures of SC’s as a variable cost; if I have the time and excessive funds, I will pursue. Otherwise, I will defer. The cost of cover fees, drinks, LD’s, etc. correlates with demand, or the general level of public male horniness. I submit that it was an all time high during the pandemic. This industry is similar to the music concert industry, I imagine. However, it is interesting to note that the cost of attending sensual massage parlors has not changed much over the years. Perhaps, that industry has not yet caught up to inflation.
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2 years ago
A newbie here. My impression is that it is better to change US dollars into pesos and then pay in pesos. It does not seem to make a difference at HK Club, but it seems to be more cost effective to pay the street ladies in pesos. I am interested in your collective experiences.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Take the trolley to the border, and walk across to Tijuana. You will need your passport. Take a cab to Hong Kong. It will be the highlight of your trip to San Diego. There is plenty of intel on this website regarding this club and other nearby clubs. It. Can occupy your 3 extra days and more.