Joined Aug, 2017
Last Seen Mar, 2025

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How much dirty talk can you stand.@JS69 - Just be sure to remember her name. I seem to recall it rhymes with a female body part.
And by the way: they're…
And by the way: they're…

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BELAX afternoon@DTS - Quoting from my review a while back:
Rates are per song or by time, and where the dances happen depends in part on…
Rates are per song or by time, and where the dances happen depends in part on…

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Dayshift is terribleDayshift at Tattletale has been weak as far back as I can remember visiting - very few dancers, and a really dead vibe. …

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Girls that don’t want your money?Let us all remember the wisdom of Lopaw:
"I'll pay for pussy, and I'll beg for pussy, but I won't beg to pay for pussy."
"I'll pay for pussy, and I'll beg for pussy, but I won't beg to pay for pussy."

(Single) Mother's Day?This Sunday is, of course, Mother's Day - so I'm curious if the collective wisdom here suggests this as a good day to club,…

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New (old) rule, and lesson (re)learned*Damn post button...
But it's still ROB behavior. Especially in a club where you've been a regular, my reaction would be to end the dance…
But it's still ROB behavior. Especially in a club where you've been a regular, my reaction would be to end the dance…

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New (old) rule, and lesson (re)learnedI think when a club has standard dance pricing (as is the case in all the Atlanta clubs I'm aware of), it's perfectly reasonable…

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Price point for ITC fun: A surveyInteresting survey. Maybe the most significant factor this doesn't take into account is how widely available such an experience might be in a…

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Looking for input on optionsCOI/Upland is the obvious choice, but if you were willing to burn the extra time & gas to do a day trip to TJ…

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The cost of xyz was "reasonable"@Flagooner: I'm not going ro be goaded inro a flame war by someone who apparently doesn't read or comprehend reasoned arguments from others.
The primary…
The primary…

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Dancers' Music.Overall I tend to tune out a lot of the stage music, but occasionally in clubs where dancers choose their music it does make…

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The cost of xyz was "reasonable"@Flagooner - You seem to be confused on the purpose of a review. Someone else's experience will always be subjective, but a meaningful review…

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Recent review I turned-down@Cashman - I'd say there are too many *published* reviews in that category. Apparently a lot of people are upvoting reviews just for being…

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Is anyone else ...@Chessmaster I don't think it's acceptable to justify not providing general information on the premise that "it's covered in other reviews" unless the reviewer…

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Starting a new hobby...@Eve, we like to hear what's going on in a woman's mind if she's having a good time. It helps maintain the fantasy when…

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Bragging time. What is the most women you have banged in less than 24 hours.@EveHartley - assuming you answered Shadow's question "as written," that sounds like a story I'd love to hear.
My own numbers aren't that impressive unless…
My own numbers aren't that impressive unless…

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10 dollar dances might not be 10 dollarsI reapectfully disagree about whether it was worth it or not to call this ROB out to management. They clearly advertise Monday as $10…

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Review Publish FeatureSo will there be a permanent link for unpublished reviews added, or do we have to bookmark or dig up this thread?

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Tips for first SA date?@Ish - Talk about awkward, who would want to find out it's bigger on the inside?

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Reviews@Twentyfive: Note the quotation marks. Your homework assignment is to watch Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

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DisappointedI think this story illustrates the difference between being attracted to the person vs. being attracted to your idealized concept of that person. …

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Will the SC's still be open.. .Just tell them you're 4F but doing your part on the home front, auditioning dancers for the U.S. "O" tour.

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Review Publish FeaturePower to the people?
Will be interesting to see how this experiment works out. Especially whether the voting members get any hate PMs if…
Will be interesting to see how this experiment works out. Especially whether the voting members get any hate PMs if…

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Lots Of Eye CandyFunny you mention the "dancing" girls at the Cheetah do on stage. With no poles and rules against bending over or otherwise "dropping…