Atlanta Back to Phase I Lockdown(?)

avatar for WillMunny
The mayor of Atlanta has announced the city will be rolling back to Phase I lockdown, which would shutter all clubs within the city limits. Howevet, the mayor's power tto actually wnforce these restrictions is questionable since an existing order by the governor theoretically prevents local jurisdictions from imposing any more or less restrictive rules. Will be interesting to see how widely businesses choose to follow or ignore the mayor's "guidelines."…

For those not aware, Follies is not in the City of Atlanta so this won't directly impact the club everyone's still wondering about.


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avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
It would be nice if they Mayor would pay attention to the now nightly shootings instead of focusing on interviewing with national news outlets and masks.....
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Is follies open?
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Follies is NOT open.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
So the order to close clubs in another city will not affect a club that never opened in the first place? Good to know. :-)
avatar for shailynn
5 years ago
these dumb motherfuckers. My county has bumped to over 5% infection rate, we have almost triple the positive cases since the count on June 20, and restaurants will probably be shut down (except for take out) starting next week, the vast majority of them have already closed down in-house dining voluntarily.

Rural American and the 'burbs are turning into what New York was a month ago. Hang on for this interesting ride...
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Just wait until schools open. The good news is kids almost never end up in the hospital due to covid, thank God. The bad is there is more evidence they can be asymptomatic carriers than we once thought
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Follies open when?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
More lockdowns coming soon to city near you. Obviously, closing businesses and interrupting incomes is clearly less intrusive and less injurious than mandating masks and social distancing. So fucking senseless.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Rural American and the 'burbs are turning into what New York was a month ago. Hang on for this interesting ride..."

Maybe, but NY/NJ/CT aren't done either. As CA, FL and TX have all shown, lockdowns don't make COVID go away, they just delay the inevitable spread. The northeast states are still effectively locked down. What do you think will happen when those states finally open up too?
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Yes, the goal is not to prevent people from getting it. The goal is to keep the rate down to what the healthcare system can handle.

Has anyone seen anything to explain why the deaths are not ramping up? there has been enough lag with the new case surge that there should be an uptick in deaths. They are up slightly but not exploding. Is it because these new cases are younger demographics?
avatar for OrangeClown
5 years ago
Wow. Never saw this coming, after states like Georgia and Florida opened for business way back when. Must be serious if Bunker Bitch is wearing a mask in public.
avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
Gold, I'm too lazy to go find the links and post them but what I've read basically says the the death rate was expected to stay under 2% and as more positive cases are diagnosed that the hospitalizations and death rate would trail behind what many shill, doomsday models were predicting. The media has provided zero context for any of the numbers the so breathlessly report. The one thing everyone and everything seems to agree on is the much higher risk for the elderly, and those with significant underlying medical conditions.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
Not sure if Follie was that kind of place but I figured smart dancers and smart customers would be more prone to phone number swapping as soon as clubs opened.
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