
Comments by Rick999 (page 12)

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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    I would be fine with doing away with required insurance if it wasn't required by law. It is our government requiring us to pay premiums for car insurance, health insurance, etc. I think insurance premiums paid are far higher than any benefit I have gotten back from insurance companies. I probably could have bought a whole new car or two with all the car insurance I've paid. I could have had over $60,000 saved up over 20 years to pay for doctor visits and emergency room visits if I had all the premium payments back over 20 years between what I paid and what my employer paid on my behalf that they could have paid me instead. I still stand by the argument if our government is going to require us to pay insurance premiums for whatever, then it is also fair that our go rennet impose fines for related insurance premium violators that raise everyone else's premiums. Instead of arguing we shouldn't have the stupid laws making things illegal resulting in fines, I think we shouldn't be required to pay insurance premiums in the first place. Our government has in effect required us to support insurance companies by requiring car insurance and health insurance and home insurance. If I paid for every doctor visit, every car accident out of my own pocket in my life without insurance payments of any kind ever paid, I would be thousands ahead without all these required insurance payments. I think it's stupid for our government to dictate or require insurance but they do. We are in a nanny state. It's probably just a matter of time before others argue or impose fines on people for eating too much or being too fat etc etc because they are required to pay insurance premiums that are a lot higher because certain people choose poorly. We need to do away with required insurance so that no one's poor choices raise costs on everyone else without them being able to opt out. This is part of the problem with socialism in my opinion. They argue it is ok to require insurance and that makes it ok to impose fines and make new laws. Politicians argue we need the laws to protect us from our own stupidity. I say we need to do away with required insurance premiums. I will likely keep my car insurance and then likely be ok with paying extra because some choose not to wear set belts. I like having insurance in case disaster strikes. I never did argue for motorcycle helmet laws in South Carolina. I think many of them just die when they crash without raising costs too much but could be wrong. Insurance companies probably charge more for driving a motorcycle so I never supported a helmet law here because it doesn't affect me. The argument may sound silly if you don't like it but I read it and many bought into it. It's also scary that if this argument works, many of our freedoms could be taken away in the future by making similar arguments for all kinds of things. A steak dinner might have a fine imposed in the future because it makes everyone's insurance premiums jump because a study inducted those who eat steaks, have a 5% higher chance of heart attacks raising medical costs. As far as killing oneself, our government is going down that path by using Obama care to decide what medical treatments are ok to give to patients in their elder years. If a life saving drug costs too much, they may decide to post pone treatment killing the patient. I would like all of us to be free to choose but most others seem opposed. You make very logical arguments and I agree that the cost argument can be used to impose all kinds of restrictions on our daily lives which I don't like. Usually though, most good laws protect public safety if they are good laws in my opinion. Example, illegal to pass on a double yellow line. You might not see a car coming and obeying the law saves innocent lives. What you don't seem to like is that I'm agreeing with if our government is ok with requiring us to pay insurance for cars or Heath care, I'm saying it is ok for them to also impose laws and fines on those raising the costs on everyone else. Many have already accepted the extra costs they pay. Alcohol has sin taxes. Cigarettes have high taxes. I pay between $3 to $5 dollars a bottle for one bottle of beer every time I visit a strip club and rarely complain. I can choose to not pay it by not buying. I can't do that with government imposed insurance requirements. That's also why I think we should do away with required health insurance. The next thing you know, we will have fines and payments for making bad choices as far as eating junk food, etc, etc, like Bloomberg thinking it is ok to add taxes to soda. I don't want to go down that path with Health insurance like we have with car insurance. I don't care for excessive Nanny states. I'd rather do away with lots of laws and requirements. Just remember most people voted for more of the Nanny state by voting for Sanders and Hillary. Republicans can't seem to get anything done via congress. I just heard today anyone who makes less than $75,000 will pay more taxes after these temporary tax cuts expire. Better work at making more money before 2021 or whenever they expire if the senate votes for it. I can believe Democrats will fix things by raising taxes on everyone. Then they will be ok with everyone paying more for sugar, strip clubs, anything they think is not healthy for you. Leave that to President Chelsy Clinton if we continue going down that path. You might even need a permit that costs extra money to buy a case of beer from the grocery store if Chelsy Clinton is voted in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo, Bitcoin Skeptics!
    My acceptable level of risk for diving into cyrpto currencies is maybe what I might spend on one or two nights at a strip club or less.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo, Bitcoin Skeptics!
    I am interested in cyrpto currencies. I just want to learn more before risking anything. I read a story about one guy buying a pizza several years ago with several thousand bit coins. Probably kicking himself years later that he spent what is now worth several million on a pizza because it seemed cool at the time to buy a pizza with bit coin.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A new strip club experience
    If I had a 9 ask me to leave with her and or she could wait a while or she asked me when I was ready to leave anyway, I'd probably take the chance. I'd want to ask her name and get more information though. I was never sure what's up with all the girls wanting to take me somewhere to fuck without any chit chat. Maybe I look real good to 5% of the female population and another 2% of the female population wants to rob me or con me, It's unfortunate that it's hard to tell the difference.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A new strip club experience
    I've only had females single or double females proposition me. Usually there has been no chit chat, just come up to me and how about we go to her place. I find it suspicious. The girls have been fairly young 20's up to maybe 30's. One girl did trick me. I thought she was a dancer and agreed to get a table dance but a bouncer put an end to that real quick by saying she had to work there to be able to dance. Surprised me. I thought she was a dancer. I do not believe every girl who has propositioned me has been a hooker or call girl. Dancers who do that usually want money. The civvie girls never asked for money. I assumed they might have been insulted if I asked them if they wanted money but I guess that would have answered one big question I had when they skip the chit chat and want me to leave with them which I did not do. Among the girls who asked me whom were not strippers, I rate almost all of them a 7 or 7.5. I had a girl at one job I worked at 20 some years ago proposition me one day as well. If she had asked me alone I might have taken her up on the offer but she asked in front of a group of other female workers and I thought it might have been a set up. I wasn't sure though. She seemed serious. This was long before companies started to do all the sexual harassment training stuff. It's possible they found out I was visiting strip clubs and some people may have had a mis perception that any guy visiting a strip club was desperate for sex.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo, Bitcoin Skeptics!
    I think the mass adoption the speaker referred to must have been among those already using digital currencies. What exchanges are you guys using and are you trading or just buy and hold? Which coins or currencies? Anyone buying Dash? I read I may be able to get Steem for free so I'm getting more interested. I also read none are backed by a government and a government could develop a currency and outlaw others making it risky so plan to use pocket change only. Sort of like penny stocks. However I want to learn first.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo, Bitcoin Skeptics!
    Anyone subscribe to the Facebook ad about cyrpto currencies and want to share the names of the 3 currencies in the early mass adoption stage?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo, Bitcoin Skeptics!
    I read the big increases were not going to be in Bitcoin since that is already getting mass adoption but in smaller cyrpto currencies using the Etherum block chain. I didn't want to pay to subscribe to something though. Any tips on alternatives? Supposed you stay away from the early adopters and find the ones in the early mass adoption stage. Bitcoin is already late in the mass adoption stage I read. It will still have good gains but it won't make you a millionaire. So what is everyone else buying?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    Might win support is as likely as a snowball in hell chance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    Mobile devices aren't the best for typing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    One alternative that might win support is that everyone who wants to participate in an otherwise illegal activity like not wearing seat belts, prostitution, in a much different US society, is that everyone who participates pay a tax to offset all the extra costs associated with the activity. In the case for not wearing seat belts, you would have no law but if you say or choose not to wear one either the entire group pays say a $60 extra tax per year as a group or alternative, anyone involved in an injury or death that costs extra money to society pays several thousand more each accident do that premiums are covered for everyone else without raising costs on everyone else. This is not how our insurance system is set up though. The costs are currently spread out to everyone so we all pay higher premiums due to all accidents and injuries.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    I think because we live in a sexually repressed society with puritanical laws, sex is viewed as special and more regulated than other transactions. The puritanical programming certain religious people were taught is that sex in many ways is bad if not controlled and regulated. I myself received this programming going to church services and was taught for instance that sex between gay people is wrong. Many people don't fight what they have been taught or programmed to believe. Many don't care since most people aren't gay for example. We can go into moral beliefs where people think doing something is wrong but people's beliefs are the result of their programs drilled into their brains from an early age. It's not easy to fight your programming. As far as seat belt laws I once read an argument that seemed valid to me. It went something like those who do not wear seat belts increase the costs for everyone else who do with higher insurance premiums. The premiums are higher because of those who feel they don't need to use them and then they have more injuries and deaths as a result increasing costs into everyone else. In that respect since those who choose not to wear seat belts cost everyone else money, it is fair to pass a law which if they violate, fines will be imposed to recoup some of those costs back onto the group of people who are raising insurance premiums on everyone else. In this way, a law for seat belts and fines for violators seems more than fair to me. If I thought overall not wearing a seat belt didn't hurt me at all, I would have opposed the seat belt law in my state but I did not. If self driving cars eliminate insurance premium cost increases due to some not wearing seat belts, then I will think the law is not needed but it will likely stay on the books because not many might care to change it. I could make the same argument against legalizing prostitution if I thought the cost to everyone else or society would outweigh the benefits, it should stay illegal. However I see more benefits on the legal side. Tax revenue could go for useful purposes such as education on std's and roads, education, and testing for std's. Local governments police and undercover could focus efforts and spending on crimes that hurt society instead of enforcing nipple covers in a strip club or worrying if a girl or guy got a better lap dance than they were supposed to. If some guy wants to spend 2000 a visit for a whole year to get sexual activity in a strip club like Greenville SC agents spent instead of finding an escort for much less for instant sex, then that should be there choice. 99% of the public can't afford what agents in Greenville spent to get evidence of sexual activity. I don't expect to see prostitution legalized in the US in my lifetime. Most people don't care about it much in my opinion. I could be wrong. I didn't even know there was a drug opiate problem until I kept hearing it on the news this year.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    This is the end (not by The Doors)
    At least you didn't get permanently damaged by her. So much for her cleaning her act up. Good luck with your future. You won't be supporting her drug use anymore.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    We're currently in a prohibition era. It's all illegal. Some of the tax revenue could go towards those who have problems or addictions. If the overall effect was worse than it is now, then I might be in favor of making it illegal again. However just because 2 people out of 100 have trouble controlling themselves doesn't mean everyone else should refrain from sex. Same could be said for gambling or anything else. Now if those 2 people manage to hurt everyone else, we do need to prevent that. I don't hear anyone calling for a prohibition on cars but I wouldn't be surprised if at some time in the future, some want to ban the ability of people to self drive their own cars. They will claim it will save thousands of lives per year. Would you support banning the ability of anyone to drive their own car without automation?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any men here been sexually "assaulted" by a woman?
    I think I remember reading a story on here about someone dodging breast milk squirting. A dancer was doing some pump action with her boobs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any men here been sexually "assaulted" by a woman?
    Women can do stuff guys can't. I remember in one club, a woman came up to me and said we need more guys like you at my club. I'm a club owner of club xyz whatever. She has her breasts rubbing up against my chest she is so close. Then she hands me 4 passes. Not one guy I remember ever complained about a woman's breasts rubbing up against them. I do remember one guy said he got a black eye from a really hard boob though. He complained.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any men here been sexually "assaulted" by a woman?
    I had some girls whistle at me while walking past a girl's dorm building in college. It was a strange feeling. I did not know who did it. I was all alone so they couldn't have whistled at anyone else. One time in college while walking past a soccer field with some girls practicing, I realized my underwear was too loose when one girl shouted out across the soccer field. Her words "Nice Dick" I have no idea if she knew me from somewhere. Girls do all kinds of stuff and guys like me just take it. Meanwhile some guys in the news do something to some ladies and you hear how horrible they are.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any men here been sexually "assaulted" by a woman?
    I've been grabbed, sucked, and even bitten but I enjoyed most of it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    Here is Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I. Pharrell (Explicit Video) https://vimeo.com/67508707
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    Far East Movement - Like A G6 ft. The Cataracs, DEV https://youtu.be/w4s6H4ku6ZY
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    Daddy Yankee - Gasolina [Official Music Video] https://youtu.be/qGKrc3A6HHM Ode To The Bouncer - Studio Killers https://youtu.be/Lo-EmtXbFRg M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video) https://youtu.be/2uYs0gJD-LE Not really a strip club song here but I like it. Peter Schilling - Major Tom https://youtu.be/N1Hs2AQwDgA Here's a list link of top strip club songs. Top 10 Songs to Strip To https://youtu.be/shfjgRwNcWk
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    [Sucker Punch] Korn Ft.Skrillex & Kill The Noise [HD+HQ] https://youtu.be/ov6gmTHs3zk Korn - Falling Away from Me (Official Video) https://youtu.be/2s3iGpDqQpQ Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar https://youtu.be/QcIy9NiNbmo Korn ft. Skrillex - Get Up (sucker punch) https://youtu.be/VenNcnqeAgQ
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    I saved some links on my ipad. I will post some.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    Some of these laws are on the books and may not be enforced unless someone is out to get someone and they happen to have a connection to a prosecutor or police. In South Carolina, they shut down a 3 billion dollar business with video poker because it was declared illegal. A 5% tax on winnings could have increased revenue for roads and schools saving taxpayers several hundred million a year. We have a serious revenue problem in the US with national debt and liabilities over 100 trillion dollars and most Americans don't realize we are fucked as a nation within a matter of a few years if national growth doesn't increase enough. It could last maximum 10 years before others realize we are fucked if growth picks up a little and tax revenue versus spending doesn't improve. In other words if everyone was taxed 100% on their pay, our government still wouldn't be able to pay all their bills. We as Americans love debating trivial stuff.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do we really want to legalize prostitution?
    It is discrimination against single people or adults to criminalize sex between consenting adults. Legalization would likely reduce some stupid arrests and start lawmakers down the path to become more practical and police would spend more money solving crimes that hurt people rather than enforce some law that says you can't show a nipple in a strip club or fondle someone's breasts even if the adults are ok with it.