Reviews by wellshitman
Casa Diablo Original Blood
2839 NW St Helens Rd
Portland, OR 97210
3 years ago
less than usual, but not terrible
First time back to Casa Diablo since covid. For the most part, they're back to normal it seems, though mostly masked.
Went in right around midnight last Friday. $8 cover to a girl with huge...
8325 SE McLoughlin Blvd
Portland, OR 97202
4 years ago
just staring at lux
So, back in Portland and found myself down in the Milwaukie area around lunch, decided to stop into Acropolis. They've remained semi-open through covid since they're a restaurant, but with all sorts of reductions....and...
Mary's Club
129 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97206
4 years ago
crowded? since when does this place get crowded?
Dropped by Mary's Club on a Friday night a couple weeks ago; they're open at theoretically partial capacity. Last time I was there, there was maybe 1 other guy in. This night, the place...
3 years agoby