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Comments by KatanaBaby

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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Clean Houston Clubs That Hire Black Girls
Thanks for the help you all!
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Clean Houston Clubs That Hire Black Girls
Well their experiences matched the experience I had the first time I worked in Miami. So cumulatively it seemed we all dealt with the same stuff which gave me a fair representation of what I was looking forward to.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Clean Houston Clubs That Hire Black Girls
My grandpa passed away so I had to go to Louisiana instead. The discussion didn't make it feel too promising once other dancers began to chime in though, so I didn't bother rescheduling a trip.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Clean Houston Clubs That Hire Black Girls
Found my old post and I remember now lol. The photo in the tan dress I took yesterday. http://imgbox.com/NXhYriMU http://imgbox.com/Z2YRoT9Z http://imgbox.com/uIhcEMsq
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Clean Houston Clubs That Hire Black Girls
Can you tell me how to post a photo? I have done it once but don't remember.
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8 years ago
avatar for indymovieman
Need advice/suggestions. Is this SS or is she possibly being legit?
LMFAO. First off, you're a DREAM customer. So patient and willing to listen to pretty much ANYTHING obviously. Second, this bitch is CRAY. You need to run the fk away and never look back. Probably should just go ahead and find a new club at this point. From my experience (veteran dancer), this chick is most likely on some type of drugs and can't remember shit you guys talk about an hour after you talk about it. Also, there must be something you've told her about your life that makes her feel that you can "save" her. You must be pretty stable in your livelihood. She feels that the $60-$100 you drop on her is a worthy loss for the big come up she could have if she can become your girlfriend. A new dad for the kids. "Daddy" = pimp in our world so she may be trying to leave him and you may be just the savior to make it happen. Like I said, RUN and don't look back! Find a new club and tell ATF to meet you over there (assuming you give her more than $60 here and there otherwise she won't give a damn that you left lol)
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
DANCER, my grandpa passed so I ended up having to cancel my trip so as not to miss the funeral. Maybe it's fate bc I've heard nothing good here lol. I agree that when I was there I didn't see many girls in the VIP rooms whenever I sold one. I'm going in March now but I suppose it would be smarter to plan for minor work and more of a fun trip with a lil work sprinkled in to pay for some great fun. Makes sense for the girls to work out of the nightclubs as Dominic77 said but I can't bring myself to escort. Sugar daddy is more my flavor. I cant stand Donald Trump but I would love for him to turn this economy around so the money can flow like it used to in 2009 when I was afraid to put my cash in the bank bc it was so much!!! Lol the good ole days!!
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8 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
This is bullshit....we should all file a complaint with hr
Haha wow!! I never knew those even existed, let alone were being sold behind the counters of equipment shops hahaahahaha not that I've ever stepped foot in such a place. I'm sure you can find them online. It's this whole feminism bullshit that's gotten all cool and trendy again. Idk wtf was wrong with staying home with your kids and gossiping with the bitches next door all day. Sound like a dream to me!
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8 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
Hot Door Girls
Lol! You didnt make the rookie mistake. She did! How did she not think you were gonna feel on her titties? lollllll. Good thing she was door girl and not dancer. I
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Dancer95, wow I'm sorry for your misfortune!! Really! That was not my experience the last time I visited Miami. My question was more or less to find out if the unicorn possibly existed--an upscale club that hires curvy black women. Still nope. I have had to build my hustle off lower to mid-tier clubs since I started years ago so that is no challenge for me and while I connect well and hit high profits with older white men, the club I work at in Texas is mostly Mexican. I work with Cuban and Mexican girls here in Tx but the Cuban girls here don't look like the Cuban girls there!! Lol they work like them tho. I did well at Bella's last time, I just found it too late after spending my whole trip getting denied. It's all about adaptation especially for a girl like me who doesn't fit the "ideal". At least you can travel to virtually any other city and work upscale! I go to miami because at least they favor curvy girls there...that's VERY atypical of most places within the entertainment industry.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Thank you. I don't mind for now. I'm bored until work.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Shadowcat, the racial operation in Miami is no different than in Texas so I suppose I'm used to working around it. It's the nature of the entertainment business. Also, last time I was just clueless so I'd like to try again before I dispell the whole place. Also also, I want to go to the damn beach! Lol I've heard great things about Atlanta but if I'm completely honest, I'm just sour about the booty shaking clubs. It's just not my thing. I'm the black girl from the suburbs that had no black friends until college...and even those friends were just like me lol.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Thank you guys for all your input! It is definitely well received and appreciated :) Sflguy--Never been that hungry in my life and Taco Bell ain't real tacos!
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
It's near breast length now tho. Not so long.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
I always wear my hair like in the pic with the dress. Only wear braids for vacation. I'm too dark in complexion to wear lightly colored hair and not look ghetto fabulous.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Well the wax ain't free. I gotta draw the line somewhere.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Bwahahahahaahha no problem, Sflguy. A complimentary butt job coming your way! Do you prefer rubber cement or fix-a-flat??
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Wow!! Thank you so much for that list!! Extremely helpful. I'll definitely give Porthole a try. I will have a car this time. I won't be giving the other clubs a try because the denials can really stab at your morale...especially as a seasoned dancer who knows her assets. I'll be sure to let you guys know how things fare for us!
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8 years ago
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Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Is this site compatible with Tapatalk?
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8 years ago
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Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
San Jose Guy, I definitely will hang around. Thank you for the warm welcome :) Papi Chulo, your description is EXACTLY on point with what I experienced last time I came to work. I stayed for a week and didn't rent a car (ubered it thinking I'd just be going to work and back) but I spent the larger part of the week getting denied until I came across Bella's when I only had 2 days left. I made about $100 more than I would at home but I have to say it was easier than at home. The guys were friendly and liked to chat. So, my friend confirmed she's coming. She is a Mexican spinner--no booty; no tits. It sounds like we won't be able to work together. I don't want to hold her back from greener pastures. Can you include recommendations for her in your list please, Papi Chulo? And maybe a club that you think would take us both, if any?
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Oh goodness. That's definitely a huge consideration. It's an hour drive from where I will be without traffic. I live in overcrowded Austin and I can do without anymore traffic! I'll keep the WPB and Pompano recs as last resort or weekend dayshift. Thanks a lot!
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
I found most of those on the lists I used but I definitely indulge in drinks with my customers so driving an hour after a nightshift is out of the question. That dayshift could be worth a try tho...I don't like to daydrink at work lol
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
The eyeroll was at myself, twentyfive, not you btw lol Also, re: your Tootsies recommendation, they're not keen on hiring black girls of my stature apparently. As of 2 years ago anyway. I'm willing to try again.
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8 years ago
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Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Do the last 3 links I did work? I know my first couple tries were nill.
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8 years ago
avatar for KatanaBaby
Black Dancer Headed For Miami, FL
Those two are the same pic *eyeroll* Here is another: http://imgbox.com/cMjSIGlP