I am headed back to try Miami again. Last time I had to settle for very divey (IMO) Bella's cabaret and KOD (where I lasted one shift). I hope to find better luck this time but I need your help!
I am 5'6" 160 lbs black woman with a very small waist, full hips, and big butt. Natural C cup breasts. No cellulite, no stretch marks, no kids, only 3 very small tattoos in areas that are never visible in club lighting. Straight white teeth, clear skin. I'm educated and proper with a Texas accent (think tv show Dallas, not Beyonce).
Although my body type suggests I would fit in at places like King of Diamonds (where I am already hired), I do not feel comfortable in these clubs. I am a private dancer and my typical clientele are older white men. I'm the type that talks and has drinks with my customers before heading into lap dances or private rooms where we share ample time and info about each other. That's my style and it works for me.
So my QUESTION is, where in God's name can I find my type of clientele but also get hired in the clubs where they frequent as a big booty black girl in Miami? Most managers turn me away before even hearing my voice. Always my struggle.
I'm not sure if that was a serious suggestion, but upon Googling that name, I didn't find any strip clubs. Is that the actual name? Or are you being funny?
Thanks jackslash and JimG, I'll take a look online at that club and also now very interested to hear the infamous Mr. Chulo's input ;p lol
Skibum, that club sure looks like my cup of tea, but I usually can't get past the managers unless I go to apply with a white friend and ride her coattail. >_< It's a bit defeating because I always do so well and stay on the books with clubs for years once I'm hired.
I looked up the Body Club--Formerly called Club Secrets? If that's the correct one, I wouldn't even pump gas across the street from there, let alone show my body. Looks like a rash waiting to happen.
Someone in the (horrific) reviews said Miami Gold has ethnic diversity in a much better club. Anyone been there?
Nevermind, Miami Gold = KOD Jr. From what I see lol
ime, if my friend gets her plane tkt on time that's where I'll be going to apply. She's a tee tiny, fair skinned Latina so I think I could get in with her. I tried 2 years ago by myself and was denied.
You are right about The Body Club it is a fun place but skeevy as hell. If you want some Broward or Palm Beach County suggestions ask, but in Miami, Papi really knows better than anybody.
I'm willing to go only as far as Fort Lauderdale because I'm staying on South Beach. Not sure what cities are in which counties but any suggestions as far north as that point I'm open to :) thank you.
Ft lauderdale is in Broward, pompano also, West Palm is in palm beach county west palm is less than 30 minutes driving from ft lauderdale pompano is 10-15 minutes most are within an hours drive of south beach IMHO Tootsies is the best club to work at because it is the biggest and has the most variety if the girls there didn't do ok they wouldn't be there. AFAiK there are 50-100 dancers on most shifts.
The eyeroll was at myself, twentyfive, not you btw lol
Also, re: your Tootsies recommendation, they're not keen on hiring black girls of my stature apparently. As of 2 years ago anyway. I'm willing to try again.
You look good, let me know where you end up, you might want to try Cheetah in Pompano or Diamond Dolls also in Pompano I'm sure that you would get hired at Vegas Cabaret maybe Goldfingers in Lauderhill. Tootsies in North Miami seems to have a lot of spinners,not sure but it could work, most of the mid tier clubs in West Palm Beach are looking for girls at this time of year you might do well there, Cheetah's in WPB has a great dayshift, There are about 5 up here but Sugar "Ds" is a real ghetto style club ala The Body Shop.
I found most of those on the lists I used but I definitely indulge in drinks with my customers so driving an hour after a nightshift is out of the question. That dayshift could be worth a try tho...I don't like to daydrink at work lol
Most of these Palm Beach County clubs have decent dayshift I personally am much more day or early evening than night, some girls especially the ones who are personable and cultivate regulars do pretty well on daytime, maybe not big dollars but most of the good dancers do from 2-300 daily with an occasional big day sprinkled in. Like I said check them out, I can probably give you good info on the areas I mentioned.
twentyfive gives good advice, KatanaBaby. One thing to consider as twentyfive has talked to me about is the insane traffic going up and down between Miami and West Palm Beach. I've spent a lot of time in So Flo, and it's interesting to put it mildly at rush hour. :)
Oh goodness. That's definitely a huge consideration. It's an hour drive from where I will be without traffic. I live in overcrowded Austin and I can do without anymore traffic!
I'll keep the WPB and Pompano recs as last resort or weekend dayshift. Thanks a lot!
Traffic is a problem but there is much more traffic within Miami than traveling out. Sometimes it's quicker to drive to ft laud. Than to go 3 miles from sobe to Tootsies.
Miami is a different animal - you might as well be going to a different country and that is kinda a running joke which says "I went on vacation out of the country, I went to Miami".
IMO, Miami is not a place to make $$$, stripper or not - Miami:
+ does not have a lot of major industries thus not a lot of good paying jobs - the Miami industry is basically service and tourism oriented which often do not produce high-paying jobs
+ it's kinda pricey to live here (Miami) particularly housing - due to the MASSIVE influx of immigrants (mainly from Cuba but from other places too, and also people moving in from other states) means there is not a lot of housing thus rents and house prices are very high particularly in comparison to avg salaries - thus what you end up with is a fairly high-cost of living and mediocre wages
What the above means is that there aren't a lot of people going around w/ a lot of disposable income willing and/or able to blow-it on strip-clubs - i.e. it's kinda hard to make headway in Miami and these issues also affect strippers in being able to make consistent $$$ and been able to live in Miami. There is also a lot to do in Miami; there's lots of things that one can do for fun that do not include strip-clubs thus further making it harder to make consistent stripping $$$ since one can do many more things to have fun; i.e. in Miami strip-clubs have a lot of competition in the fun-and-entertainment dept.
Anyway - that was kinda an overview of the Miami scene which IMO affects strip-clubs and the ability for strippers to make it in Miami.
In the last 1.5 years or so I've PMed w/ at least 3 out of state dancers w.r.t. dancing in Miami - one was a whitegirl from Detroit, another a whitegirl from NY/NJ area; and one an AA girl from NY - all 3 waned to spend some time in Miami over the winter and all 3 had a rough go of it and were not able to duplicate the success they had in their home area clubs.
On StripperWeb.com I've seen several threads over the last 2 years or so of dancers coming down to Miami and struggling much more than in the area they came from - again Miami is a different animal - below is a recent thread of a dancer complaining about her woes trying to dance in Miami:
There's a lot of clubs in South Florida (SoFlo) but only a handful or 2 where the $$$ potential is good (not to say that one can't make $$$ at any club) - but there seems to be a few factors that make it hard for dancers particularly out of area dancers:
+ like I mentioned, lots of clubs but only a handful or two of good/top clubs - thus a lot of dancer competition to get into those thus from what I've heard from other dancers is not as easy as just showing up and wanting to dance - AFAIK many of the top-clubs already have all the dancers they need so getting hired on the spot is not that easy - I guess if the girl auditioning is a 9+ and better-looking that 90% of the dancers the club already has then probably a good-chance she gets hired on the spot, but if she looks like most of the girls they aleady have on shift they may not be as apt to hire you on the spot
+ so as an out-of-towner is not easy to break in particularly at the better (good $$$ potential clubs) - and as a black dancer it's 5x (or more) harder
In the "Miami is a different animal" context, there are 3000 counties in the whole United States - Miami-Dade county is the 7th largest county in the whole US - so very very densely populated - but this is how Miami-Dade county breaks down ethnically:
+ 65% Hispanic + 20% black + 15% Anglo
Thus you have the 7th largest county (out of ~3000) in the whole United States and "white people" are the minority and a fairly small minority at that.
Thus Miami is dominated by Latinos particularly Cubans - and this is major reason why Miami is a "different animal" and why many out-of-area dancers (white/Anglo or black) have a pretty tough go of it - not to mention it's just a different type of city/environment overall -
As a black dancer, per my observations, your opportunities to land a good club are slim to none - most of the popular Miami clubs hire very few black dancers if any - Tootsies for example is one of the largest clubs around - on a weekend night there can 100+ dancers on shift, and a very good chance you may not see a single AA. I'm a white Hispanic guy but into the chocolate thus I mostly hit the all-black clubs but hit Tootsies from time to time b/c it's a big comfortable fun club to spend a few hours in - the last time I got a dance from an AA at Tootsies was about 2 years ago on mid-shift - I rarely see an AA at Tootsies for me to get dances from (particularly on nightshift) -at best there may be 2 or 3 usually on mid-shift (late-afternoon thru early-eve which is the slowest shift), and even then the black dancers they hire (if you see 2 or 3 on mid-shift, if you see any at all) are the ones w/ "Caucasian features", i.e. thin lips and nose; thin petite figures; etc - i.e. if you are any kinda thick AA, hell pretty much has to freeze over before getting hired at Tootsies as well as many of the popular mixed clubs.
So - that is kinda an overview of the Miami scene - in the next post I'll try to make some "possible" club suggestions.
San Jose Guy, I definitely will hang around. Thank you for the warm welcome :)
Papi Chulo, your description is EXACTLY on point with what I experienced last time I came to work. I stayed for a week and didn't rent a car (ubered it thinking I'd just be going to work and back) but I spent the larger part of the week getting denied until I came across Bella's when I only had 2 days left. I made about $100 more than I would at home but I have to say it was easier than at home. The guys were friendly and liked to chat.
So, my friend confirmed she's coming. She is a Mexican spinner--no booty; no tits. It sounds like we won't be able to work together. I don't want to hold her back from greener pastures. Can you include recommendations for her in your list please, Papi Chulo? And maybe a club that you think would take us both, if any?
IDK what Tapatalk is but TUSCL is pretty rudimentary and does not support anything fancy - if one wants to have a one-on-one convo one uses the PM (private message) feature (the little envelope icon under the person's name).
There are a handful of good-$$$-potential clubs in SoFlo
+ Tootsies - but to get hired as an AA dancer you need to look like a dark-skinned whitegirl, thick w/ a big-booty and big-curves need not apply - slight chance *some* AA dancers catch-on on mid-shift but these are usually "Caucasian-looking" black girls usually on the petite side
+ Scarlett's (Hallandale) - not too far from Tootsies - in my few visits I've actually seen more AA dancers here on nightshift but by "more" I mean maybe 3 or 4 vs often none @ Tootsies - thus slightly better chance than Tootsies but here also an AA dancer would need to look like a "Caucasian w/ dark-skin"
+ Cheetah (Halllandale) - kinda across the street from Scarlett's and also fairly close to Tootsies - I've seen a handful of AA dancers here in the past although my last visit or 2 I did not see any - this club gets a bit more AA clientele than Scarlett's thus a slightly better chance to get hired - it's not a "top club" but gets pretty-good crowds; I mention it b/c it's fairly close
+ Cheetah Pompano - this is in north Broward county - thus more white people and on my limited dayshift visits have seen a fair # of old white men (Broward seems to have a fairly large retiree community) - but here again I've rarely seen black dancers
+ Diamond Dolls in Pompano - pretty good club - consistent client base - I've seen some AAs but probably not more than 3 if any - and again if AA they have "Caucasian features"
+ E11even (Miami) - probably the closest to South Beach - upscale and expensive - gets a lot of the South Beach party crowd - for an AA to get hired she probably needs to be an "11" on a scale of 1-to-10
Those are some of the more popular clubs that get consistently good crowds and thus good $$$ potential.
As an AA dancer you can always try to get into one of those perhaps on their slowest shift but it seems as a long-shot unless you look better than the avg non-AA dancer they already have and these clubs usually already have a good # of attractive non-AA dancers.
About the only mixed-club in SoFlo that I've seen that is AA-friendly is Porthole Pub in Pompano - by no means it's a "top club" - it's a dive-bar w/ naked chicks; but at least IMO has better $$$-potential than the avg black club - Porthole is usually 50% AA dancers sometimes a bit more; but is seems in many clubs that getting hired is often a crapshoot based on which manager is there, etc - some AA girls have told me they've gotten turned-down at Porthole and to me they have looked as good if not better than the avg Porthole dancer - I know a light-skinned dancer that works @ Porthole tell me that she had to straighten her hair in order to get hired; she normally wore braids or a medium-length Pam Grier type afro and they would not hire her w/ that look - so an AA dancer IMO Porthole is the avg-AA dancer's best bet but it's not a "top-club" - and it seems to be that in trying to catch-on at any mixed club as an AA-dancer that she would need to make her self look as less-black/as-Caucasian-looking as possilble (straight hair; nice makeup/nails, etc).
Broward and Palm Beach counties are "less Miami" thus probably may be a bit better fit for non-Latin dancers (white/Anglo or black) - if you are staying in South Beach (SoBe) then it's gonna be a trek to any club even if it's in Miami - the Palm Beach clubs would be too long a drive from Miami and IMO only worth it if you could find a club that is really worth it - Broward clubs are not as far and often farily close to I-95 thus not too bad a drive from SoBe (SoBe to I-95 to Broward-clubs) - if you don't have your own car then it'd be too big an expense hitting Broward or Palm Beach clubs if relying on taxis or Uber/Lyft
As I mentioned, IMO it's much harder to get into the "top clubs" - mixed-clubs where I have seen "some" AA dancers (besides the aformentioned Porthole):
+ Playmates (Miami) - I had seen some AA dancers back about 2 years ago but on my last visit or 2 have not seen any (but i don't visit too often)
+ Pink Pony (Miami) - have seen AAs in the past but I have not visited recently - club is not bad but kinda hit or miss in terms of customer #s
+ 4-Play (Pompano) - near Porthole Pub which I described earlier - a bit nicer club and seems fairly AA-friendly but clientele #s seems hit or miss
+ Vegas Cabaret (Lauderhill) - predominantly AA but not all AA - fairly nice looking club but clientele #s and $$$ potential is hit or miss (and it's a bit far from I-95 thus a bit harder to get to)
All these clubs are hit or miss in terms of getting hired and/or $$$ potential - your desire of the type of club your are looking for is unlikely to be found in SoFlo and it be AA-dancer friendly - but usually outside of Miami-Dade county you find more "white people".
IMO the black club scene in Miami is pretty dismal from a dancer's POV - most of the black clubs are either $5 or $10 dances - and to add insult to injury even at these rock-bottom prices it seems like 3/4 of the custies do not buy dances and prefer to sit, hang, drink, smoke, and listen to the music - IMO it's hard to make good $$$ at a black Miami club other than just some $$$; so it may be a option till something better comes along or an option as it being better than nothing (and some black clubs are slightly better than others) - but for some AA dancers black clubs are just not their thing and often cannot do well in them b/c it's not a good fit for them. Miami Gold has been 2 other black clubs in the past (Black Diamonds; Queen of Diamonds) - it's kinda an upscale black club w/ $10 floor-dances and $25 private dances; but kinda a "KOD junior" as you put it, and it's not been open long so not sure of its $$$-potential and clientele #s.
There is also a new club called Booby Trap on the River - it's a new sister club to Booby Trap Miami - it being a new club I would assume the clientele #s and $$$-potential is probably iffy but I mention it b/c often times new clubs have trouble getting enough dancers are often a bit more open to hiring AA dancers.
You can also look into Vixens in Davie - they are the sister club to Scarlett's - it's a rock-and-roll theme club so not exactly AA(ish) but it's a new(ish) club so perhaps they may be in need of dancers - the clientele #s seems hit or miss as it's often the case with new(ish) clubs.
As I mentioned, Porthole is the best bet for an AA-dancer not wanting a black club; and the other mixed-clubs I listed are worth a shot but much less of a sure thing/hire (but you won't know for sure unless you give them a try).
Wow!! Thank you so much for that list!! Extremely helpful.
I'll definitely give Porthole a try. I will have a car this time. I won't be giving the other clubs a try because the denials can really stab at your morale...especially as a seasoned dancer who knows her assets. I'll be sure to let you guys know how things fare for us!
w.r.t. your Mexican friend - if she has no tits or ass, then she better have a better-than-avg face (at least a '7' or '8' face).
Not all Latinos are the same - most Latinos that people come into contact with outside Miami are often Mexicans; but in Miami it's mostly Cubans - and Cubans and Mexicans are not necessarily the same - Cuban women tend to be on the curvy-side; most-likely b/c Cuba is in the Caribbean so it being in the Caribbean means many Cuban women may have a bit of black in them since there was a huge influx of slaves into the Caribbean during slavery times and black/white mixing was more common in the Caribbean than the US (white Cubans are mainly of Spanish (from Spain) descent) - Mexicans on the other hand have a native-Indian background so it's more native-Indian (from Mexico) mixed with European ancestry.
Thus a Mexican chick just b/c she's "Latin" may not necessarily "click" in SoFlo (particularly Miami).
As I mentioned in my first post, one of 3 dancers I PMed w/ that gave Miami a try was from NY/NJ area - I'd seen some pics of her and she *was* attractive (blond; white/fair skinned; but on the slim petite side) - she was able to get hired at a pretty-good Miami club but told me she was having a hell of a hard time making $$$ - she said back in NY/NJ she had to beat the old white men off w/ a stick but in Miami she said the mostly Cuban clientele would not go for her b/c she was too small/thin and not curvy enough.
So - w/o seeing pics of your Mexican friend I would not know which club would be a good fit - but the cold hard truth is that she would have an easier time getting hired than a more attractive AA; it's just that depending on her look she may not do as well ($$$) and perhaps the less-Cuban Broward clubs may be a better fit for her.
I won't confuse you more by adding to much Papi said but you should definitely go with the straight hair vs the braided hair to get hired as it looks classier.
Also I live in the middle part of Broward County(Ft Laud area) and last week was thinking about going to a WPB club and then discovered on here the closet one is 50 miles away. The beginning of WPB isn't as far but all the clubs are at towards the north end so farther from Miami or Ft Laud then one might think. So from South Beach a crazy long drive to make often.
I frequent Porthole(that might be one reason to stay away) and would use that as one of my last resort clubs if other closer clubs won't hire you or you end up not liking other clubs.
But if I see you I expect a comped BJ for my advice. :)
w.r.t. auditioning at mixed-clubs - besides it being a good idea to wear your hair straight, if you are one to wear a wig or dye your hair then probably a good idea for it to be a light (blond, etc) vs dark, color.
I always wear my hair like in the pic with the dress. Only wear braids for vacation. I'm too dark in complexion to wear lightly colored hair and not look ghetto fabulous.
For the right mix of customers/body type that you're looking for Cheetah Hallandale & Deans Gold may be good fits. If willing to try a black club again, G5ive may be a good fit.
What Papi said is pretty accurate sflguy has a pretty good handle on things as well, except for distances I live in the southern part of Palm Beach County from where i live it's probably 15-20 minutes to WPB clubs same to Pompano and maybe 10 minutes further to the Ft Laud. clubs. Miami is a pretty tough city to get around in from where I come from I can make many of the Miami clubs in an hour or less depending on time of day, but it takes my 45 min-1 hour to get from any of the Miami clubs to either another club or SoBe, the thing to know is that the fewer girls available in the clubs as you go north makes it a better environment for dancers dollar wise and many of the smaller clubs have trouble getting girls. if you read some of the reviews on the site notice how many reviews complain about there were only a few girls on shift, so it stands to reason if a commodity is in short supply with high demand you will get paid better and treated better at those clubs its basically a matter of survival for them, my 3 cents hope it helps.
I get what you are saying - it's just than IME dark colored hair can often make a dark(ish) skinned girl look darker - not saying that's a bad thing and it works for me; but strip-clubs are often bizarro-world
Miami must be a different kind of strip club city. Most elsewhere, clubs hire anybody just to get the house fees. I don't understand why you want to go to a city that doesn't appear to be a money maker for you.
One of my favorite is a Hispanic from Austin. She just came back from a visit there where she worked at Perfect 10 Cabaret. She also made it to Houston for 3 days for the Super Bowl. She has worked in Miami but not at Tootsies. Doesn't like that club. She was considering going down again this year to take advantage of the snow bunnies. Even had a free place to stay in Miami but she decided to stay right here in Atlanta. I'd like to think I had something to do with that. :)
I've partied with Papi in Atlanta 4 or 5 times. It's cool because our tastes are completely different. So we are not competing for the same dancers. He really seems to like the Atlanta black clubs but he will also tell you that Follies is the place for any race dancer to be. He could probably tell you there are better clubs for you here than in Miami.
Shadowcat, the racial operation in Miami is no different than in Texas so I suppose I'm used to working around it. It's the nature of the entertainment business.
Also, last time I was just clueless so I'd like to try again before I dispell the whole place. Also also, I want to go to the damn beach! Lol I've heard great things about Atlanta but if I'm completely honest, I'm just sour about the booty shaking clubs. It's just not my thing. I'm the black girl from the suburbs that had no black friends until college...and even those friends were just like me lol.
Your thread has gotten close to 60-responses and there will probably be a few more - in case you don't know you can go under "My Profile" and "turn off notifications" so your email does not keep getting blown-up every time there's a new post to your thread.
Stay the fuck away from Miami unless you wanna struggle. I went from making 500-1500 per night in the northeast EASILY to leaving in negative or with 0-200$, with occasional 400-500. I have yet to see cheaper fucks than dudes here(no offense to anyone). It's so so so hard to get them to spend even 20 bucks on you. Stage tipping is non-existent, lap-dances are absolutely hard to sell, forget VIP. Local girls allow groping during 10$ table dances so good luck trying to sell 25$ lappers. Too many customers who don't speak English. I was working my ass off in the northeast physically-wise but it was so easy to close the sales. And trust me, I'm far from ugly or lazy. I can't even describe how horrible it is here. I make money off old white men as well but I don't see them here!!! I just don't! If I do, it's not business type guys, it's seriously broke retired type of dudes! There were nights when I didn't sell a single lap-dance. Really. I tried both upscale clubs and mid-tier places so I'm terrified to imagine how bad it is at dives.
Well, you got curves so you will do better than me but if your friend is skinny like me, then forget it. The last club I worked at before coming here was not exactly full of high-rollers but I still had no issues making guys drop 50-200$ each on me. I also worked in a very competitive city and couple of times per week I managed to sell four-figure private room. I heard all these horror-stories about Miami before coming but I assumed I would still make money. Ha. Huge mistake.
I'm going to another S.Fl city soon and if it doesn't work out for me either, I'll get the fuck out of here.
Dancer95, wow I'm sorry for your misfortune!! Really! That was not my experience the last time I visited Miami. My question was more or less to find out if the unicorn possibly existed--an upscale club that hires curvy black women. Still nope. I have had to build my hustle off lower to mid-tier clubs since I started years ago so that is no challenge for me and while I connect well and hit high profits with older white men, the club I work at in Texas is mostly Mexican. I work with Cuban and Mexican girls here in Tx but the Cuban girls here don't look like the Cuban girls there!! Lol they work like them tho. I did well at Bella's last time, I just found it too late after spending my whole trip getting denied.
It's all about adaptation especially for a girl like me who doesn't fit the "ideal". At least you can travel to virtually any other city and work upscale! I go to miami because at least they favor curvy girls there...that's VERY atypical of most places within the entertainment industry.
I do believe you that it was better last year but see, I talked to some local girls and they all keep telling me that it never actually picked up after the summer. One girl even told me that it was even better last June. I bring guys to lap-dance rooms and it's always very few other strippers dancing inside them. Same with VIP rooms. I just don't see lots of them to be sold, at all. So I know it's not just me. I'm sure it would be way better if it was busy as usual but... Fuck, I can't describe how much I regret coming here, lmao. I'm getting the fuck out to another state soon.
Try E11even, I guess. From what I heard, it's the most lucrative club right now in Miami. I saw some curvy black girls there.
I feel you on being limited in your club/city options though. Unfortunately I can't travel to all places as well but for another reason.
I didn't see curvy black girls at Rachel's but I know a girl who got hired at Monroes. She's white but waaaayyyy thicker than you. She tried it once but it was too far away from her to drive to but she felt like it did have some earning potential. It was last year though.
Just FYI as a tourist who stayed in Miami once for 4 days on South Beach. I was curious about the strip clubs but I did not know of Tuscl and its reviews back then. So I relied on word of mouth and asked around. A couple cab drivers, hotel staff front desk, door man, a few locals working the resort Fontainebleu Miami Beach). That sort of thing. Not one person said the clubs were worth while.
Every single person cautioned me for various reasons and some where quite mean spirited (they're all Cuban immigrants, none of them are hot at all, they're all 5s and lower, can't speak English) and instead everyone pushed the night clubs (what we're all the white and AA girls are at, all the hot girls either hookup for free or freestyle there as escorts, trust us if their hot they'll work the night clubs, only girls not hot enough for night clubs work in strip clubs, etc). You get my drift.
I really think the Miami hospitality industry is trying to push tourists to the NCs at the expense of the SCs. I perhaps trusted my guides too much. That was my experience in Miami and South Beach in Nov 2013.
DANCER, my grandpa passed so I ended up having to cancel my trip so as not to miss the funeral. Maybe it's fate bc I've heard nothing good here lol. I agree that when I was there I didn't see many girls in the VIP rooms whenever I sold one.
I'm going in March now but I suppose it would be smarter to plan for minor work and more of a fun trip with a lil work sprinkled in to pay for some great fun. Makes sense for the girls to work out of the nightclubs as Dominic77 said but I can't bring myself to escort. Sugar daddy is more my flavor.
I cant stand Donald Trump but I would love for him to turn this economy around so the money can flow like it used to in 2009 when I was afraid to put my cash in the bank bc it was so much!!! Lol the good ole days!!
The night clubs were very shark-y and not fun. I don't recommend it. The LIV night club was the worst (inside the Fontainebleu). Very predatory and competitive. You can't even keep your seat/table or stand of men aren't spending enough $$ dollars per minute on liquor. They aren't shy about moving you or booting you, cover or no.
I'd stick with the SCs. And if I'd go back myself I'd stick to the SCs too.
I just mention it because it think the hospitality industry promotes it. Not because I personally recommend it.
There's only one strip club in Miami Beach and it's a tourist-trap not worth visiting - since you were staying in South Beach perhaps the locals just wanted to promote the local scene vs strip clubs in Miami (since Miami and Miami Beach are 2 different cities)
Well,Dominic, they were right for the most port. Girls indeed are almost all Cubans here who speak very poor English and while lots of them are cute, I expected Florida strippers to be hotter.
last commentI'm not sure if that was a serious suggestion, but upon Googling that name, I didn't find any strip clubs. Is that the actual name? Or are you being funny?
Papi Chulo is a member here and he loves black dancers and he lives in Miami
If there was ever a question right up Papi's alley, it's this one.
Don't worry. I'm sure The Godfather of the Miami strip club scene will chime in soon and will steer you in the right direction.
Skibum, that club sure looks like my cup of tea, but I usually can't get past the managers unless I go to apply with a white friend and ride her coattail. >_< It's a bit defeating because I always do so well and stay on the books with clubs for years once I'm hired.
Someone in the (horrific) reviews said Miami Gold has ethnic diversity in a much better club. Anyone been there?
ime, if my friend gets her plane tkt on time that's where I'll be going to apply. She's a tee tiny, fair skinned Latina so I think I could get in with her. I tried 2 years ago by myself and was denied.
Can't type some info for you right now but will a bit later in the afternoon.
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Here is another:
Also, re: your Tootsies recommendation, they're not keen on hiring black girls of my stature apparently. As of 2 years ago anyway. I'm willing to try again.
I'll keep the WPB and Pompano recs as last resort or weekend dayshift. Thanks a lot!
Don't hesitate to start posting on our running threads. This forum benefits when we have female members.
IMO, Miami is not a place to make $$$, stripper or not - Miami:
+ does not have a lot of major industries thus not a lot of good paying jobs - the Miami industry is basically service and tourism oriented which often do not produce high-paying jobs
+ it's kinda pricey to live here (Miami) particularly housing - due to the MASSIVE influx of immigrants (mainly from Cuba but from other places too, and also people moving in from other states) means there is not a lot of housing thus rents and house prices are very high particularly in comparison to avg salaries - thus what you end up with is a fairly high-cost of living and mediocre wages
What the above means is that there aren't a lot of people going around w/ a lot of disposable income willing and/or able to blow-it on strip-clubs - i.e. it's kinda hard to make headway in Miami and these issues also affect strippers in being able to make consistent $$$ and been able to live in Miami. There is also a lot to do in Miami; there's lots of things that one can do for fun that do not include strip-clubs thus further making it harder to make consistent stripping $$$ since one can do many more things to have fun; i.e. in Miami strip-clubs have a lot of competition in the fun-and-entertainment dept.
Anyway - that was kinda an overview of the Miami scene which IMO affects strip-clubs and the ability for strippers to make it in Miami.
In the last 1.5 years or so I've PMed w/ at least 3 out of state dancers w.r.t. dancing in Miami - one was a whitegirl from Detroit, another a whitegirl from NY/NJ area; and one an AA girl from NY - all 3 waned to spend some time in Miami over the winter and all 3 had a rough go of it and were not able to duplicate the success they had in their home area clubs.
On StripperWeb.com I've seen several threads over the last 2 years or so of dancers coming down to Miami and struggling much more than in the area they came from - again Miami is a different animal - below is a recent thread of a dancer complaining about her woes trying to dance in Miami:
There's a lot of clubs in South Florida (SoFlo) but only a handful or 2 where the $$$ potential is good (not to say that one can't make $$$ at any club) - but there seems to be a few factors that make it hard for dancers particularly out of area dancers:
+ like I mentioned, lots of clubs but only a handful or two of good/top clubs - thus a lot of dancer competition to get into those thus from what I've heard from other dancers is not as easy as just showing up and wanting to dance - AFAIK many of the top-clubs already have all the dancers they need so getting hired on the spot is not that easy - I guess if the girl auditioning is a 9+ and better-looking that 90% of the dancers the club already has then probably a good-chance she gets hired on the spot, but if she looks like most of the girls they aleady have on shift they may not be as apt to hire you on the spot
+ so as an out-of-towner is not easy to break in particularly at the better (good $$$ potential clubs) - and as a black dancer it's 5x (or more) harder
In the "Miami is a different animal" context, there are 3000 counties in the whole United States - Miami-Dade county is the 7th largest county in the whole US - so very very densely populated - but this is how Miami-Dade county breaks down ethnically:
+ 65% Hispanic
+ 20% black
+ 15% Anglo
Thus you have the 7th largest county (out of ~3000) in the whole United States and "white people" are the minority and a fairly small minority at that.
Thus Miami is dominated by Latinos particularly Cubans - and this is major reason why Miami is a "different animal" and why many out-of-area dancers (white/Anglo or black) have a pretty tough go of it - not to mention it's just a different type of city/environment overall -
As a black dancer, per my observations, your opportunities to land a good club are slim to none - most of the popular Miami clubs hire very few black dancers if any - Tootsies for example is one of the largest clubs around - on a weekend night there can 100+ dancers on shift, and a very good chance you may not see a single AA. I'm a white Hispanic guy but into the chocolate thus I mostly hit the all-black clubs but hit Tootsies from time to time b/c it's a big comfortable fun club to spend a few hours in - the last time I got a dance from an AA at Tootsies was about 2 years ago on mid-shift - I rarely see an AA at Tootsies for me to get dances from (particularly on nightshift) -at best there may be 2 or 3 usually on mid-shift (late-afternoon thru early-eve which is the slowest shift), and even then the black dancers they hire (if you see 2 or 3 on mid-shift, if you see any at all) are the ones w/ "Caucasian features", i.e. thin lips and nose; thin petite figures; etc - i.e. if you are any kinda thick AA, hell pretty much has to freeze over before getting hired at Tootsies as well as many of the popular mixed clubs.
So - that is kinda an overview of the Miami scene - in the next post I'll try to make some "possible" club suggestions.
Papi Chulo, your description is EXACTLY on point with what I experienced last time I came to work. I stayed for a week and didn't rent a car (ubered it thinking I'd just be going to work and back) but I spent the larger part of the week getting denied until I came across Bella's when I only had 2 days left. I made about $100 more than I would at home but I have to say it was easier than at home. The guys were friendly and liked to chat.
So, my friend confirmed she's coming. She is a Mexican spinner--no booty; no tits. It sounds like we won't be able to work together. I don't want to hold her back from greener pastures. Can you include recommendations for her in your list please, Papi Chulo? And maybe a club that you think would take us both, if any?
+ Tootsies - but to get hired as an AA dancer you need to look like a dark-skinned whitegirl, thick w/ a big-booty and big-curves need not apply - slight chance *some* AA dancers catch-on on mid-shift but these are usually "Caucasian-looking" black girls usually on the petite side
+ Scarlett's (Hallandale) - not too far from Tootsies - in my few visits I've actually seen more AA dancers here on nightshift but by "more" I mean maybe 3 or 4 vs often none @ Tootsies - thus slightly better chance than Tootsies but here also an AA dancer would need to look like a "Caucasian w/ dark-skin"
+ Cheetah (Halllandale) - kinda across the street from Scarlett's and also fairly close to Tootsies - I've seen a handful of AA dancers here in the past although my last visit or 2 I did not see any - this club gets a bit more AA clientele than Scarlett's thus a slightly better chance to get hired - it's not a "top club" but gets pretty-good crowds; I mention it b/c it's fairly close
+ Cheetah Pompano - this is in north Broward county - thus more white people and on my limited dayshift visits have seen a fair # of old white men (Broward seems to have a fairly large retiree community) - but here again I've rarely seen black dancers
+ Diamond Dolls in Pompano - pretty good club - consistent client base - I've seen some AAs but probably not more than 3 if any - and again if AA they have "Caucasian features"
+ E11even (Miami) - probably the closest to South Beach - upscale and expensive - gets a lot of the South Beach party crowd - for an AA to get hired she probably needs to be an "11" on a scale of 1-to-10
Those are some of the more popular clubs that get consistently good crowds and thus good $$$ potential.
As an AA dancer you can always try to get into one of those perhaps on their slowest shift but it seems as a long-shot unless you look better than the avg non-AA dancer they already have and these clubs usually already have a good # of attractive non-AA dancers.
About the only mixed-club in SoFlo that I've seen that is AA-friendly is Porthole Pub in Pompano - by no means it's a "top club" - it's a dive-bar w/ naked chicks; but at least IMO has better $$$-potential than the avg black club - Porthole is usually 50% AA dancers sometimes a bit more; but is seems in many clubs that getting hired is often a crapshoot based on which manager is there, etc - some AA girls have told me they've gotten turned-down at Porthole and to me they have looked as good if not better than the avg Porthole dancer - I know a light-skinned dancer that works @ Porthole tell me that she had to straighten her hair in order to get hired; she normally wore braids or a medium-length Pam Grier type afro and they would not hire her w/ that look - so an AA dancer IMO Porthole is the avg-AA dancer's best bet but it's not a "top-club" - and it seems to be that in trying to catch-on at any mixed club as an AA-dancer that she would need to make her self look as less-black/as-Caucasian-looking as possilble (straight hair; nice makeup/nails, etc).
Broward and Palm Beach counties are "less Miami" thus probably may be a bit better fit for non-Latin dancers (white/Anglo or black) - if you are staying in South Beach (SoBe) then it's gonna be a trek to any club even if it's in Miami - the Palm Beach clubs would be too long a drive from Miami and IMO only worth it if you could find a club that is really worth it - Broward clubs are not as far and often farily close to I-95 thus not too bad a drive from SoBe (SoBe to I-95 to Broward-clubs) - if you don't have your own car then it'd be too big an expense hitting Broward or Palm Beach clubs if relying on taxis or Uber/Lyft
As I mentioned, IMO it's much harder to get into the "top clubs" - mixed-clubs where I have seen "some" AA dancers (besides the aformentioned Porthole):
+ Playmates (Miami) - I had seen some AA dancers back about 2 years ago but on my last visit or 2 have not seen any (but i don't visit too often)
+ Pink Pony (Miami) - have seen AAs in the past but I have not visited recently - club is not bad but kinda hit or miss in terms of customer #s
+ 4-Play (Pompano) - near Porthole Pub which I described earlier - a bit nicer club and seems fairly AA-friendly but clientele #s seems hit or miss
+ Vegas Cabaret (Lauderhill) - predominantly AA but not all AA - fairly nice looking club but clientele #s and $$$ potential is hit or miss (and it's a bit far from I-95 thus a bit harder to get to)
All these clubs are hit or miss in terms of getting hired and/or $$$ potential - your desire of the type of club your are looking for is unlikely to be found in SoFlo and it be AA-dancer friendly - but usually outside of Miami-Dade county you find more "white people".
IMO the black club scene in Miami is pretty dismal from a dancer's POV - most of the black clubs are either $5 or $10 dances - and to add insult to injury even at these rock-bottom prices it seems like 3/4 of the custies do not buy dances and prefer to sit, hang, drink, smoke, and listen to the music - IMO it's hard to make good $$$ at a black Miami club other than just some $$$; so it may be a option till something better comes along or an option as it being better than nothing (and some black clubs are slightly better than others) - but for some AA dancers black clubs are just not their thing and often cannot do well in them b/c it's not a good fit for them. Miami Gold has been 2 other black clubs in the past (Black Diamonds; Queen of Diamonds) - it's kinda an upscale black club w/ $10 floor-dances and $25 private dances; but kinda a "KOD junior" as you put it, and it's not been open long so not sure of its $$$-potential and clientele #s.
There is also a new club called Booby Trap on the River - it's a new sister club to Booby Trap Miami - it being a new club I would assume the clientele #s and $$$-potential is probably iffy but I mention it b/c often times new clubs have trouble getting enough dancers are often a bit more open to hiring AA dancers.
You can also look into Vixens in Davie - they are the sister club to Scarlett's - it's a rock-and-roll theme club so not exactly AA(ish) but it's a new(ish) club so perhaps they may be in need of dancers - the clientele #s seems hit or miss as it's often the case with new(ish) clubs.
As I mentioned, Porthole is the best bet for an AA-dancer not wanting a black club; and the other mixed-clubs I listed are worth a shot but much less of a sure thing/hire (but you won't know for sure unless you give them a try).
I'll definitely give Porthole a try. I will have a car this time. I won't be giving the other clubs a try because the denials can really stab at your morale...especially as a seasoned dancer who knows her assets. I'll be sure to let you guys know how things fare for us!
Not all Latinos are the same - most Latinos that people come into contact with outside Miami are often Mexicans; but in Miami it's mostly Cubans - and Cubans and Mexicans are not necessarily the same - Cuban women tend to be on the curvy-side; most-likely b/c Cuba is in the Caribbean so it being in the Caribbean means many Cuban women may have a bit of black in them since there was a huge influx of slaves into the Caribbean during slavery times and black/white mixing was more common in the Caribbean than the US (white Cubans are mainly of Spanish (from Spain) descent) - Mexicans on the other hand have a native-Indian background so it's more native-Indian (from Mexico) mixed with European ancestry.
Thus a Mexican chick just b/c she's "Latin" may not necessarily "click" in SoFlo (particularly Miami).
As I mentioned in my first post, one of 3 dancers I PMed w/ that gave Miami a try was from NY/NJ area - I'd seen some pics of her and she *was* attractive (blond; white/fair skinned; but on the slim petite side) - she was able to get hired at a pretty-good Miami club but told me she was having a hell of a hard time making $$$ - she said back in NY/NJ she had to beat the old white men off w/ a stick but in Miami she said the mostly Cuban clientele would not go for her b/c she was too small/thin and not curvy enough.
So - w/o seeing pics of your Mexican friend I would not know which club would be a good fit - but the cold hard truth is that she would have an easier time getting hired than a more attractive AA; it's just that depending on her look she may not do as well ($$$) and perhaps the less-Cuban Broward clubs may be a better fit for her.
Also I live in the middle part of Broward County(Ft Laud area) and last week was thinking about going to a WPB club and then discovered on here the closet one is 50 miles away. The beginning of WPB isn't as far but all the clubs are at towards the north end so farther from Miami or Ft Laud then one might think. So from South Beach a crazy long drive to make often.
I frequent Porthole(that might be one reason to stay away) and would use that as one of my last resort clubs if other closer clubs won't hire you or you end up not liking other clubs.
But if I see you I expect a comped BJ for my advice. :)
One of my favorite is a Hispanic from Austin. She just came back from a visit there where she worked at Perfect 10 Cabaret. She also made it to Houston for 3 days for the Super Bowl. She has worked in Miami but not at Tootsies. Doesn't like that club. She was considering going down again this year to take advantage of the snow bunnies. Even had a free place to stay in Miami but she decided to stay right here in Atlanta. I'd like to think I had something to do with that. :)
I've partied with Papi in Atlanta 4 or 5 times. It's cool because our tastes are completely different. So we are not competing for the same dancers. He really seems to like the Atlanta black clubs but he will also tell you that Follies is the place for any race dancer to be. He could probably tell you there are better clubs for you here than in Miami.
Sflguy--Never been that hungry in my life and Taco Bell ain't real tacos!
Also, last time I was just clueless so I'd like to try again before I dispell the whole place. Also also, I want to go to the damn beach! Lol I've heard great things about Atlanta but if I'm completely honest, I'm just sour about the booty shaking clubs. It's just not my thing. I'm the black girl from the suburbs that had no black friends until college...and even those friends were just like me lol.
I was working my ass off in the northeast physically-wise but it was so easy to close the sales. And trust me, I'm far from ugly or lazy. I can't even describe how horrible it is here.
I make money off old white men as well but I don't see them here!!! I just don't! If I do, it's not business type guys, it's seriously broke retired type of dudes! There were nights when I didn't sell a single lap-dance. Really. I tried both upscale clubs and mid-tier places so I'm terrified to imagine how bad it is at dives.
Well, you got curves so you will do better than me but if your friend is skinny like me, then forget it.
The last club I worked at before coming here was not exactly full of high-rollers but I still had no issues making guys drop 50-200$ each on me. I also worked in a very competitive city and couple of times per week I managed to sell four-figure private room. I heard all these horror-stories about Miami before coming but I assumed I would still make money. Ha. Huge mistake.
I'm going to another S.Fl city soon and if it doesn't work out for me either, I'll get the fuck out of here.
Told ya Papi Chulo would fill you in on the scene. Lol.
It's all about adaptation especially for a girl like me who doesn't fit the "ideal". At least you can travel to virtually any other city and work upscale! I go to miami because at least they favor curvy girls there...that's VERY atypical of most places within the entertainment industry.
I do believe you that it was better last year but see, I talked to some local girls and they all keep telling me that it never actually picked up after the summer. One girl even told me that it was even better last June. I bring guys to lap-dance rooms and it's always very few other strippers dancing inside them. Same with VIP rooms. I just don't see lots of them to be sold, at all. So I know it's not just me. I'm sure it would be way better if it was busy as usual but...
Fuck, I can't describe how much I regret coming here, lmao. I'm getting the fuck out to another state soon.
Try E11even, I guess. From what I heard, it's the most lucrative club right now in Miami. I saw some curvy black girls there.
I feel you on being limited in your club/city options though. Unfortunately I can't travel to all places as well but for another reason.
I didn't see curvy black girls at Rachel's but I know a girl who got hired at Monroes. She's white but waaaayyyy thicker than you. She tried it once but it was too far away from her to drive to but she felt like it did have some earning potential. It was last year though.
Every single person cautioned me for various reasons and some where quite mean spirited (they're all Cuban immigrants, none of them are hot at all, they're all 5s and lower, can't speak English) and instead everyone pushed the night clubs (what we're all the white and AA girls are at, all the hot girls either hookup for free or freestyle there as escorts, trust us if their hot they'll work the night clubs, only girls not hot enough for night clubs work in strip clubs, etc). You get my drift.
I really think the Miami hospitality industry is trying to push tourists to the NCs at the expense of the SCs. I perhaps trusted my guides too much. That was my experience in Miami and South Beach in Nov 2013.
I'm going in March now but I suppose it would be smarter to plan for minor work and more of a fun trip with a lil work sprinkled in to pay for some great fun. Makes sense for the girls to work out of the nightclubs as Dominic77 said but I can't bring myself to escort. Sugar daddy is more my flavor.
I cant stand Donald Trump but I would love for him to turn this economy around so the money can flow like it used to in 2009 when I was afraid to put my cash in the bank bc it was so much!!! Lol the good ole days!!
I'd stick with the SCs. And if I'd go back myself I'd stick to the SCs too.
I just mention it because it think the hospitality industry promotes it. Not because I personally recommend it.
I'll stick with strip clubs. Thank you very much.
There's only one strip club in Miami Beach and it's a tourist-trap not worth visiting - since you were staying in South Beach perhaps the locals just wanted to promote the local scene vs strip clubs in Miami (since Miami and Miami Beach are 2 different cities)