
Comments by MilaniCashhh (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @lopaw she's so fucking hot..I want a shot at her too, goddamn.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hey Desertscrub, I'll Be In Detroit, Where Do I Go For Extras?
    @flagooner So that's what that taste is!!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hey Desertscrub, I'll Be In Detroit, Where Do I Go For Extras?
    @shaylinn Was your masculinity threatened when a girl made a joke towards you? Like I said, Victory Inn is the place for you buddy <3
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @flagooner fuckin' bitchez
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    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @flagooner I BET IT WAS FUCKING LULSWORTHY!! We hate that shit but I know some guys get a good laugh out of it xD
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    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    Let me rephrase, strippers can do extras and OTC but then they're not just strippers anymore*
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    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @SJG I get what you're saying but I also know a lot of dancers who are clean and refuse OTC, ever...and make a lot of money. The top earner at my club is a lesbian who does not accept OTC experiences, even to the extent of dinner. She clears at least $1,000 a night on weekends and that's excluding stage tips. I don't do OTC anymore or extras. What one has to realize is that going OTC makes you an escort in terms of sex workers and doing extras is prostitution/escorting in most states by law and by terms of sex workers. Strippers don't do extras and they don't go OTC, it's not what a stripper is. A girl going OTC and giving a GFE is an escort, even if she doesn't consider herself to be one (or if you have too much pride to call her one)..she provides the same services as an escort at whatever cost she decides. She's a stripper...and fucks you in exchange for material or financial gain? That is an escort or your sugar baby. Sure, she may be successful but it's two different beads on the same thread. Most of the people I've seen comment on here would probably chew my asshole for me saying that but in the land of sex workers, I calls it likes I sees it. So, I completely disagree that going OTC or doing extras is what makes you a "successful stripper"....being down to fuck is arbitrary if you are truly a good dancer. YES, I made more money when I was doing those things BUT the money I made in the club from actually "being a stripper" didn't really change THAT much. Honestly, I hate talking about the OTC/GFE/Extras shit because I don't do it anymore, have strong opinions about it (that aren't negative, they just are rose colored), and I charged way more than what I see people claiming to pay on here and from what I've heard people have claimed to pay...so, it's a topic I tend to stray from..Especially here, most contributes seem to want OTC or extras so it's a lot of bias on both ends. Sometimes I miss escorting and sugaring though, twas fun..good money. TLDR; I disagree.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    Naturally beautiful women (IMO) look best with makeup that accentuates their features, rather than recreating their face entirely. Naturally fuggly women should use as much makeup as possible to help them even out those features that are unfortunately, unfortunate. I've seen the unpainted faces of dressing rooms...some of those "cake faces" NEED to be caked. We just want to feel beautiful in a society that tells us we never will be unless we alter how we look. I don't like the cake face look but right now, it's really trendy in the cosmetology world.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    I look at guys who tip while I talk to them as a sign of respect for my time. Guys who don't tip me while I talk to them, I consider to be people who do not respect me/my time/my presence...or are simply broke and/or do not find me attractive so I should leave lol. -Hm, I agree. Being a successful dancer requires to some degree a "bohemian lifestyle" or mindset. When I was younger, I was very "fast" and "free" which has given me a lot of experience and perspective that many of the women I know who are my age (21). As far as sex, do you mean just wanting to fuck or being willing to do extras, OTC, GFE, etc? sure, I'll comment on the thread!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most expensive lap dance price shown on TUSCL for straight lap dance
    @Govikings...I understand, they're garbage. I'm saving up for a car right now and once I finally get my wheels, I'm going to check out some other places. I like Rouge for what it is and where it is, it's the best club I've ever worked at as far as treatment from staff and customers, along with dancer relationships. Being a customer, I fully understand why not many like it and why some are hesitant or unwilling to get lapdances and stuff. If you ever stop by, definitely hit me up..It's fun with the right peoples!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @GoVikings 1. Well, if I ever catch you at Rouge..I know what NOT to say, huh? :) 3. I agree..nothing turns me off more than a beautiful woman with no personality or a bad attitude. 4. Second response for trashy! I think I've gotta try this look out. I always stick to looking fancy..I need to ratchet it up, huh? 7. Wow, learn something every day! That's awesome...I like feet too :3
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @twentyfive...Uh, that'll cost you! *holds out garter* ;) Yeah, I'm one of those assholes!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @SJG Bohemian lifestyle? Do elaborate! I work in VA so things are probably a bit different. Where I work, talk is treated like a waste of time. Girls always tell me, if he doesn't buy a dance by song #3, he's a waste of time. I take my own approach but things can be fast paced, there's a lot of hustlers at my club. I've wasted too many nights having "good convo" with dudes who wasted so much time. I gotta stop being so nice about it, so that's on me anyways. It's always nice finding that customer who tips, has good conversation, and sets up a space where I actually feel comfortable with emotional divulging..but, usually I had at least a glass of wine.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @digitech Thanks for your response on 5. I have been considering trying to bimbo act on for size but i feel like It would ultimately just be bad acting. I think I might ditch that tactic.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @lopaw 1. FUCKIN RIGHT. 3. Dude, I get this completely. I never understood the regulars shit. Strippers are psycho and regulars seem to either want to be the boyfriend or the dad. 4. I agree on this completely. Sometimes I love one, sometimes the other. Also, some girls can just rock ANYTHING and be gawwwwjus. 5. LMFAO! I wouldn't be! I work with a girl right now who is literally the cutest idiot I've ever met. Hearing her talk kills my brain cells :p 7. Too bad, I love kissing feet...I'm a dirty little sub tho, bahaha.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @HolaTX Leaning in is a good one. That body language!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @flagooner...hahah, I work in mental health....How did I miss the signs?!?!?! I guess it's all becoming clearer now.
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    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @SJG...okay, I might get gushy on this one. Honestly, I think it's actually extremely awesome that you recognize to be a good dancer, it does require a level of intelligence and observational skills..especially to be a CLEAN dancer that does well. I feel like a lot think we are dumb and that stupidity is solely what landed us in clubs (although, I think some stupidity lands ANYONE in a strip club lol). With the unwillingness to open up emotionally, I think it's hard to be open as a dancer in the club. We are subject to so much scrutiny..who wants to be judged on how they feeeel? I'm not suggesting you would but the fear is there, you know? Emotional vulnerability in a strip club can be dangerous for either party.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    Thank youu! I am very much a woman, well..I was since the last time I checked!! I used to lurk SW but it's so dead and the majority of it is bitching. I think this site is awesome because it's not often I can converse with men who LIKE strip clubs and dancers but also allow them some kind of anonymity. Plus, I get to lurk on all the "guy talk" :O 1. hahahaha! That is the WORST and I won't lie...I've dropped the "WANNA DANCE?!" on one toooo many guys. We all have to start somewhere, right? 2. Best seat in the house, IMO. 3. YES..all three are CRUCIAL. 4. I always go for the upscale stripper look but I've been thinking about trying "trashy stripper" on for a size. 5. Intellectual conversation from a dumb bimbo? God...sounds like the dressing room and I already have a headache! 6. Well, you must be under 50 then xD <3 7. Good. Maybe it's just us then, hahaha.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most expensive lap dance price shown on TUSCL for straight lap dance
    @GoVikings If you call it working!! Hahaha, just kitten....that is my place of twerking as of lately.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @shailynn The free time of forum trolls is astounding, lol. I would hate my life if I was so deprived of basic human interaction that I would need to make multiple accounts on a strip club forum...fuck. Sounds worse than stripping 7 days a week.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    @SJG- Ouch, horrible pick up line! Aw, you like brains and personality..where can I find more like you? Send them to my club in droves PLEASEEEE! *bats eyelashes* DFKing is great BUT you know what I mean xD
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most expensive lap dance price shown on TUSCL for straight lap dance
    hahaha, I work at Club Rouge! I even think the dances are expensive there. It sucks :( I've been on a dancer-cation so my memory is foggy but we don't even offer an $80 dance price. Cheapest is a $20 2-for-1 or $65 for a one song dance 'full contact' dance. If I'm not mistaken, the Paper Moon in RVA has like $50 air dances and $100 15min dances that are in a tiny chair and behind a translucent curtain. I'm pretty sure that place is the most expensive I've heard of. My strip club experience is limited though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best clubs close to DC.
    DC and VA clubs are garbage. Baltimore is the move. Hustler or Gold club for fancy overspending, the goddess for a literal brothel.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OTC Checkpoint
    My SD took me to a fancy as hell hotel in DC for some fun after dinner. I was 18/19 at the time and he was definitely climbing past 50, and I always looked sexy as fuck when we went out. Anyways..we get to this hotel and he goes to check in. I kind of HATE when guys don't have a room reservation first and I have to check in with them because it's so obvious. I'm young and most PLs I have had OTC experiences with are old farts. On the other hand, I guess I like it because I'm a fuckin slut and I fuckin love it..but in fancy DC hotels, it can be weird. I decided to hang back a few feet and let him take care of everything, he asked for one night and the woman at the desk looked at me, back at him, me again, and then to her co-worker, and what looked like her manager on the other side. The manager kind of gave her what looked like a nod of approval and then she handed him the room keys. The security guards who saw us go up to the hotel, nodded at me when they saw me walk out alone. I've gotten weird looks, glares, nods or approval/disapproval but nothing every outwardly said. If any hotel staff ever accused me of escorting or being a prostitute just because I checked in with a guy, you best believe I'd sue the fucking shit out of them.