
Comments by Glockv1911

  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Thursdays are Better than Wednesdays
    Accurate review. Sorry to hear VIP is going up. About 3 years ago it was $150 for 15minutes or higher (depending on girl) and YMMV. Unless someone DM or openly states otherwise, I understand VIP is just a longer private lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    100% smash. The walk was the clincher. Hey...isn't that a celebrity?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    The face? Isn't that what they invented bags for? But seriously. Girl walking around like that.....how much trouble or STD are worth it?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    What’s the best pickup line to use on a stripper
    Excuse me Miss, I think you dropped something....my jaw.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Nikki Haley defeated Donald Trump in the Washington, D.C. Republican primary!
    I'd like to point out that Carter only served 1 term. Is he running? I'd vote for him.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Nikki Haley defeated Donald Trump in the Washington, D.C. Republican primary!
    DC has 3 electoral votes......Trump is feeling the hurt.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Parking Lot Interceptions
    Oh! This is a tangent but still applies. I wrote a review of a place just south of Baltimore. A guy was in the club with a backpack of money. I called him a baller. He made it rain a few times on girls. Definitely dropped $1k in singles during the night. That was a HUGE red flag for me. That basically invites a mugging IN the club. Hell, I could have pulled it off. Slam, Grab, Run. I don't have a problem with guys making it rain and taking all the girls because of their money. But a backpack full of cash...it doesn't take long then people are in the parking lot hitting up people for money or a serious crime happens. I stopped going there for a while.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Parking Lot Interceptions
    @caseyx & @PuddyTat69 Valid points. There are layers of security. Preempt things off by big & tough looking is a lizard brain level deterrence. The strategy is least effort with best reward. Vulnerability markers: Drunk, on your phone, distracted, 'out-of-towner', etc. There is martial strategy here: Violence of action or plan against vulnerable opportunity. Wearing glasses and on your phone? Person times it right and shoves you from the darkness. You are 1) night blind from phone 2) glasses fell off 3) discombobulated or on your ass 4) You're Late because you start Orient Observe Decide Act (OODA loop). Unless you have preternatural ability from hard training...which we don't, it is way way easier to start OODA loop and deterrence BEFORE hand...you don't look easy. Something still might happen, but hey, you're not starting blind and face down in dirt. There's a very good book: "Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence" and various articles by Marc McYoung. The biggest positive from 'some' martial arts is strategy, 2nd is an advantage in a 'fair fight'. And to sound like an 80s action movie cliche "There's no fair fight or honor in the street". ...I'll see myself out.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Parking Lot Interceptions
    In sc parking lot, I have not. Elsewhere, yes. Although, I have seen people approached and guy heading to the club approached me and warned me "watch out, that guys selling drugs". Through some various means (working security at conventions...I'm not a Navy Seal), I've picked up on some cues that deter that kind of event. 1) Parking lot lighting. 2) Visible security presence (bouncer outside or as seen at a Ohio club, fake cop looking cars) 3) area of town Here's what I always do: 1) Pay attention to people when parking (guys heading into club? Loitering? Cars parking and running? Other cars moving around) 2) Once parked, "What are people doing?" (someone walking my way? Someone watching me?) 3) Head on a swivel exiting vehicle and approaching club. Don't walk past/near guy loitering in the parking lot for no reason. 4) Carry a small yet bright flashlight. Other than really useful, someone approaches me-flick it on at their face "Hey buddy, whats up?" and I relocate myself. Person is temporarily night blinded, have a question in their head, and I'm in a different location. Best case: It pauses them and interrupts any attempt to mug me and I make like a tree and LEAVE. Worst case: "Ouch dude, my eyes. I dropped my keys." I'm a paranoid type. What makes a person a target here? 1) Cash is being carried by everyone 2) It's night 3) People can be expected to be horny/drunk 4) If something happens, embarrassment prevents people from calling the cops or attention (at the office "uh yeah, nothing happened this weekend. Oh this bruise? I uh...tripped")
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass
    Pass. Because of nails.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    The big secret revealed
    @Hank Despite not seeing any, I believe fights have happened there. You're 100%, the math leads to inevitable conclusion. We shouldn't drop our guard out there. re: rooms. YMMV. My experience was fun, but not the level that others might have had. @groundball Np. I won't state my direct source here, but you can DM and we'll chat. @BubbleYum As I said, I probably crossed a line posting this.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Man-cave feel, with friendly people, and relatively ok prices.
    @captainfun: Thank you. Honestly, reviewers make a valid point that the story is irrelevant to reviewing the place and I'll adjust for future reviews. Re: girl, Not certain about reluctance. I didn't push the issue, so perhaps I seemed ambivalent? Based on observed behavior, she was a total flake. So zero surprise that she didn't follow through.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Weekday Review of McDoogals - More Dancers on Weekdays
    I talked with the owner/manager regarding the baller display. He mentioned a detail that might explain why security/bouncer is not so high. Or rather, it actually is.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good bartenders. Girls are hot. Prices are NOT!
    @doctorevil About same price as 4 years ago? Ridiculous. @59 You're both right. I've got no valid excuses or justification for tipping after mediocre dance. Perhaps I wanted to teach myself a lesson? It does only encourage it. I'm a dense idiot and will slowly correct myself.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Day shift delight
    No individual VIP rooms? Pointless.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Season Change, back to Regulars (no Ballers?)
    @bman77 The main thing seems to be big Holidays. 4th of July, Thanksgiving & Christmas/NYE. That's what I gathered from statements of the girls. Could they be more accurate or observant to determine a trend? Sure...and with that capability they'd also be gainfully employed elsewhere. They aren't strippers because of their brains. @groundball Totally dropped the ball. I've never gotten a dance with her, but mmmmmm sexy librarian. I want to experience it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Prices up! Transitioning due to ballers.
    @Moneyman1234 I don't disagree, a wise man on this site stated "it's a fantasy". I included that detail because it happened and others write about it. But I totally view it as tactic/game to get repeat customers. Many girls use instaG. Keeps pulling in steady cash. But then again, maybe I'm perfectly fine with spending $50-$100/week on a girl. Cheaper than online dating.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Relaxed place, but prices going up. Because of ballers?
    @Pussylicker2 Technically, you are correct. However, I've already reviewed this location at least once and provided a description of the physical layout. Seems to be during weekends LD at $40 and rooms are $200. A little steep for me.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Decent, not wonderful, Question about "regular".
    Thanks all for you feedback, I welcome advice on etiquette from the most basic to the more nuanced.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Super athletic stripper...and a clean bathroom.
    @ATACdawg Apologies and thank you for the correction. It was pitch black during my visit and I didn't venture further.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Feels like a blue collar locals bar, not my scene
    Reviewing my own thoughts, I did feel like I could take a group of friends there just to chill, shoot the shit, and have a few drinks. My definitely flaw was different expectations going into the place. Flat out, I was being judgmental. I was in the mood for a different vibe. I said what I said, and I know what kind of place it is. If I'm interested in that, I will go there. No problems with the staff or people there. My mind was just stuck in a different place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    All You Need Is One Girl to Make the Evening Fun
    Liked the story, but this lacks details.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice Club , Nice women , Good vibes ... Rubbish prices
    Seems a bit pricey, is this the new normal? Anyone have a benchmark comparison? I mean, yeah I'd prefer $20-40 per song.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Wednesday Average Talent but Fun Dances
    Exterior description matches previous experience. Blonde sounds familiar, seems like she overcharged. How much was quotes for Champagne room? And what was the literal message conveyed? By that I mean was it a vague phrase like "it will be worth your while"/"We can have fun" or something specific? It simply easier to know how bad you're getting hustled.