Haley is just a RINO like Romney. While she brought in some good manufacturing to SC, she also allowed the CCP to buy land/farms in SC. She is a big neo-conservative, serving on Raytheon's board, for example.
Raytheon profits by selling Patriot missiles for $3M a shot to target $10K drone. Take a look at Planatir's AI platform developed 20 years ago protect platforms like PayPal from crackers (google it up you lazy PLs) w/NVIDA chips to build a fast offensive plan and use focused microwave to blast the semis in cheap drone. An intense uWave weapon system cost a few Dollars to use over and over without reloading missiles. And, it doesn't affect humans, and doesn't need to hit dead on - it can cover a large area several miles out to toast the semis in a drone to let it just drop out of the sky.
Eisenhower warned in the 1950s, 70 years ago, about the military-industrial complex and the Lobbyists lavishing Congress with bennies for expensive weapons systems. Look up Army Swarm Drones that can cover a large area - city - send back data to an AI Planatir platform juiced with NVIDA GPU chips and POOF you have a battle plan in literally minutes.
I don't own NVIDA or Planatir stock, wish I did. Look up on YouTube Army Drone Swarms. Planatir is a cheap, excellent, real AI solution for warfare.
Hedy Lamarr came up with DSS (Digital Spread Spectrum) in the 1940s for communications literally on a cocktail napkin, the Pentagon laughed, and it wasn't until the 1960s the Pentagon decided to give it a go. We use DSS in all kinds of communication devices today for citizen and military.
My point is. Haley is just a neo-con to send/waste BILLIONS to the military-industrial complex, when a lot of really slick inexpensive solutions are available today for the geeks in Silicon Valley.
Haley and Romney are Republicans. Trump isn't a Republican and barely qualifies as an American. A vote for Trump is a vote for President Kamala Harris and the reason Biden got through so much of his destroy America plans is because Trump gave the Senate to the Democrats. Trump is a traitor and so is everyone who votes for him and those who vote for any Democrats at all, are as well.
Trump shits in a diaper, wears a hard plastic girdle and wears three inch lifts. Then their his hair and makeup. And his “wife” doesn’t even sleep in the same room with him.
So, out of a whopping 1950 voters in the epicenter of political corruption in the U.S., 1200 of them voted for Nikki Haley.
And, you're celebrating this?
Hungry is the perfect dipshit and reason enough to never vote for a democrat. What a douche and a pretty fucking stupid one at that. No woman would fuck the douche for any amount of money; ever.
Whatever. If she’s still in the race by the time Maryland has its primary I’ll vote for her. If she wins the nomination I’ll vote for her in the general. But we know how this turns out. Biden v. His Magasty and I have no choice but to vote for Biden.
^ BTW the majority of folks he has endorsed have lost as well, including most of the special elections held to replaced retiring or fired replacemen candidates.
No Stanley cup champion has ever won a regular season football game, which is just as meaningful as winning the popular vote. How pathetically lame is focusing on the meaningless popular vote. It's the same as putting on a dress and claiming to be female.
Biden ran for President three times before he even won a primary, so you're a big fan of a total loser. His Vice-President was the 5th choice of California voters in the Democratic Party primary, so you're a fan of the losers he picks because it's tough to find anyone dumber and less articulate than he is. At least I don't like Trump. By the way the popular vote in presidential elections means jack shit. People who think it means anything simply do not have even a rudimentary understanding of our political system. Start with reading the 10th amendment.
^ That's simply put, your own opinion, it's the wrong opinion, you are a fan of the real loser, that's Trump BTW, you can't escape the facts, despite your denials. Thinking the popular vote doesn't mean any thing is not only stupid, it's a sign of a real lack of understanding of the American political system, you make all the idiotic proclamations you like, the only poll and opinion that will actually count will be on Tuesday November 5, 2024, you'll have your rebuttal after that date.
I will vote for Biden because he is an American, not like your buddy Putin's ass kisser, Donny Draft Dodger, the scumbag who's gotten every advantage America has to offer, yet admires facists and communists like Putin and other criminals..
last commentI think some right wingers are smarting up. Haley will beat Biden if Biden doesn’t die first. Trump is too big a risk in such a winnable race.
Haley is just a RINO like Romney. While she brought in some good manufacturing to SC, she also allowed the CCP to buy land/farms in SC. She is a big neo-conservative, serving on Raytheon's board, for example.
Raytheon profits by selling Patriot missiles for $3M a shot to target $10K drone. Take a look at Planatir's AI platform developed 20 years ago protect platforms like PayPal from crackers (google it up you lazy PLs) w/NVIDA chips to build a fast offensive plan and use focused microwave to blast the semis in cheap drone. An intense uWave weapon system cost a few Dollars to use over and over without reloading missiles. And, it doesn't affect humans, and doesn't need to hit dead on - it can cover a large area several miles out to toast the semis in a drone to let it just drop out of the sky.
Eisenhower warned in the 1950s, 70 years ago, about the military-industrial complex and the Lobbyists lavishing Congress with bennies for expensive weapons systems. Look up Army Swarm Drones that can cover a large area - city - send back data to an AI Planatir platform juiced with NVIDA GPU chips and POOF you have a battle plan in literally minutes.
I don't own NVIDA or Planatir stock, wish I did. Look up on YouTube Army Drone Swarms. Planatir is a cheap, excellent, real AI solution for warfare.
Hedy Lamarr came up with DSS (Digital Spread Spectrum) in the 1940s for communications literally on a cocktail napkin, the Pentagon laughed, and it wasn't until the 1960s the Pentagon decided to give it a go. We use DSS in all kinds of communication devices today for citizen and military.
My point is. Haley is just a neo-con to send/waste BILLIONS to the military-industrial complex, when a lot of really slick inexpensive solutions are available today for the geeks in Silicon Valley.
You can look all this stuff up.
Yawn. Meanwhile Trump took Missouri, Idaho, and the rest of Michigan.
Stop talking politics post pics of her tits or ass
Does DC even have convention delegates? It is also about 75% Democrat. DC doesn't have full voting congressional members in Congress.
Haley and Romney are Republicans. Trump isn't a Republican and barely qualifies as an American. A vote for Trump is a vote for President Kamala Harris and the reason Biden got through so much of his destroy America plans is because Trump gave the Senate to the Democrats. Trump is a traitor and so is everyone who votes for him and those who vote for any Democrats at all, are as well.
Raw votes were around 1200 for Haley and 600 for Trump. Turnout like a student council election at a decent-sized high school
A vote for Trump is a victory for Putin.
DC has 3 electoral votes......Trump is feeling the hurt.
Trump shits in a diaper, wears a hard plastic girdle and wears three inch lifts. Then their his hair and makeup. And his “wife” doesn’t even sleep in the same room with him.
I'd like to point out that Carter only served 1 term. Is he running? I'd vote for him.
So, out of a whopping 1950 voters in the epicenter of political corruption in the U.S., 1200 of them voted for Nikki Haley. And, you're celebrating this?
Hungry is the perfect dipshit and reason enough to never vote for a democrat. What a douche and a pretty fucking stupid one at that. No woman would fuck the douche for any amount of money; ever.
So what?
Whatever. If she’s still in the race by the time Maryland has its primary I’ll vote for her. If she wins the nomination I’ll vote for her in the general. But we know how this turns out. Biden v. His Magasty and I have no choice but to vote for Biden.
^ Biden is going to win and all of the MAGA folks can thank Donald J. Trump, who has never actually won the popular vote in any election.
^ BTW the majority of folks he has endorsed have lost as well, including most of the special elections held to replaced retiring or fired replacemen candidates.
No Stanley cup champion has ever won a regular season football game, which is just as meaningful as winning the popular vote. How pathetically lame is focusing on the meaningless popular vote. It's the same as putting on a dress and claiming to be female.
^ Bullshit, now you’re just making up shit Are you a secret Trump fan
^^BTW Trump lost 2 of three elections using your calculation and being a winner 33.333% of the time makes him a loser 66.333% of the time
Biden ran for President three times before he even won a primary, so you're a big fan of a total loser. His Vice-President was the 5th choice of California voters in the Democratic Party primary, so you're a fan of the losers he picks because it's tough to find anyone dumber and less articulate than he is. At least I don't like Trump. By the way the popular vote in presidential elections means jack shit. People who think it means anything simply do not have even a rudimentary understanding of our political system. Start with reading the 10th amendment.
^ That's simply put, your own opinion, it's the wrong opinion, you are a fan of the real loser, that's Trump BTW, you can't escape the facts, despite your denials. Thinking the popular vote doesn't mean any thing is not only stupid, it's a sign of a real lack of understanding of the American political system, you make all the idiotic proclamations you like, the only poll and opinion that will actually count will be on Tuesday November 5, 2024, you'll have your rebuttal after that date.
I will vote for Biden because he is an American, not like your buddy Putin's ass kisser, Donny Draft Dodger, the scumbag who's gotten every advantage America has to offer, yet admires facists and communists like Putin and other criminals..
"^^BTW Trump lost 2 of three elections using your calculation and being a winner 33.333% of the time makes him a loser 66.333% of the time"
What about the other 0.33...% of the time? 😅
^Roundup I do mean the weed killer 👻