avatar for SmellyPooper

Comments by SmellyPooper

review comment
6 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
Close but no cigar
Wow, the tone around here has changed. Prices have been reflected in earlier reviews, but a 15 min dance was in the $100-125 range plus/ tip. Non-alcoholic drink (I was driving) was something like $2.25, encouraging a tip of 75¢.
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Best compliment you've gotten from a stripper
"You're pretty smart." After asking her to wait for next song to start first lap dance and then to let me know when each new dance started. "You've got a [nice/good/sexy] voice." Prerequisite for the job. "No! It's gorgeous the way it is." From a hairdresser by day/bachelor-party stripper by night, after a comment that I was planning to dye my silvering hair due to professional concerns. Of course, that one may have been just SS. Maybe not. Don't care. I liked hearing it.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for UGK.22
Atlanta ,GA
Value Town Down In Atlanta
lmfao who painted the 1st 15 chapels?
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for dirtyfilthyluv
Rachel's South in Orlando
Although its a longer drive with more traffic, several Tampa clubs are much more reliable than those in Cocoa Beach. And if you want your car washed, Orlando has a couple of bikini car washes that do a damn fine job. If you go to the on on 436 near Full Sail, they have night hours on the weekends where they wash your ride for free and you just tip the girls. (Don't be an asshat. TIP THE GIRLS!) They wear bikinis so you dont see as much as the pasties clubs but they dancing they do while washing your ride is about as good as any other O-town air dance. Haha.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
Started Ok then CHECK PLEASE!
Haha. I'll plead the 5th on that.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
Somewhat Better Experience Than the Last Time
But she wasn't even grinding. She was bouncing up and down like she was riding a pogo stick. And with her inept dancing, she had no reason to worry about me having any degree of wood she might accidentally bump.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for joewebber
it's autopilot
A reverse invasion of Miami? Might finally give me a reason to return to Tootsies! :D
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
What's wrong?
Thanks for all the advice & comments but they sound like I wasn't clear. I really didn't try to ask what I was doing wrong I've been a PL for nearly 30 years haha. I know I broke rule #1 by asking the 1st girl for a dance. Normally I dont approach any girl, because if she isnt approaching me then shes not trying to sell me a dance & isnt going to try very hard during it. I was really trying to find out if others found something off about Follies for a few months last year or was I the only 1. Did the Cuban invasion I've read about in many reviews actually chase away the above average girls who used to work @ Follies? Did it change the level of mutual contact that used to be the norm? Or was that something that LE or management did? More importantly is Follies really back to the its old normal or is it now closer to par with other clubs around the country? & dont mistake my disagreement for disrespect @Papa_Chulo but this isnt Tootsies or IRC or Mons here its Follies. What is truly impossible for $10 virtually anywhere else in the cuntry used to be just another Tuesday at Follies. I just didnt know if those days were gone for good or are back now?
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
Worth another try
close "Up" & "Leg" sorry for the confusion
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for fla_funmeister
Miami Florida
Seems like a dancer starter club
Okay, but why is a review for Cheaters on the Lido page?
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for RegularDude
Prepared to be hustled
Haven't been to this hole in a number of years, but that's exactly how I remember it. In fact, the girl will act all hurt (don't you like me?) if you don't buy the drink for her. Don't fall for it.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for TomCecconi
That's So Raven
Just tell her you're in the mood to try some of the other girls this visit. Do that on enough visits and she'll get the hint. Hell, ask her for a recommendation. That way, it's up to her whether to be flattered or get offended that you asked. If that's too hard, get one $10 dance before you ask her to recommend another dancer.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for izahanky
First time back in years
See, it's not just me, folks. Others have found the same thing I did. Talent quality has decreased significantly, and many just sit there messing with their phones, waiting for someone to ask for a dance them. Entitlement mentality. (If a dancer isn't motivated enough to sell me on getting a dance, I sure don't expect them to be motivated enough to give me a good one if I ask.) I'm not finding this problem at other clubs, regardless of dancer age or club location. It's poor management. End of story.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for winex
You won't get laid, but you might get screwed
vu says that the manager will deal with the overcharging issue. However, in my case, I got a lecture on how to negotiate better (tell them "$20, take it or leave it.") YMMV.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for SmellyPooper
Put a Fork in it - This Place is Done!
ROFL, vu. 1) I visited at least 5x in previous 2 years, 3x less than 6 mos earlier, and 2x earlier that same week. Was never asked to prepay for any beverage until that night. Maybe that's policy, maybe it's not. I am just reporting what happened. 2) I never threatened anything. If your manager said otherwise, he was inaccurate. I only mentioned TUSCL once and that was to explain the origin of the term "PL," which your manager had never heard. And I never tried to "get exactly what [I] wanted" b/c I didn't want anything. I had already written off my visit at that point and simply wanted to report to management exactly why and how your establishment failed to separate me from my money that night in hopes that my next visit might be better. 3) I never got crude in the club and only got rude w/ your manager after he got rude with me. Suggesting that perhaps my being "rude and crude" as a reason your contractors did not approach me is illogical (in what way was I rude or crude to people who were not talking to me?) and serves only as an attempt to deflect from the real issue - your dancers are ignoring customers to the financial detriment of themselves and your establishment. Period. 4) I understand you cannot legally tell contractors HOW to do the job. But as employer you have every right to define WHAT the job is and that gives you the ability to place certain restrictions on what your contract employees do in work areas. If they are on their phones or standing around ignoring customers, then they are not doing the job and you have the legal right to deal with that accordingly. To suggest otherwise is just rationalizing poor management. The bottom line is that you are doing yourself and your customers a disservice by asking for feedback and then dismissing it because you find dealing with the problems unpleasant or difficult. And you are alienating your customer by making excuses to the customer's face. As the customer so alienated, I have found that another club in the area is better at providing a typical, enjoyable SC experience. I will be going there from now on.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for winex
You won't get laid, but you might get screwed
Nailed it.