
Comments by jojojo897 (page 2)

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    8 years ago
    Define ATF
    I'm curious as to how long you know a dancer before you label her as an 'all time favorite/current favorite'? Or maybe you automatically define her based on how you start actively seeing her on a routine/regular basis. In my two newbie months at the club scene, it feels like finding a 'favorite' is like a goal or achievement to accomplish. I've taken dances from a total of five dancers thus far. A petite Latina who is just fun to be around with her cheerful personality. A thick Asian/Latina who has a natural beauty but with strict rules. A petite Latina/Black who is sexy and rough in her own style. A petite Asian mix who is wild and adorable that I connected best with. A tall Black beauty who is the most intelligent that gave the most contact. The funny thing is that every time I come back, the last lady I've had my dances with wouldn't be working the night which is how I'm just experiencing a different dancer each visit. I'm probably close to finding a favorite at this club but unless I achieve an experience that both the petite Asian mix and tall Black beauty would actually coincide...then I may have to check out the other local clubs. Still a long road until that happens though especially when I'm not sure if I've had their full experience based on a single visit. However, I may just take it for what it is and enjoy my time at this local club because of the convenience of having the bouncers/hosts/bartender know me. Can't beat the 3-5 minute local drive either.
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    8 years ago
    How many dancer's numbers are on your phone?
    Received my second number last night after the first number flaked on me with trying to meet back up at the club. I'm beginning to notice why trying to be a regular can somehow not work...and I only seen her twice lol. Although, I think I read somewhere that broken promises are a given in the club world. Going to see if this new current favorite will flake on me too.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How many regular customers does your fav have?
    @JohnSmith69 Still learning the ropes. I'll keep that in mind on future outings. Luckily the dancer I asked didn't seem to find it creepy or offensive but we all know that could be a mask. Although it could have been the way I brought it up in the first place "Such a fine lady like yourself must have a lot of regulars..." Oh well, it is what it is. She seems to be looking forward to seeing me/my wallet again. Thanks for the heads up.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How many regular customers does your fav have?
    Is there's an actual definition for a 'regular'. For example... How often you visit. How much you spend. How long you stay. How far your mileage. How definite are extras. ...and who usually makes it known first on labeling a regular...the dancer or customer? As a new club goer, I don't see myself as a regular. Although if I keep up with my routine then I can see that changing. So far I've seen a dancer only twice in a span of one month while only spending around ~$300 on her each time. Some may think that's too much considering the low mileage and no extras but I've been really enjoying her lap dances and personality as oppose to two other dancers I tested out. I plan to see her again this weekend which she expects since I contacted her if she would be available. The conversation did come up about the amount of regulars she has. I was told "I don't have any regulars." I told her that "I find that a bit surprising." Anyway, I'll just continue to enjoy my fantasy and not worry about what's true or not.
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    ITC Radius To You (Questionnaire)
    @lopaw - Thanks for the heads up on the additional sites to look around. The club itself that I visited did seem like a good place to start. Although my pathetic loser ass may continue to visit it every couple of weeks or so since I ended up creating a current favorite after she gave me her number and a stack of VIP entrance cards. I'll move on once I start hearing the 'stripper shit'.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    ITC Radius To You (Questionnaire)
    I'll need to visit more clubs around LA then since my local Deja Vu doesn't seem to even come close with 'extras'. Like everywhere else though, you start making some decent mileage depending on how deep your wallet is and how often you visit. I'd appreciate any club recommendations but I'm still on the fence about 'extras' in general since I'm still a newbie.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer entitlement approaching dancer disrespect
    Disrespectful but not surprising. The disrespect comes from both sides whether a dancer does what Papi_Chulo has described or customers treating dancers like shit. There will always be contradictions. Just recently, a dancer wanted to give me her number to keep in touch so that I knew when she was dancing. The next day I go ahead and text her on what weekend day she would be dancing again. I've yet to see any reply/response. As curious as I am, I tried to search the number only to learn it seems to originate around the San Francisco area when we're here around Los Angeles. I'll hold my breath for now but I feel that's also some sort of disrespect if it's a fake number. What else is new though...?