
Comments by Imamutt (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper with a good boyfriend?
    I am the absolute best stripper boyfriend.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    stripper stereotypes
    Poor judgement in men. Choose me!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Customer Accuses Me of Watching Lap Dance
    Estafador, Not saying it is any one thing. It is a package deal and it all does affect how a person might come across to others. Man, yes, clubs are usually pretty dark. Smile next time so we can see you. You might have guessed, I'm a mutt and by definition, that makes me black too, even if I don't look it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Customer Accuses Me of Watching Lap Dance
    Estafador, You said it. Maybe you are not doing something right. I never said I was tall, I'm right at 6', big, fit, not fat, built like a bull, not like a buck, thick, hairy, virile, knuckle draggin' ape man lookin', mo fo. Worked hard, played hard all my life. There is so much more to being 'seen' than height, build and appearance - character, experience, spirituality, confidence, attitude and much more come into play, but everyone knows that... right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Have I been getting substandard blow job services?
    Tongue on shaft and/or knob at all times, hands are for other things. The worst bj I ever had was fooking great though!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Customer Accuses Me of Watching Lap Dance
    Actually it was vip, but it is pretty open at this club and designed more for comfort than privacy. My only mistake was voluntarily moving as an act of consideration toward someone who was obviously unworthy of the benefit of my generous nature. The guy fabricated a lame excuse to tip a five to the best dancer there after she entertained him through at least 3 songs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Customer Accuses Me of Watching Lap Dance
    Oh, yeah, there has been a time or three that a fav has gotten so wild on me, everyone in the club stopped what they were doing to gawk at us !!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Missing stuff. :(
    Play classical music and read poetry to the kid in utero. Please. More kids ought to be born smiling!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Territorial ATF Cuts In On Competition
    Anything is possible, and yes, it has been a great ride so far. I never thought I'd get caught up, but here I am. The fact is that dancers are people who are so accustomed to being objectified and so used to selling a fantasy, trust is hard to establish. Now she is taking the initiative, time will tell...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Territorial ATF Cuts In On Competition
    Actually, her aggression was a real turn on. Even if misguided, that moment of passion was really hot. But the true motive seems pretty clear. Thanks!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Territorial ATF Cuts In On Competition
    Great input here! I'm not deluded into thinking we have a real 'relationship'. I am extremely loyal and very selective, so there may be something more than just a 20- dance at stake, power, ego, marking territory. Maybe I am a jealously guarded 'trophy'. I'd like to think there may be some possibility of genuine mutual affection there.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's your sexual fetish?
    I actually have three: Eating pussy, and then of course, there is eating pussy, and the other one is eating pussy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Splenda Daddies.....
    Splenda Daddies, I like that. I have worked for several clubs, and been a regular customer as well. I have gotten acquainted with several dancers in and out of the club. So, now I am getting a little older. I have a great wife who is more than happy for me to get out once in a while. There is a dancer I see on occasion. She is a beautiful and fun companion. If we go out, I pay our way. If we stay in, I furnish everything. Sometimes I give her a little money, not a lot. I don't have the means to gift her houses, cars, and precious gems. Splenda Daddy, it is.