
Territorial ATF Cuts In On Competition

I go to the club for one reason, to see my fav. For lack of better words, It's Complicated. We've been really good to each other for some time, but lately I have been feeling taken for granted. I am patient, I know she's there to make money, and she's really good at working the room and keeping a few guys on the hook at all times. The other dancers know who I'm there for, and though I tip them on stage, they don't expect more from me.
But lately I have been warming up to another, and when I went over to the stage to tip her, my fav left a customer to force me away from the stage for a dance, then afterwards goes over to talk to my new interest.
Could it be genuine jealousy, or is she just concerned that another dancer will get 'her money'.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    She is jealous that another dancer will get what she considers is her's.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    It's not genuine jealousy... she doesn't want "her" money to dry up, AND in the jr high school-level politics among the strippers, the other girl "wins" if she can score you.

    Among your choices here are to be scared and intimidated and passive aggressive, and just let things kind of play out while complaining about it. Or, just tell your fave casually and in a friendly matter-of-fact manner, "I want to do dances with some other girls just for variety, hope you don't mind", or similar. I personally fire dancers who try to work the room and keep a few guys on the hook at the same time, she's either with me while I'm there, or I'm moving on to a stripper who is -- but I go during dead times, I don't pay enough to be able to expect that kind of treatment on a busy nightshift
  • Eagle1191
    9 years ago
    That dancer is seriously looking to prevent other girls from getting your money. I do not like dancers who are possesive like that as it can cause stupid trouble in the club which is suppose to be a fun place.

    Might want to sit her down and lay down the rules or remind her that you are not her boyfriend or exclusive customer.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Like Subramna said, you just need to tell her that you're looking for some variety that night. The dancers all to to understand it when you use the word variety. She may not "like" but she'll "deal" with it. Learn to control your space better and get dancers from whomever you want.

    go back and go get some dances with the new one.
  • jaredlucas
    9 years ago
    Very interesting. Been seriously at having SC fun for about 1 year. Have spent way too much money but have Secured an ATF that rocks!

    We have modest ITC club fun ( by comparison) to TUSCL VETs for standard VIP fees, but no extra $$ beyond Standard VIP entry and dance fees.

    Also "date" Outside the club 2-3 times per month for no extra fees. Sort of like a civvy, but better since I know how much fun ITC can be. Of course, I pick up the tab for all OTC fun.

    Recently we had a threesome VIP dance in a nuetral club and ever since she has been taking longer to reply to texts ( 1-2 days ) I think she was a little put off by enthusiasm of the 3 way dance. In either case she is now doing what started the original post. - blocking other gals from having any fun with me

    Yestersay had a couple of very aggressive dances on the floor ( never had floor with her before) and VIP went to a new level. definitely think she is marking her territory which is fine but am puzzled by Her change in texting and ITC.

    Should I ask her what's up or just keep on enjoying the show.

    What a dilemma ha ha

  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @Subra is right yet again... the don't care about you in the genuine sense. But competition among themselves benefits the customers
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    jaredlucas-->"Should I ask her what's up or just keep on enjoying the show."

    Great story, I've met some strippers like that -- they respond to any lapse in your attention by seriously delivering the goods. I've also met the opposite -- they see your attention shifting, they give up and move on. Most strippers are somewhere in between.

    My advice is, you should look at this through exactly one lense: am I enjoying this or not? If you're enjoying the increased mileage, that's great, keep enjoying it, and now you know how to manipulate her to get a little kicker now and then :) If at some point, even despite the greater mileage, you're not enjoying it as much or want more variety, then do what I said above: just tell her outright in a respectful matter-of-fact but clear and firm manner.

    If you're enjoying the ride, I absolutely would not bring it up with her right now
  • Imamutt
    9 years ago
    Great input here! I'm not deluded into thinking we have a real 'relationship'. I am extremely loyal and very selective, so there may be something more than just a 20- dance at stake, power, ego, marking territory. Maybe I am a jealously guarded 'trophy'. I'd like to think there may be some possibility of genuine mutual affection there.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    In a strip club everybody plays with everybody and there is no place for jealousy. I have lots of favs but there are only a few that I pay enough money spend the whole evening with just me. Most have to circulate the room at some point because I'm not willing to pay them enough to spend the entire evening with just me. I don't get jealous when they dance for other guys because I understand that's their job, and that's how strip clubs work. By the same token, they can't get jealous of me getting dances from other strippers. That's how clubs work, everybody plays with everybody.

    If your dancer doesn't get this, then you need to explain it to her. If she's free to play with other customers while you are at the club, then you are free to play with other dancers. Most dancers except the very insecure ones understand this. If a dancer is too possessive and won't stop then I would either stop seeing her, only see her OTC, or start going to another club for a while.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    AFAIK *nobody* likes their $$$ to be fucked with
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    -->"I'd like to think there may be some possibility of genuine mutual affection there. "

    That's good news -- she would like you to think that, too, so everything is going according to plan. She's probably reading this thread in her hideout, which is buried in a volcano somewhere, petting her white long-haired cat and saying, "Eggselent, Mr Tinkles... it's all going according to plan"

    In all seriousness, you probably won't listen, but fantasizing about "genuine mutual affection" is not harmless ... many times, it gives guys a warped optic that lets them misinterpret her actions, and they end up getting hurt in the end. If you must fantasize about genuine mutual affection, a more realistic model might be the affection you have with YOUR favorite customer at work. He might be your favorite customer, and you might enjoy seeing him in the context of him paying you, but you have absolutely no inclination to socialize with him in any way outside work, and if you changed jobs, you'd have no interest in socializing with him again. I think that's more realistically the most can you hope for, and perhaps won't set you up so badly to get hurt.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I’m a glass-half-empty PL; so I come at it from this angle.

    For w/e reason; even for a vet; a dancer’s affections can often feel real and beyond just one being a custy – from what I’ve experienced and seen posted on here time-and-time again; at the end of the day IMO/IME 99% of the time it’s ALWAYS about the $$$ for the dancer – when the $$$ is not there; neither will she.

    Women are often great manipulators – and many dancers take that to another level – IMO as long as one is paying them one should not assume her affections are genuine and beyond the $$$.

    It’s one thing for the woman to be in control in a civvy relationship and kinda call the shots since she’s the one w/ the pussy – but it’s unacceptable to any monger worth his salt :) to be paying a woman and also be giving her all the power of when, how, and if – if you are paying you should call the shots – why pay her and let her call the shots – the latter IMO/IME often leads to diminishing returns to where a dancer will have a PL under her stiletto while at the same time taking his $$$ - unacceptable IMHO.

    Although I’m typing like a tough-guy; I too, even after years of SCing and being TUSCLarly educated; at times have trouble standing-up to a dancer that wants to claim me and claim-me on her terms – although these-days more often than not I nip that in the butt sooner than later.

    In my PL opinion; in strip-club bizarro-world more often than not dancers will treat a custy w/ less regard the more power and control the PL gives them; and often times one will get better/proper service if one clearly defines the boundaries and enforces those boundaries (pretty-much like in any relationship).

    If you want to see how special her affections are for you; next time or two in the club tell her you’re currently having financial difficulties and don’t’ have $$$ and then see how “jealous” she is.

    Just an opinion - not claiming what I say is the end all be all.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    And BTW – it’s actually better for everyone involved; custy and dancers; for the custy to be in control that way the SC politics are not the one controlling the situation – I’ve been in the situation where I’m with a dancer and a somewhat regular dancer of mine will come and try to muscle-in and claim-me – I think that is rude as fuck; if I’m w/ a dancer is b/c I want to be, she didn’t put a gun to my head – in situations like this I tell the old-regular dancer basically to buzz off (not exactly in those words) and often times will put them on probation (will not get dances from her that visit) – but then again I’m not into sticking w/ one fave dancer so it’s not that hard for me to-do.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Are you guys trying to say that the DS doesn't love me?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ of course she does JS - you are in the 1% of cases where it's real
  • Imamutt
    9 years ago
    Actually, her aggression was a real turn on. Even if misguided, that moment of passion was really hot. But the true motive seems pretty clear. Thanks!
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ^^^Imamutt: good moment of clarity. Again, keep in mind -- if it's working for you, feel free to go with it. If it's not, don't. The only mistake is to be passive or intimidated when it's time for a change. I don't mind at all when a dancer claims me for the afternoon -- provided she's the one I want to sit with that afternoon.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… But the true motive seems pretty clear.…”

    As mentioned – time often reveals the truth/reality – but don’t give-up all hope – you could be in the 1%.
  • Imamutt
    9 years ago
    Anything is possible, and yes, it has been a great ride so far. I never thought I'd get caught up, but here I am. The fact is that dancers are people who are so accustomed to being objectified and so used to selling a fantasy, trust is hard to establish. Now she is taking the initiative, time will tell...
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