
Comments by anongirl98 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Ot Strange resturants
    I think there's multiple
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Ot Strange resturants
    "Dick's Last Resort" is the name if we're thinking of the same one^
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Esta - you know what, my experience point was in fact super invalid. There are most definitely younger very experienced guys. i really don't want to talk about my family life on here but I'd explain over pm--anyways, I wasn't born and raised middle to upper class. Gmd- grizzlies are one of my favourite types of animals :-) Shark- I'm not afraid I'll get in trouble by my parents or anything like that. I don't think I've ever even gotten "grounded" when I was younger. I just know that it would not be beneficial for them to have any part in this because of past events involving 1/2. As I said -- I don't want to bring up family stuff publicly so I can't explain much. Atac - yes there was a blood test done, positive for a substantial amount of "GHB" the doctor told my friend that in lucky I puked as much as I did. No I can't prove that it was him, only that I only had a few drinks and he bought all of them. I'm not sure about the green card thing, but I'm a dual citizen and I have a SIN card already. I have a few months to with on small details. Bavarian - I don't want to block anybody because I know sometimes nice people say mean things. But I definately will if it's continuous! Thank you :-) Sinclair - I'm probably going to first talk to a nurse at my school, I have to gather all my options. I wish I could just pretend it didn't happen because it's really kind of scary but I don't want him to hurt anybody else
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I apologize to Anongirl....
    Mikeya- there are absolutely no hard feelings, I accept your apology and in really sorry myself. I can see your POV, I shouldn't have posted any personal drama stuff on here, I just needed to vent. Sorry for the late reply I've been super tired, blah :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Upon further reflection I'm definately considering trying to press charges, but there's other issues such as: A.) my family cannot find out, I don't live with them but it wouldn't be hard for news to travel here. B.) lawyers are fairly expensive when you're 18, my family lawyer is clearly not an option and I can't exactly charge daddies credit card I don't know exactly what this guy does but his title is "Dr". I'm 99% sure he is responsible for Friday--esp. because if he was innocent why did he disappear when I was convulsing?? But if he's not posting him on that sex offender site (my friends idea) would ruin his career. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Pensionking- I have the guys business card..I just found it in my jacket pocket, totally forgot he gave it to me. I was thinking about pressing charges but I was illegally in a bar using fakes so I don't know how that would work :-( I'm in Canada atm, this summer I'll be in FL Shailynn -- yeah this experience has got me so shook I don't even know how willing I'll be to ever accept a drink! Thanks for your advice, didn't mean to complain about my headache. I know I should be grateful!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    My avatar was cute, in *my* opinion. And that's why it was *my* avatar and not yours ;-p I've had it saved in my comp for almost 2 years because iit reminds me of someone I miss :-) I feel sick and my head already kills, I don't feel like arguing anymore. Sorry for offending you in anyway:-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Why can't "enjoying my youth" coincide with a few of those things. I never claimed to be "little miss sexpot", I actually haven't even mentioned my actual sex life on here. I haven't had sex since early fall, (september-ish) I don't sleep around at all and I maintain good grades, work out regularly, yoga twice a week, Im on the cheerleading squad, I ride horses and go to concerts occasionally etc--sounds like the kinda stuff you think enjoying my youth consist of so hopefully that makes up for my occasional naughtiness. I'm not permanently working at a SC (yeah I know, roll your eyes ;-)) I'm doing it for a year until I can go to school. And I'm less then a year away from being the legal drinking age, meaning fake IDs are basically essentially for hanging out with most of my friends. I also don't intentionally pick "loser" young guys, I don't think anyone does. If I wrote discussions saying "Today I studied for 3 hours, and then practiced my basket toss in cheer" I don't think anyone would be happy. This site was made for strip clubs, sorry I don't post my GPA. I'm also sorry if that was rude (a little sarcastic I know). I rarely stick up for myself but your backhanded comments on some threads and stuff in regards to me are kind of unnessacary. :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    I did learn a lesson :-) although I always knew not to leave my drink unattended I guess I picked a lousy time not to practice that rule, blah. Mikeya - I am in school and I plan to stay in it for another 6 years! I don't discuss that on here though because I kinda get the idea that girls stripping to pay for their tuition is translated to = bullshit. I'm sorry if I annoy you or you don't like my discussions--I feel that vibe, but I'll try my best to stay outta your virtual way :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    No way*
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Esta - sorry maybe I wasn't being clear. 1.) I don't hate younger guys, never said I do either :-) 2.) when I said "I fight" I meant, when I'm in a relationship with a younger guy I am constantly battling to go out with my friends, text male coworkers, etc etc. I'm not a jealous person, if someone wants to cheat on me then so be it--their loss not mine (who needs cheaters!) That's not to say that all younger guys are jealous by nature but those I've dated have been and my male friends my age act the same way (not towards me though really). Intelligence to me isn't just book smart, it's experience smart. Hell yeahh there's a bunch of smart younger guys, to say they aren't is to say that me, being young am automatucally not intelligent. But there are some things you learn only by experience, the older you are the more experienced for the most part. I never said I needed a guy, or anybody actually to keep my maturity at bay. I'd hate to bring up the ole girls grow up faster than boys debate buuuut... Me being attracted and liking older men is in know way me trying to discredit younger guys, it's just a preference. Just like if I was a lesbian, I could still date women without hating men. :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    I can understand the confusion about why id be 18 and attracted to so much older but it's just how my brain works. I also find lazy guys/bum/druggies veerrry unattractive, so the opposite would be a successful business man (in my books) No I didn't mean type for SC customers I meant my sexual/romantic type, which is why like I've said stripping is a great way to make some cash while flirting with guys (for the most part) that I'd normally flirt with
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Thanks everyone, it could've Definately gone worse but right now I feel so sick and very stupid. I'm also kind of regretting sharing this because it makes me just look like a bimbo. Esta- I've dated guys my age and in their 20s, in fact I currently have a restraining order against one. Yes some older guys only want sex but so do some younger guys. Older men (some) are just more attractive to me then (most) young guys. I like the maturity, nurturing, intelligence and overall persona. Plus, I find I fight a loooot more with younger guys because a.) jealousy - the older you are the more you realize you are who you are and your self esteem isn't so low so you're not so worried about cheating and stuff. B.) there isn't competition, with guys that are my age I feel like there's a constant competition with jobs, money, promotions etc. AND I think sleeping with guys 30 years my elder is kinda hot :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Mike - not sure who you're talking about or what you're talking about. Please explain :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Update: 1st place for dumbest move
    Vince - I wasn't working, I was just at a bar! But thank you :-) Vikings - yes, I'm 18..can't blame a girl for daddy issues ;-) 25- I know not to! I'm usually better with this kinda stuff, I'm a good girl! Like I said, I just got wrapped up in the buzz of winning and I wasn't thinking. Thanks for the advice :-) I am lucky!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tonight :-)
    Thanks guys! And I will forsure give ya the deets flagooner
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tonight :-)
    Thanks everyone :-)!! No video though, come out and see me in FL this summer instead, lol!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tonight :-)
    Papi - the shirt that I'm wearing is already completely transparent without the water, size XS too--I feel like I'm cheating! Lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tonight :-)
    I am 18 :-) I'm not sure I'll post pictures at the bar (none with my face anyways!) but if I do good or better yet, win I'll take a pic and post it once I'm back at the hotel!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers, how do you feel about meeting your TUSCL associates
    I would love to meet TUSCLers, custies and other dancers! I think it would be pretty fun to play with someone who I already prior (kinda) know and then maintain a friendly relationship!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dream Stripper?
    25-Papi's comments are also pretty great! Thank you everyone for being so helpful, and I'll definitely message you when I'm there!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    fingers crossed
    I'm sure you'll have a kick ass night, your attitude alone is pretty positive so I'm sure good things will come your way :-)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dream Stripper?
    25- I am a citizen of the USA :-) dual citizen!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dream Stripper?
    I just think i would be more comfortable if I was slightly modified (aka boob job), I'm not super worried about my face (not trying to sound super cocky, I just know that I'm not the ugliest person out there l lol), but yeah I understand that it has to do a lot with how a girl acts, in regards to drawing in another person. I'm staying with my friend but paying him a small (basically insignificant amount of $) for that exact reason. He's going to make up a written contract so our relationship is "landlord and renter" based not just friends. Plus, for other reasons I'm not really worried (I'll discuss over PMs but not completely public) about that certain aspect
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Thanks (again) :-) I agree with the tit pic thing, this guy I know begs me for a pussy pic on a daily basis and swears it's not the same when he gets it off google and doesn't know the girl, lol. Rech- my boobs will eventually become boring if I share so much!