Joined Jan, 2016
Last Seen Mar, 2025


Silver Criket Gentlemen's Club
25231 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48124I had some time to kill on a cold Saturday recently, so I drove over to the Silver Criket. I arrived at a little…

commented on
Familiar Face At BogartsElectronman: shit, you're right, I had Hanks' lot in mind when I typed that. Good catch.


Dream Girls
980 John A Papalas Dr
Lincoln Park, MI 48146On a recent cold Sunday evening I decided to visit Dream Girls. I hadn't been there in a very long time, and I wanted…

Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141I pulled into Bogarts' fenced parking lot at around 1:00 AM on a Saturday night. The lot was about a quarter-full, and I found…

Henry the VIII Lounge
1715 Middlebelt Rd
Inkster, MI 48141I made my way to Henry's on a Saturday night, arriving just after midnight, to a rather full parking lot. The club is in…


Centerfold Lounge Detroit
20222 John R St
Detroit, MI 48203I traveled to the Centerfold a couple weeks ago, the night of the disappointing Lions' game. The bar is located on John R Street,…


Platinum Showgirls
5801 Telegraph Rd
Toledo, OH 43612I made my way down to Toledo a couple Saturdays ago and figured I'd check out Platinum's day shift. It had been a while,…

commented on
Let’s Lighten Things Up! Funniest thing you’ve seen in the club!A dancer in Toledo had the DJ play The Golden Girls theme for her stage set. Got some good laughs from the audience for…


Centerfold Lounge Detroit
20222 John R St
Detroit, MI 48203It had been a very long time since I'd visited the Centerfold, so on a recent Saturday I decided to take a scouting trip…

Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141After a decent time at Henry's, I figured I might as well give Bogarts a try, since it's so close. I pulled into the…

Henry the VIII Lounge
1715 Middlebelt Rd
Inkster, MI 48141Found myself at Henry's at about 10:45 PM on a Wednesday night, not sure what to expect. The parking lot is fenced in and…


Cracker Jaxx
419 Park Pl
Jackson, MI 49201My last trip to Cracker Jaxx had been after midnight on a Friday night, and it had been better than decent. So a few…


621 E Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201I thought I'd give Avenues another shot after about seven months away. The last time I was there was an evening visit, and I…


Platinum Showgirls
5801 Telegraph Rd
Toledo, OH 43612After finding that Roxy/Trophy/Buck's Rack City/Scarlett's is now closed, I decided to go to Platinum Showgirls, arriving at 10:30 PM on a Tuesday night.…

Mint Showgirls
532 S Reynolds Rd
Toledo, OH 43615I haven't been to any clubs in a very long time, so during a trip to Toledo I decided to give Hush another try.…

commented on
Amazing stripper repartee -- dumbest ever?I was wearing a Twilight Zone t-shirt at a lower end club a couple of years ago. A very lovely young thing came by…


Silver Criket Gentlemen's Club
25231 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48124I pulled into the Silver Criket's fenced, non-valet parking lot at 3:20 PM on a Monday afternoon. Since it was so early there was…

Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141After a decent time at Henry's a couple Mondays ago, I drove the short distance to Bogarts to see what I might be missing.…

Henry the VIII Lounge
1715 Middlebelt Rd
Inkster, MI 48141I pulled into Henry's parking lot at about 1:00 PM on a Monday, noting that there were very few cars in the lot. …


Cracker Jaxx
419 Park Pl
Jackson, MI 49201I stopped in at Cracker Jaxx after a mildly disappointing trip to Avenues, arriving around 12:45 AM. This club has free parking in a…

commented on
A fairly decent way to spend an hourNo worries, hon, everybody has bad days. It was a pleasure to get to know you a little, and I hope today is better…


621 E Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201I haven't visited Avenues in a while, and my last trip was a pretty tame daytime excursion, so I decided to give the night…


Silver Criket Gentlemen's Club
25231 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48124I arrived at the Criket at about 8:15 PM. The parking lot is a good size and there's no parking fee or valet. The…

Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141I arrived at Bogarts at 7:30 PM, noting that the parking lot was about half full, and I parked near the entrance of the…