
Comments by holden_caulfield

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Worthwhile Quick Afternoon Stop
    @JJ - great review as always. spot on. Lexie is awesome. @3131 - disagree.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Never Again. Major ROB and terrible management
    I sympathize, and appreciate the intel on this chick (I will avoid - thanks), but as I've said before, cash should stay in your pants pocket until the "dance" is completed, otherwise you open yourself up to risk. It's happened to everyone and it is difficult to maintain discipline and to lose the $40 (when you walk away).
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Great review. I do hate it when a dancer tells me how much she has to pay the VIP. Reminds me of a car salesman saying how much he/she buys the car for - I really don't care. I only care what I get in return for spending x. Boils down to what one is willing to pay and if you don't like it, walk away. wonder if this works on anyone?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    BT's Vindicated
    @clubdude - if you sell food, you cannot be nude. Again, I cannot stress enough how I don't care about this and in fact prefer it. The VIP is all that matters to me. I barely look at the stage.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    BT's Vindicated
    @MrEddyZG - correct, nude in the VIP
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    BT's Vindicated
    @grand1511. nah. i like it how it is. or I would not have typed it this way.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    “The rent is due!”
    LOL great review! keep 'em coming
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice. Exactly what I was looking for.
    @PL2 disagree. I pay Cassie in advance and it is more than worth it. Respect you sticking to your ideals, but calling us "schmucks" for how we deal with Cassie amuses me greatly.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    2 for 2 at hanks
    great review, I know the Texas city name, but who was the "old friend" you deepthroated? DM me if necessary thanks- agree on the waitress
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Coming back
    @jabberwock, the 200 may have been able to get negotiated down, but who knows. In my experience FS can be had here for less, but it depends on the girl and the situation - timing, etc. I've noticed in the Review Publishers list there is inevitably one dude rejecting for "too explicit." WTF? If anything they aren't explicit enough. The whole point of this site is to gain information, vague reviews are worthless IMO.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Tuesday at Henrys
    nice review, did you get her name? DM me if you want
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Head princess
    Great review, thanks. Did you get a name? Was it Camilla? what was the damage? @bsa694fun while it reads like fiction, I find it to be an entirely believeable review, as it is a very common occurance at this place.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    So if I was going to travel anywhere to go clubbing.... where?
    Detroit for sure. yeah most if not all of the clubs are high mileage (VERY high) but there are so many of them, it would be ideal for a trip so you can hit a bunch of them in one trip. Yeah, it's far from where you live, but Delta has a direct flight and hotels are cheap.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    Monday afternoon
    @PepsiMan - Actually I do not remember if she did or not. If she did I am sure that I didn't give it to her.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    Monday afternoon
    @electronman - that is a great idea. I should get a gym membership just for this reason. ha ha
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Clean, smoke free and dependable
    was it Elizabeth? sounds like her....
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New tactic from the dancers, at least for me
    why did you even bother with those warm up dances with your pants on, waste of time and money..... take pants off the second you get into the booth.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Clean gun
    Clean Gun actually makes sense too
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Better than Ohio
    Sounds like you experienced total culture shock going from the worst state in America for SC's, to one the best if not the best SC in the world. Unfortunately this resulted in you dropping the ball big time but hey head back for another try soon.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The night got better....
    LOL - that scam with the OTC is becoming their go-to strategy. Happened to me recently too, as she was dropping the digit I calculated a 0% chance of ever seeing her OTC, and sure enough, got the text from her later asking for $$. Terrible
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Flight Club Looking Up
    agree with the day shift not putting out as often but it is possible just way more hit and miss than night shift. very annoying.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    You were in the VIP for an hour, for 200 + tip? That is pretty unusual.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Tuesday Lunch - no desert
    yeah, strippers offering BJ's is such a turn off in a strip bar (eyes roll....)
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoyed My Visit
    Great review, what you point out as a negative (NASCAR), I view as a positive. So to each their own. Regarding @dolfan comment, absolutely correct and if you take a little longer to finish, no problem, that is negotiable too, time is money. So instead of costing 125-150 it will maybe be 175-200.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Grand. There's a word I really hate.
    Diamond Dolls Part Deux
    @papi - agreed. basically plan for 250 FS and negotiate to stretch the song count to 6.