
Comments by Eve (page 59)

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Pre Opening Party
    I also attended the pre-opening party around the same time you did, only I heard slightly different news for the future of the club . According to a friend of management, they're not planning on renovating the other half of the club at all, which I found to be disappointing since now the club seems considerably smaller. Up until next week, they're only focusing on hiring the previous GC girls and those that had to make due with Scores for the longest while. So hopefully in the future, talent will be improved with not too much 'recycling'.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Been visiting for years off and...
    Your physical description of the girl sounds a lot like Charlie - one of the Gold Club girls. Did she have a lot of tattoos/kind of slim for her boob size? If so, that could have been her. I've had a dance from her before at GC months ago, and it was pretty tame.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Making New Friends
    I should make a note of a minor error on my review. Scores does often partake in dance specials, but what they do is 2 for $50 offers, not 2-4-1s. Essentially, you'll be getting a $10 discount off the regular price of two dances. I just don't want anyone going in there thinking they can do a pair of dances for only $30 because of what I wrote! @VeryBigDawg Maybe if you take me out to dinner first.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Strange things were happening
    @Papi_Chulo | Yeah, high mileage isn't exactly a requisite on my part! Lmao, but I am the type that considers every other aspect of a SC as well and not just one particular thing they're known for. With that in mind, I might give this place a second chance! If that doesn't go over better than the first visit, then Wacko's just might not be for me.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Are most Strippers Secretly Whores?
    Stripping/dancing is a part of adult entertainment, which is why I group it with sex work, because what may not fly in one bar may be completely acceptable behavior in another. Plus, the whole nutshell of what we're doing is giving customers a chance to find their 'fantasy' girl and experience a short or long form of sexuality with them. Whether there's sex involved or not, it's still sexually themed in nature. So yes, to put in your more blunt perspective, IMO, stripping counts as a form of whoring. But there's a good type and the bad type. The good whore being the one that keeps herself clean, always uses protection, gets tested regularly, and tries to keep her work environment as sterile as can be (though that might be a challenge at some clubs. LOL) The bad whore is the one doing anything and everything for no more than a dime extra than the general cost of dances/services offered, very open to unprotected services, does NOT get tested regularly and possibly causes outbreaks of STDs (especially if she's partaking in unprotected things), and/or does not care for the health concerns of others or hygiene. I like whores. Just not the latter type.
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    Lame Stripper Hustles, Questions and Lines
    Oh this brings back the memories of the shit I would say to guys when I was brand spanking new to dancing. The other 'veteran' girls would be feeding me lines to give to customers that they 110% guaranteed would earn me a dance right off the spot (ie: "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." "I bet I can jerk your dick better than you can." "Want to get a lick of this pretty pussy of mine?" and other face-palm worthy shit), aaaand if there was the oh so shocking chance that it didn't work, I would proceed to attempt to have a real conversation with them (and by real convo, I mean the generic Q&A script listed at the end of OP's first post. LOL), and fail to notice any hints whatsoever that the man wasn't interested. What I didn't know back then was that 95% of the time when a guy says "not right now, maybe later" to a dance, it's usually a straight up No altogether. I notice a lot of new girls or girls that hustle hard don't take it as an immediate rejection and just continue to sit there for ages... and ages ...and ages. The most time I'll give to a guy if he seems disinterested is 10 minutes. If he himself doesn’t ask for a dance, I’ll offer him one, and if he says no, I go along my merry way. There’s no harm in informing a dancer that you’re not really interested in what she’s trying to sell - either when she breaks the question or beforehand when the conversation isn’t really going anywhere - so as long as you’re polite about it. The sooner, the better, right? That way, neither of you are getting time wasted. Or better yet, like SJG suggested, grab a girl yourself. I know this isn’t an advice thread. It was actually a hilarious read, cause a few co-workers came into mind as I was reading through. Thankfully, when I go club hopping with a friend at other strip clubs, we don’t attract that kind of attention (often).
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    Jealous Stripper? I find it quite funny!
    As a dancer, I can say that possessive co-workers are the worst. The girls may depend on them for dependable income if the first-timers or cheap spenders aren't reliable, but the customers are the ones holding the cash, and they have the right to decide who to spend it on. If a custy is only interested in talking to me, HE'LL let the other dancer know - not me. That's why I never complain when another girl shows interest in a custy that stops in the club that usually buys dances from me. And I especially don't want a girl looking at me like a possession when I come into a different club to see her, and then decide one day that I want to try out a different girl (sadly, this has happened to me one time, and I hope it doesn't happen again). For me, variety is the spice of life in all aspects. When the dancers start looking at us like we are their territory and we're obligated to hand the money to them and only them, it ruins the fun for everyone.
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    My wife & I LOVE STRIP CLUBS!!
    Oh man. I would love for something like that to happen with my boyfriend and I. We go strip club hopping all the time (and if not him, I'm usually with another guy friend.), but here in my lame city of Jacksonville, Florida, the odds are slim of something like that happening at any of the local clubs without some sort of trouble starting, but I would totally be down for a dance as voyeuristic and enticing as what you and your wife experienced. Lovely reading your story!
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    Things Strippers Think
    I guess I'll share my thoughts in this little thread too. It was hilarious reading the ones I could relate to. I know that #2 and #3 are nerve-wracking, and I'm guilty of those thoughts too often, but I've already seen that I tend to walk out with more pocket change when I talk to everyone as opposed to just sitting and waiting for someone who I 'think' will like me. Let me throw in some head games as well. 1 } (On stage) Oh my god, why is the DJ playing this super fast song for me when no one is here?! 2 } (On stage) Oh my god, why is the DJ playing this slow ass song for me on a jammed-packed night?! 3 } (On Stage) Literally all of the guys are staring at their phones while I'm up here. Who am I dancing for again? 4 } Thanks for reminding me you're doing drugs again. The last 20 times you told me tonight didn't get through till now. 5 } Oh god, she's drunk and mad again. 6 } Don't flatter yourself, custy. I'm 'wet' because I'm ovulating. 7 } Wow, you're like, the 6th guy tonight to tell me it's your birthday. You want me to sing you a song? 8 } Why do you assume I drink or take something before I come into work? 9 } Why do you assume the other girls and I have beef? 10 } No seriously, we're getting along just fine. 11 } How hard is it to conceive that we're getting along? Jeez. 12 } (In VIP) Dude, they're nipples, not hard candy. 12 } (In VIP) You've never fingered a girl in your life, have you? 13 } (In VIP) I'm seriously convinced you're trying to dig your way into China or something. 14 } (In VIP) Alright, just stop. 15 } (In VIP) What? You want to go to the booth closest to the wall? Let me grab my hazmat suit. 16 } (In VIP) Maybe I should have spaghetti for dinner tonight... 17 } Where did all of these new girls come from? 18 } I'll give her a week or two. 19 } Wow, not even 3 days, and she's gone. 20 } You did not just blow smoke in my face... 21 } How are you all not dying from the fog of smoke in the room? 22 } This girl has been sitting with this guy for almost an hour, and he hasn't spent a dime yet. Take a hint. 23 } This man has the charisma of a dead fish... NEXT. 24 } This man smells like a dead fish... NEXT. 25 } I know I don't drink on the job, but the 'think of the kittens' technique just isn't enough sometimes.