
Comments by mrbasketball (page 6)

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Thursday afternoon visit
    Did mercedes requeat the tip, or did you volunteer it?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    saturday night
    Did Cheyanne ask for a tip?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Champagne Room
    Theres a reason the regular rooms doors are cut off atbthe top and bottom. A few years ago, there was a major bust by the township, when this place was hott. Almost closed them down, and extras became non existant. One comprimise the twp requested, was that the top and bottom of the doors were to be removed, making the rooms less private. Things now have settled down, and management has found a tolerance level, keeping most people happy. When girls cross the line, they usually are gone.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana cops
    Couple things: It does happen. If he was "hanging around" he made himself a mark. Walk from bar to bar, dont talk to anyone other than street girls and taco vendors. If stopped, wallet in 1 hand, passport in the other. Was stopped, once, at the border, omwh. Did as I said, and was sent omw.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana cops
    Girls in outfits covering too much, are doing it for a reason. Requires a hand inspection, at the least.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Check the goods before you buy
    Girls in outfits covering too much, are doing it for a reason. Requires a hand inspection, at the least.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    enjoyable evening
    Day cover is 5 dollars, btw.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    The Good and Bad
    The cabbies you hit when first crossing the border, ask 10. Keep walking, you'll hit the 5 dollar guys. Surprised you got 2 pops for the 2 girls. If you didn't, 80 each was a little high. Usually get a discount for 2, but only 1 pop.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Good bet for the money
    Most of the other clubs on the island, are much cheaper. $50-60 for everything. Bada Bing is close to the AI resorts,, charging much more, for the same service.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Never been disappointed
    Heard Crystal has retired.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Exotic time at Atlantis
    @59 He didnt release secret military info. Chill.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Good first experience
    Hey Rugrat, Desertclub thinks every positive report is a ad. Anybody whos been here knows Tootsies does not need to shill in her to get more business.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Another superday at Dream Lounge
    This is not the only nude club in Philly. Daydreams and Show n Tel are also nude.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Great club in the south suburbs
    @Papi They do it in Vegas a lot. Ask to see your drivers license. Locals free, or leass than visitors.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Good time
    Sounds like you met Ruby, not Egypt. Pretty sure Egypt is a WOC. Ruby is known for snuggling on you, after you are finished, before the song ends. Did she have bolt ons?
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Same old reliable Playhouse
    Cameron has always been a low mileage girl. Even when she worked at Cheeks. Sabrina is a sweet girl, with a big menu. Looks are not her strong point. Recently got those bolt ons btw. Use to dance with Erica once a week. Shes gained weight, and has not changed her routine. If anything, its more conservative than the past. Leah is still good. Think shes lost a few lbs lately. Talita would be my first choice. Hott, crazy, pretty good menu.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Wondering who the italian girl was.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I've been to this place a...
    only 7 rooms. 5 in the back, and 2 in the front by the door. never more than 2 girls on stahe at a time.