
Comments by LIGHTINGKAY (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    An end to the hustle / put a stop to her SS
    Men project onto women their values. It's essentially like San Jose Guy commented, it's a question of what your willing to put up with or not in engaging females. Females view male praise and attention with contempt. And if she can manipulate men, he deserves it. The tactics women use to shame and shape men to become submissive are highly advanced. Men have been brainwashed to accept female behavior. That it is normal for women to be irrational and even overt host;e It is not normal and derives from very selfish motives. Men need to see women's perspective then decide what they will put up with, even including anything at all. Females have no regard for male sacrifices.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    Females are consummate manipulators. Bottom line in the male female human ralathionship is it is a transaction of sex for resources and as a plus you may have deeper connection as well. Strippers/prostitution are woman I respect somewhat more as it is more honest (sex for resources)!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Is Stealthing Rape?
    We call this a clue, more laws defining Rape to protect the females Males need the Legal option to accept OR not accept the child as a responsibility. Why do Males NOT have the Pill??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    That pissed her OFF, you see that, see realized males are the Host. Ugly as that sounds. Could I've ignored her SURE, but I did not "FEEL" like that then.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Therefore my response to me being dumb to the female at GCC, I think women are dumb they don't build their i Phone,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Cashman1234 NO I'm not defining masculinity like the stereotype male. I talking masculinity as all males less all the Social indoctrination. Hate messages internalized which I think Lurker said above. I don't define that. MEN are fucking awesome all dudes are. And I agree SJG is stead-fast never moves on the board.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Meat72 MGTOW hits the Silicon Valley are the headlines in the news today. Ismael says you can Google things, try that! You fucking nailed Me, I was born in Utah.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Thanks on check the definitions Ishael was apreciated!! And SJG is really hit hard at times on the site, SO maybe I will align with him, we'll SEE.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Maybe disciple of SJG,NOT sure yet but I relate a lot to his posts. I'm just waiting for the Dougster to show up now!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Cool Cashman1234 MGTOW was not my purpose. The video described IMO what the trouble with White Knights is from my point of reference POA/POV. I'm for every guy handling his action the way he does. Really I see some of a lot of trends in Strip clubs and a lo of you guys have posted trends and I'm saying a lot I know it is a lot of ideas and concepts wrapped up into my story at this club for one article. Females are one of my favorite topics.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Meat that's it??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Okay the Cashman IS online, the discussion post was an after thought and was once more written as a review for us guys which posted yesterday. I'm surprised to see White Knights, Maginas and Male Feminist where seemingly un-familar terms on the site. And I agree my idea did not produce what I wanted to convey. BUT as your saying my logic is becoming clearer. see ya I'm new to the site interacting though have read a lot of reviews etc. The lingo that is strip club specific I'm learning what you guys are using for terms. I spend plenty of time at Strip Clubs. Always learning. I do recall San Jose Guy raised MGTOW and PUA to the site asking what you guys thought and San Jose Guy took flak. What I recall then is I did not see anyone who understood what both ideas let say where as I understood them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Ishamael your sharp the video is part of a You Tube MGTOW channel. What is MGTOW?? and I like the PL defintion And I'll add and if you understand women, you can't love them or even like them. Except for Sex
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    "The shit you video typically can be avoided by being proactive" I'd be interested in defining what shit and what proactive action you have in mind??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    What is MGTOW?? What is PLs??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    This is a quality men posses, any guy, sometimes just spits out something that is very enlightening when you last expect that. And I'm not being funny with you. Can same be applied to women, that they are defined by how men perceive them. I take your thinking and you thought my comment out and ask a great question. But It's not a fact of only can be defined as I changed your wording. That can be changed. However many men reject that females are anything other than sugar and spice with everything nice. SO I'm gonna do some thinking on your question as I think I hear it. Does this dynamic work backwards, as I think is part of what your thinking, wondering etc. What I do know is the biological fact females are the limiting factor in reproduction. Males sperm worth about 5 cents. Female Eggs, I don't know maybe 1 Million. Men try to reduce the cost of sex and females seek to raise the cost of sex, it is a biological part of the female and male evolution and phycology.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you prefer Gentlemen's Clubs or less classy clubs?
    Prefer well manage clubs, either way, but am a little partial to dives, sorta the charm of the Pink Poodle in San Jose Ca, mostly dive like IMO. And well managed I can vouch for that!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Man who panders to females at the expense of your own gender. It is only through the eyes of females, females perceptions define your identity as man and is where you derive self worth. Though nothing could convince you otherwise. As these men are the first to put down other men. This about social and sexual over dominance over men. That's the female motivation. Females laugh at white knights.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    You've no conception of true masculinity
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Woodwolck67 "FYI the bouncer will always take the dancers word over yours period" Almost the definition of White Knight. Manginas bring the saddest of the bunch. And Bouncers who know what's going on and are not Stiletto Shoe lickers do not pander to every strippers complaint. Pandering to Females needs is not the purpose of Men. Nor should it be the patrons' purpose. As far as Patrons are the ones trying to rescue strippers, suggest you speak for yourself only.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Okay Cashman, you're seeing the picture, and when your strip club is no different than our lives already?? I'm seeing this. MY visit made that clear, do not remember ever talking and hardly seeing a bouncer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Well Cashman all guys are at different levels in knowing the Nature of Females which is not pretty, females are taking over and most men do not want to look at their Nature and their own. I do not know this audience, os it all well Blue Pill only guys or some Red pill Guys. Guys can help other guys and that's all I want if you guys make it work, I'll handle my own action with the club! Okay Pal
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    Do you want females turning Strip Clubs into GYNOCENTRIC spaces, i.e. changing from Male needs to Female needs? you cater there when you spend money?? I'm seeing that at this club and disgust me. What we do to stop that if you agree it may be happening??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    That is at time is the problem Women says I'm uncomfortable and she can get man arrested, Stripper says he;s "RUDE" and you could get kicked out, I did not. But while talking two dides did. This is a review I just made online waiting to post on Gold Club Centerfolds Rancho Cordova. Do you guys want strippers using the proxy power of clueless men "Bouncers"??
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think
    www.youtube.com from my friend JOHN MGTOW all should watch if there is time, to help explain White Knights. Great Guys it a chance to discuss Female Nature Gynocentric Strip Clubs watch the video as I'm saying White Knights we could go with Ca[tain save a ho. They have fucking pussy floor managers fucking up Strip Clups.