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Joined Nov, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2020


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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
I’ll second that opinion. A good 12 gauge shotgun should be the first option for home defense.
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - either you are braver behind a keyboard than you are in real life, or you are actually dumber than I already think…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
I have given up trying to predict what Ducey will do. The only thing I feel safe about saying about his actions is…
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5 years ago
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And you thought the 6 foot rule was bad.
No one is looking at this the right way - all you need to do is sit near someone who is getting dances, and…
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5 years ago
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Herd immunity may be close
It would be GREAT if a vaccine could protect you from the novel coronavirus for an entire year. Early studies show that antibodies…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
Grocery delivery is a tradeoff - it adds one additonal person handling your food before you receive it.

But whether your buy food in person,…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - you have this backwards. It isn't me who is fucking with your freedom and life, it is YOU who is fucking…
avatar for winex
5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - if this wasn’t a highly contagious disease with serious consequences, you would have a very good point.

But the fact is that it…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
Mountainside and Lifetime fought the order, but the gym I go to LA Fitness closed down.

And masks absolutely do make a difference. Early…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
First, we need more data points. I understand measures of central tendency and realize that two data points certainly isn't enough to make…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
Actually Monday is usually the slowest day of the week because it reflects testing on Sunday. Today's numbers are from testing yesterday. …
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
"Only" 2,537 new cases today on 14,239 tests. The 17.8% positive rate, while still way too high, is lower than I have seen…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
What? Are you going to wait in that parking spot until they re-open?
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5 years ago
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OT: The cost of my home made burger
@Eve, if the burger you are eating was home schooled, then Chili Palmer's argument about the cost of labor takes on added weight. …
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
Yeah, I think he is headed into retirement after his term is up.
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
If the pandemic never occurred, I wouldn’t have been surorised to see him take a shot at the presidency in 2024. Coming from…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
One thing we need to add to the mask mandates is some teeth.

I live in Scottsdale. We have a mask mandate, but the…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
Arizona has term limits and he is in his second term, so re-election isn’t an issue.

I do believe he has higher aspirations.

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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - on point 7, supposedly we are going to be doing 35,000 tests a day at the end of July and 65,000 a…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
If you look at where most recent cases are occurring, it is in people in the 20 to 44 age group. (side note,…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
It will be interesting to see if we can hit the testing numbers that Ducey mentioned. He said we will be doing 35,000…
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5 years ago
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Cleveland Indians to determine 'best path forward' on name
Should we change the name of Oklahoma too? The name comes from the Choctaw Indian tribe and means “red people”.
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
The reopening of all businesses was based more on a desire to get the economy going than it was to combat the virus. …
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
I assume this doesn’t impact alcohol free clubs like Centerfolds.
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