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Joined Nov, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2020


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5 years ago
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$600 Extended?
@DocSavage - you are absolutely right, but the Republicans are still going to roll over and acr like Democrats.
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub, I know you are joking, but be careful. It’s still 2020.

After toilet paper, paper towels kleenex, massive runs on most items in…
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5 years ago
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Apparently It's Not A Two Way Street?
@Ezk69 - walanon is right. Though occasionally connections between customers and dancers happen, they are rare.

If you want a glimpse into…
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5 years ago
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Currently own 20,000 shares of Hertz
So, did you buy the leaps?
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@Lone_Wolf - honestly, I have no idea how the regulations around liquor licenses. That’s far removed from the kind of work that I…
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5 years ago
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Currently own 20,000 shares of Hertz
On the bright side, that does offer a quicker path to 0
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5 years ago
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Currently own 20,000 shares of Hertz
Personally I think the better opportunity is in the puts, not the calls.

In my opinion, Hertz is headed to zero.

The only real…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@Lone_Wolf - interesting concept - bars giving up their liquor licenses voluntarily. I guess it all depends on how long the pandemic lasts.…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - will there be any debates?

You know, that's a damn good question.

Ever since Ford and Cater debated in '76, they have kind of…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
You can demoralize your base and cause them to stay home. But they aren’t switching sides.

The people who switch sides don’t belong to…
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5 years ago
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Currently own 20,000 shares of Hertz
I am definitely NOT advising what I am about to say, but at $1.67, your Hertz is worth $32,400.

That defines your…
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5 years ago
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Arizona update
@DesertScrub - these 4 letter words really cause problems for you. Not only do you not understand what a political base is, you…
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5 years ago
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$600 Extended?
@DesertScrub, though it seems futile, I will try to educate you.

Here is a direct quote from you - the quote that caused me to…
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5 years ago
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$600 Extended?
@DesertScrub - the only thing you have establish is that you tend to throw temper tantrums when it is obvious to all (even you)…
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5 years ago
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$600 Extended?
@DesertScrub - a bit more reading for your education -…
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5 years ago
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$600 Extended?
@DesertScrub - you may want to look up the definition of a political base. You really expose your ignorance when you make comments…
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5 years ago
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Pop Stars That You Wanna Bang
If you could go back to the 70’s, why not a pair of sisters! Ann and Nancy Wilson.
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5 years ago
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San Anton’s Men’s Club Offering Drive Thru Entertainment
@BBBC - male dancers at a men’s club? I am hoping the answer is NO.
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
@Mark94 - to be fair, the German's didn't get through the Maginot line. They just went around it.
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
@MisterOrange - if you ever changed your mind, you can buy barrels for something like $400. If you wanted a less expensive…
avatar for winex
5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
The thing looks like a cartoon gun. I just googled it - The total length of the gun with the 10” barrel…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
Yeah, I have a friend who has a S&W 500.

I need to get one of those.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
I have the Israeli version.

As 50 AE, it has the long barrel.


Talk about drawing attention.

I have the standard barrel for…
avatar for winex
5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
@misterorange, true there is less spread at short range, but you still have more spread than the diameter of a bullet.

BTW, I have a…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
Mike, it’s not just penetration of walls you need to consider.

Hitting you intended target in a tense situation is a legitimate concern. With…
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