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Joined Nov, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2020


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4 years ago
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Puppy dogs.....
Jayne, pure speculation on my part, but the difference between single and married guys reactions is probably directly related to the ease of getting…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
Thank you kind sir.

I never watched the show. Zombies really aren’t my thing.

But I like the reference now that I understand…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
Who the hell is Negan?

And why don’t I have a Negan account?
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4 years ago
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The psychology of onlyfans...
It's a big world.

Even a miniscule percentage of a large enough population can still amount to a sizable number of people.
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4 years ago
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Puppy dogs.....
It's near the end of my work day, and I'm just messing around. I hope you really did get a good laugh out…
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4 years ago
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Voting Advice from Joe Biden
@Sclvr - no questionable facts here.

You can choose which candidate you want to support. But you can't choose which facts are true and…
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4 years ago
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Puppy dogs.....
Sorry, but I've never had a problem with men before.

But ask Icey - he may be able to help you out.

Ask him…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
shit! wrong account!
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4 years ago
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Ever invent a food?

Just last week your girlfriend was the gourmet cook and the best recipe that you could come up for was a salad by pouring…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
Miscommunication going on here.

I am logged in as WINEX.

If I type “I am Gammanau”, other than Icey, no one is…
avatar for winex
4 years ago
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Voting Advice from Joe Biden
@IceyDogO - stoned and stupid is no way to go through life.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 56% of the population said they are…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
It would probably be more impactful than me claiming to be Gammanau95...
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4 years ago
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Voting Advice from Joe Biden
@ShadowCat - is anyone black enough?
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4 years ago
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Voting Advice from Joe Biden
@623 - yes, it should be. I made a mistake.

@Founder, feel free to move if you would like.
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4 years ago
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The psychology of onlyfans...
@Eve - interesting range you picked (40 to 60) You could substitute the word "top" for "bottom" and describe the same portion of…
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Voting Advice from Joe Biden…

Gallup, in a survey between Sept. 14-28, found that 56% of registered voters said they were better off than they were four years ago,…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
@Eve - you are right about trolls. They starve if no one feeds them.

I think the key to Icey is that I just…
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4 years ago
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A question for Icey
@NiceSpice - if what you are suggesting is a free-for-all in this thread, I am certainly in favor of it!
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4 years ago
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Ever had a regretful moment....
That’s Icey’s fantasy if he ever makes a porno movie - he’s naked, weed is involved, and five guys come in...
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4 years ago
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Arizona Thread - The Sequel
I haven’t heard, but Bliss closing would be good. Even pre pandemic, it was a waste of real estate.
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4 years ago
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Feel Sorry That He Did Not Get a LT Contract
It’s Dak’s agent Doug Francis

He always wants top of the market compensation for his clients.

The problem is that although Dak is…
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4 years ago
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Sexy af big girl
I think Icey being smothered by her body fat would absolutely rock.

We are talking about being smothered to death, aren't we?
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4 years ago
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OT: PRAGER: To All Those Who ‘Vote For The Man, Not The Party’
I rhink that Romney would have been a very good President.

McCain would have been terrible. I voted for McCain when he ran for…
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4 years ago
A question for Icey
Apparently you believe that ai am behind every profile here but yours.

And we don’t like each other.

So why are you here?
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