
Comments by PAFBABS

  • review comment
    a day ago
    Hong Kong still the cremé de la cremé of La Zona.
    Nice review, and quite accurate as well👍🏻 > There are so few customers that they hardly ever open up the other side of the club by the Miami Room. 👆🏻I Agree ! Diez Pesos- Regarding the pricing as well as the clubbing scene in TJ, IMO nothing matches it at our local US clubs. Never had any issues with the safety whatsoever ( in my many years of clubbing out in TJ ). OTC hookups in TJ is where the real value kicks in and is unmatchable to any other local US club/s ( FUN way supersedes the the out-of-pocket ),but that requires some patience and when does click then it’s all well worth your time/effort.
  • review comment
    3 days ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Found a 10!
    Good review, thanks 👍🏻 As long as you didn’t have to pay for any arribas, the once done experience you had makes up for the trip to Ensenada. Glad to hear that you made it all worth your time in the company of your girl, otherwise imo it’s definitely not worth the drive even though my wingman has suggested it a few times before but I flat out decline as always. LOL its already getting overwhelming keeping up with the TJ clubbing scene, so there’s no need for me to stretch the boundaries further out into Mexicali or Ensenada.
  • review comment
    7 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Dr. Chica & Miss Hyde: Part 5/6 of a Decadent TJ Journey
    RonJax2- Based on your feedback I’m definitely checking out this bar very soon. Even though I’ve never been here before, but I will now considering I’ve had numerous dinners with bar chicas right across from this place at Senda Norte restaurant.It sounds like a FUN place, although the girls might not exactly be a 9+ but I am sure they’ll serve the purpose quite well. LOLI seem to be a magnet for girls at TB/CC, so this bar may definitely be an worthwhile addition 😁
  • review comment
    8 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    >.The thing is, her texts are like a train wreck I can't look away from. Like what is she going to say next??? Lol. Just be direct with her and shoot in between the eyes, she’ll respect you for it and treat you accordingly. These girls have a history and heard it all, so when you show a different approach ( being honest ) which they aren’t accustomed to, you’ll own them and they will love/follow you but in a good way 👍🏻
  • review comment
    8 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    >* Since my last review "Dr. Chica & Ms. Hyde" has been blowing up my WhatsApp. Sending all kinds of shit, but mostly just angling for money. RonJax2- If you haven’t been seeing a girl on a regular basis, she’s only a one time gig or acquaintance but she’s already hitting you for money making all sorts of excuses, then drop her instantly as she’s a waste of time/money.Luckily the girl/s that I cherry picket for OTC have all been a great catch, but my only issue being I can’t give them all the time coz I don’t always have that kind of disposable catch on hand. As such, lately I have downsized my OTC lineup to only three’s rotation.I don’t need the headache and honestly can’t afford it either, otherwise it’s all super easy to connect with these girls OTC. This recent visit of mine to HK club, has really changed my clubbing perspective all over again.I might just continue meeting new girls for a little while, it’ll be a nice change of scene Plus less costly too without all the unwanted drama and commitment. We all know by now, there’s no true love besides good service in return for a tip with these bar girls.So, let’s keep on enjoying the ride while the FUN supersedes the out-of-pocket expense, or else drop it without having any regrets. These girls have the pussy, but YOU are still in charge and with the money😁
  • review comment
    9 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    RonJax2- You’ll be amazed at how well connected these bar girls are, and to the extent of getting creepy at times. Also,they seem to smell it a mile away when someone is lying,so it’s best to be honest about everything.Just be straight, if you aren’t comfortable around them then be upfront by telling them the reason for it.Otherwise, knowing that you are a nice guy they’ll keep pestering you until you simply blow up a fuse at them and spoil your entire mood for nothing. Even when I am seeing girls OTC from different bars, some will message simultaneously as to why I didn’t come see them instead …WTF!
  • review comment
    10 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Dr. Chica & Miss Hyde: Part 5/6 of a Decadent TJ Journey
    @RonJax2- a great review, as well as feedback on D&G.Somehow I missed reading it earlier, but now I have a good idea about this place.So,I will definitely be checking out D&G in the near future.
  • review comment
    10 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    RonJax2- Good observation about the VIP rooms at HKGC, I didn’t know that. Based on this recent visit ( a positive one ), I am planning to pay another visit to HKGC in the near future and next time around I will try out their VIP rooms. By the ways in this recent visit of yours to TJ, did you ever get a chance to swing by D&G? I am very curious to know more about this bar in particular, and based the feedback I might just try it out.
  • review comment
    10 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    Coronalime- What do you think I did? Also, the girl guiding me to the forbidden land (Anal) doesn’t necessarily mean I complied to her request.
  • review comment
    11 days ago
    A TJ beginner’s Paradise
    Rod8432/RonJax2- By ‘No restrictions’ I meant, this girl herself guided me to the otherwise forbidden land of Anal/BBCIM and above all what I loved the most is how she encouraged me in doing two pops with a rather short break in between them. This was a rather unexpected but a very fulfilling GFE experience for me,especially with a new girl I just met inside HK club and it wasn’t my usual OTC hookup either ( and not to mention the out-of-pocket involved here,which was well worth the encounter and beyond ). So as I mentioned, she played her game well and now she has me as her regular client for a possible upgraded OTC hookup in the near future.I can only imagine how that’ll turn out, based on her already proven enthusiasm and great attitude👍🏻
  • review comment
    12 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    "Dame una propina, Papi" - A few quick spins through BT
    Great review, RonJax2👍🏻At TB, I seem to mostly find a diamond in the rough chica on Monday through Wednesday’s early evenings ( Weekends IMO aren’t really the best days to visit this bar in particular ).All it takes is just that one good find, and after building a rapport with her you may get lucky in her introducing you to her friend/s and private parties too.Then onwards, it’s all a chain reaction ( FUN, OTC hookups ..etc ) and how well you are able to manage it all.
  • review comment
    13 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    A Young Sinaloan in the Sex Chair
    “ I’m definitely going to keep trying with these smaller TJ clubs, especially Chicago and Dulce & Gabbana which have the best talent outside Hong Kong. The cycle needs to be broken so that Hong Kong can once again have some real competition in Tijuana.” ☝🏻RonJax2- My friend, You’ve made a wise decision and you won’t regret it 👍🏻Also, an Excellent review, as always.
  • review comment
    13 days ago
    for the non-Mexican ladies
    eyescam- good observation by you, the key word here being ‘CC girls are less entitled’. As such lately it’s become my go to club besides TB, and it’s mainly for OTC hookups. Regarding the thick dominicano girl you mentioned, she does have a pretty face and is Fun👍🏻
  • review comment
    22 days ago
    A great alternative to HK bar
    Hahahah… , thanks RonJax2. Honestly, OTC hookups has always been more Fun for me since I first started doing it a couple years of ago.Also, IMO the value just seems better compared to the half-hour room sessions in the club/s (but ofcourse, by making the correct choice in girls for OTC).
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    A great alternative to HK bar
    RonJax2- I did notice a few standout spinners scattered around the main bar area and a couple sitting by the mirrored high-chaired sitting area.The dancer selection at CC was quite decent for an early Thursday evening. Based on this recent visit, I wouldn’t mind paying another visit to CC in the near future and maybe even trying my luck in picking out a newbie for a possible OTC hookup.I personally prefer OTC hookups over these half-hour room sessions coz they are more Fun and without any sort of time-restrictions.
  • review comment
    24 days ago
    A great alternative to HK bar
    devl_dawgg, you are right. But, atleast this time around there was a helper printing out the visa-card/s beforehand to expedite the process, otherwise in my past two visits they were making us fill it out each time.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    I think at times the bad times out are good for you
    After being in this game for a while, what I’ve learnt is to always keep your cool and never being emotional. Dancers can sense your overall vibe from miles away and infact as soon as you enter the club ( your positive energy, negative energy, confidence….etc ).OTC hookups is yet another step-up, and that too at a quite reasonable out-of-pocket at both our local as well as TJ club/s but that’ll only happen for those ( I am talking about the long lasting encounters ) that are always ready to either connect or disconnect to it all instantly without ever blaming yourself regardless of the good times/bad times. The minute your soft side/feelings come into play then you’ve already lost the game/Fun behind the entire clubbing scene.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Expensive Monday mongering at HK.
    BumHip - You’ll be amazed at the opportunities if you are willing to get out of your comfort zone and hunt them down … sky is the limit. Plus, all it takes is a couple of gems at any of these clubs. You aren’t taking the entire club/s upstairs, so it makes no difference which club you’re at, but just the one gem that clicks with you and shares mutual compatibility for a possible OTC hookup. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is if you are willing to explore with an open mind.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Tropical but not yet Paradise
    Good review, thanks! This is my favorite bar in TJ, besides CC. Majority of my OTC hookups is with girls from this bar in particular, and somehow I am always lucky in finding a gem here ( scale 8-9 ). Compared to HK, the overall pricing here for OTC hookups is very reasonable and also the girls seem more sincere with great attitudes. I’ve heard about the 2nd and 3rd floor at BT, but never really ventured out to explore it since the 1st floor at this bar has sufficient girls and lots of action. Maybe, next time if I can clear through all the affection provided by 1st floor girls then I’ll check out the 2nd and 3rd floor at this bar. I agree, Hotel Rizo is by far the best choice to stay in this area.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Expensive Monday mongering at HK.
    HK bar girls just don’t cut it for, they charge too much and their attitudes are mostly below average. CC, TB and D&G are all better options for me, at these clubs you can always find a few gems at a much lower price Plus the girls have better attitudes for both inside the club VIP sessions or OTC hookups. Now I am spoilt by these girls, and I have no intentions of returning to HK girls in the near future atleast, but I’ll still continue using this bar as a warmup/eye-candy for their stage-shows while sipping on cervezas😁
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    2nd Saturday in August
    At Paradise, dayshift/nightshift are all the same to me.Now,the issue that can become a bit challenging for me is making the time to actually get out there after receiving multiple requests simultaneously.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Keep tabs on the hustles
    You did the right thing, although a while back under a similar situation I went ahead and purchased the bucket of beers and instead tipped my dancer an additional $20 for firmly staying by my side.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Los Angeles
    Hong Kong Comic Con
    Nice review👍🏻You mentioning COVID, well after just having a casual chat this morning with my family physician he did mention California being hit very hard with extremely high numbers in the past three months.Covid is still out there,so take precaution as needed.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Not much different than just going to a club
    I recall this club from many years ago, and back then this place offered its good share of Fun. The club details/setup you provided sounds the same as before and nothing much seems to have changed besides the pricing. I hardly used their hangout room, and spent majority of our time on the dance floor upclose and personal. This is where you can tell right away if we both click or not. If there’s no mutual chemistry between us then I would cut short our interaction almost instantly. In brief, save us both unnecessary heartache. *ProTip- If these girls see a genuine effort from your side (Google Translate/ same as in Tijuana clubs), you’ll be amazed how quickly these girls are willing to open up with you.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Paradise if you have a game plan
    Looks do matter, and mileage is a given with almost all the dancers if you know your game. You mentioned Alana, she’s a sweetheart.