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Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2018


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12 years ago
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Does Strippers Web ats still even exist?
Shadowcat, I know that but she certainly can suck less cock per hour at that rate. Lets coin that phrase "cph" = cocks…
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12 years ago
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Does Strippers Web ats still even exist?
I would never pay only 150-200 for fs. not knocking you for doing it but damn thats crack hoe prices. I guess…
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12 years ago
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Advice For Trip With Toronto Sweetie
Saba, st. barts, st martin are three of my favorites. However I take my boat there and scuba and go fishing. I…
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12 years ago
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what is the smallest girl you fucked ?
5 foot, 97 lbs. Shes amazing and I still see her. Shes flexible, and she likes it rough.
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12 years ago
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April 26,2013
Weeks off..
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12 years ago
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April 26,2013
Im taking a few weeks of, going to raccos tacos tonight and a little bar hopping. Should be plenty of tna about, whether…
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12 years ago
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Haystack in the stables, was not a stripper was a civilian gal who oddly enough cost more than otc with a stripper. But…
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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Dancer Jealousy
Theres a lit of this with my faves, I have since eliminated a few for being too clingy. Also the few that…
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12 years ago
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How do you make a living?
@Duomaxwell, some of the things said above are true. Most importantly are space and the means to take care of a horse long…
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12 years ago
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Everything you've (n)ever wanted to know about Duo
1. I can afford a lot...soooooo

2. In all seriousness, I just watched episode one of Hemlock Grove. Im confused, what is this…
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12 years ago
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Do ya think this guy could be a shill?
I like pole dancing lessons during open hours.for everyone to watch. Thats a good idea, I think. Or it could be akward.…
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12 years ago
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Things to Know About Papi Chulo
Yea from my readings Papi Loves Thick.Black.Strippers.
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12 years ago
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Your Favorite SC Drink ?
A pitcher pitcher of Lemon Drop for any ladies that sit with me to partake in and beer for myself when im there for…
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12 years ago
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How do you make a living?
I am a horse breeder, and I train horses and riders for a living. I sell brreding rights and so on to make…
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12 years ago
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Look a Likes
Why would Michelle need to know. Its the guys fantasy or it was at the time. Theres nothing creepy about roleplaying. …
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12 years ago
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OT: "The Retirement Gamble"Facing Us All
I imagine many growing up in this generation, and the 25-35 crowd probably wont retire. Many will work until they are put in…
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12 years ago
Look a Likes
Have you ever been out doing something and see a girl so sexy that you cant stop thinking about her? Then you go…
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12 years ago
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Post a detailed business plan, along with a credit hisory on here. I need last 5 addresses and your mothers maiden name. …
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12 years ago
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Coo-el dude hall o' fame
$12/hr is pretty decent money in this economy. I pay my people 11/hr after a year bump it to 12/hr. Of course…
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12 years ago
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Sheri's Ranch in Pahrump
If you plan on heading over the hump to Pahrump, I suggest you reconsider. Sure its legal and there are a fee good…
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12 years ago
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April 22, 2013
I hit up Tootsies two days late but I made it damnit. Had an amazing time which will be reviewed on this very…
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12 years ago
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Its Target and Chicfila that I have these thoughts about. Target has the hottest girls working in the bargain type superstores. Chicfila…
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12 years ago
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Sudden reconnections
Never hurts to be careful, in that lifestyle there is no such thing as too paranoid.
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12 years ago
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1st time at the strip club.
Why would tgey stick with you for your 20 or 40 bucks when they can go sit with someone who can make their night.…
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