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Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2018


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12 years ago
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Pro Sports Towns and Strip Clubs.
Thats a great question. Teams usualy cite the benefits of having such a huge organization. Jobs,charities, tourism, people spending money.
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12 years ago
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You gotta be shitting me. Miley Cyrus is the hottest.
For the record, she looks very hot in the magazine, but that is just one opinion.
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12 years ago
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You gotta be shitting me. Miley Cyrus is the hottest.
Their hot 100 is based on more than just looks. She was made 1 based on a lot of categories, mainly ability to…
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12 years ago
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Pro Sports Towns and Strip Clubs.
Duo, I watched the last episode or Hemlock, and I was all like WTF is this shit.... They really went for it those…
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12 years ago
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Can someone explain the process of getting an escort?
Dalex, related to your post, do you think those disclaimers at the bottom of the page are legit enough to protect against protect against…
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12 years ago
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Pro Sports Towns and Strip Clubs.
I agree pretty far fetched, interesting none the less.
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12 years ago
Pro Sports Towns and Strip Clubs.
Big news in Palm Beach County is that the Dolphins are considering a move in order to get a new Stadium. Palm Beach…
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12 years ago
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My First Tip
Ive had one refuse more money. She said that I had tipped her plenty that night, and I should use the money for…
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12 years ago
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Tennessee like a gentleman
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12 years ago
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My ATF is an expert at the dirty talk. Which is one of the many reasons that she is my favorite. She…
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12 years ago
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Mile High Club
Denver residents are exempt, however visitors get credit.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
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Mile High Club
As long as you are a mile above sea level it counts.
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12 years ago
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Coffee or Mountain Dew?
Sweet Tea
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12 years ago
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Would you rather?
I prefer the club, however ive only done one AMP. If I knew where to go in the Palm Beach to Broward county…
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12 years ago
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Unrequested blowjob?
Yea I gotta wonder what the point of a VIP session is if you dont want extras. You get the same service on…
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12 years ago
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Dolla Billz
50- 1 dollar bills for the rail, bathroom troll, and other small tips.

100 dollars worth of 10 bills

A few 5 dollar bills.

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12 years ago
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May 7,2013
Every day I read this and I dont go I die a little inside. Then I rack my brain for an excuse to…
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12 years ago
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What kind of girls get hired at Club Wax in Atlanta
Listen to the man, hes giving really good advice. As for my two cents, guys like all shapes and sizes. Be friendly…
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12 years ago
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White girls with blonde hair, with small bodies are my first. By small bodies I mean shorter than me, with natural tits that…
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12 years ago
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Blondes, Brunettes or Redheads
I have a variety in my stable, however I prefer blondes. They are sort of rare in south Florida with all the south…
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12 years ago
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Animal Print
I like my ATF in Leopard print. Mainly because she has a shredded leopard print dress that she wears sometimes.
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12 years ago
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Favorite pie?
Or some frikken Chocholate Pecan pie fool, you dont even know
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12 years ago
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Favorite pie?
Poontang Pie....

Serious- Key Lime, Pecan, Chocolate
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12 years ago
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Duo- I like tats, not as much as I like tits but it wont affect how I view a dancer. I am intriqued…
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12 years ago
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Emotionally Attached PL's
@slic, no offense taken. I am well aware of the epidimic of rape in our military. As I was enlisted for almost…
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