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Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2018


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12 years ago
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Favorite Condoms?
Lol, that is excellent, not very helpful but still awesome.
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12 years ago
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My superstition is that I have to announce that im going to the club on tuscl before I actually get out of my car.…
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12 years ago
Favorite Condoms?
For those that actually use condoms, what are your favorite brands, and type. Ive been searching for the perfect condom but alas my…
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12 years ago
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In miami the going first quote for an hour of anything goes is 1k. They can be talked down depending on who else…
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12 years ago
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Houston club busted.
Uh oh Player11, not any chicks from your roster of whores is it?
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12 years ago
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Woe Is Me Stripper Stories
Whoa, for a minute I thought you were in West Palm Beach, Fl with me.
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12 years ago
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That Stripper I was In Love With Is Now a Hooker?
Epic Fail..... However, it happens. All you are out is money and some shame. Time to find a new girl, who…
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12 years ago
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Stopping masturbation several days before a strip club visit
Ive never thought about this really. I dont think it matters unless youre an old dude who has trouble getting it done, or…
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12 years ago
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IRS Agents with guns
Its simple the govt is arming up everybody while trying to disarm the populace. They know that IRS scandals, NSA scandals and whatever…
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12 years ago
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Military barracks or strip club? Sexy video surfaces of female Israeli fighters
I was lucky enough to drive a detachment of Israeli military folks around base when I was stationed in Vegas. They have some…
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12 years ago
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Lets not get it twisted folks. The Spurs are really good, and have been for a long time. Duncan, Ginobli, and Parker…
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12 years ago
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Saved by TUSCL.
Fellas, I dont know what her intentions were. I wasnt trying to make sense of it. I was just sharing the experience…
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12 years ago
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Saved by TUSCL.
It was my first dancer requested otc. I was very cautious. She said her roomate was a cuban chick. Turns out…
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12 years ago
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Saved by TUSCL.
Thanks guy, that really advanced the conversation.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
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Saved by TUSCL.
Im not posting her pic on here. Her name is Christy and is not working at any strip club. She was recently…
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12 years ago
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What makes an ATF?
Attitude, Treatment, and Fuckability. She has to have a great attitude and be enthusiastic. She has to treat me like gods…
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12 years ago
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Saved by TUSCL.
Of course it would have, but I may have handled it much differently.
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12 years ago
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Why would 20 yo girl with no kids be loose as goose?
Hey thats someones mom you are calling a 31 yo housewife whore. Is that what she likes to be called? She probaby…
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Saved by TUSCL.
Yesterday, I recieved a message from a dancer that I had met a few weeks before. She was cool but slightly off, I…
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12 years ago
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Dogs vs Cats
I have three dogs, that roam as they please amongst the horses on my ranch. I also have 2 cats who control the…
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12 years ago
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That was wierd. NSA must have been collecting all of our info.
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12 years ago
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WARNING: Do not read if you have a heart condition
I got a chick who needs some money. Shes gonna have to work for it though, bc I shall not loan a dancer…
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12 years ago
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Give me athletic but not too athletic.
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12 years ago
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"you're cute"
I am cute, this is a fact. And strippers cobfirm that on the regular. Then they ask for dances or drinks. …
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12 years ago
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Tip Of The Day-Don't Be Creepy
I do take a battle buddy once in a while, but I like being a loner when I club. It does help some…
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