Joined Feb, 2013
Last Seen Oct, 2018

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Single best SC visit of your lifeI was splurging one night at a club. I had gone back for my second visit just to visit this one girl who…

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Dipshit Hall of FameDougster, I guess youre right. Have to weigh entertainment value plus actual useful info.

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Dipshit Hall of FameTopics like this one really bring down this site. I enjoy this site and get some realy good insights from people on here.…

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The Daily Customer1k blowout every month, then I only spend 1 day there and have the rest of the month to not be in the club.

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Dancer discussion topicsPapi probably has the best insight on this one so far. Simple and to the point.

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Dancer discussion topicsI like to throw them off and talk about something weird. Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream. What color are the…

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Don't fall in love with them.What a dick. If youre going to kill yourself, kill yourself. Dont take other people with you. I hate murder suicides,…

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Counting SongsAt tootsies, in the upper level the bouncer counts the songs. Dont know how well that works as I just get a full…

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Springtime is here!Papi, Tootsies still has a prime rib spexial on mondays. I plan on hitting it soon. Btw tootsies has really good food…

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How to juggle Favorite DancersShadowcat please elaborate on your post about playing them against each other. If this can really drive down prices then hell yea. …

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In love with.a stripperOn my first OTC, which was last week. I found myself loving the experience, and maybe the girl as well if I am…

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How to juggle Favorite DancersLol, I must. Yeah im going to sxale it back I guess. Went toi heavy toi fask I rekon.

How to juggle Favorite DancersI have 5 favorite dancers at my favorite club. Two are day shift gals, and the other three are nights. Of those…

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Explosions at Boston Marathon an hour agoSomebody said up in this thread that ball bearings arent muslim terrorist style. It actually is their style to a T. Typically…

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Fucket ListJenna Haze, also a very attractive asian girl, and a very attractive black girl. Not in casual encounters either, I want to find…

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No. 1 Pornstar- yfmv- Best pornstar you've got a dance/more from?I went to a jenna haze show in the hopes I could get at least a lap dance. I brought a couple grand…

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Unlimited BudgetsIve hit this hobby pretty hot and heavy. Spent thousands in a few months span. Im not hurting financially, but at my…

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How much ?I really dont mind spending whatever it takes. I have had short 30 minute sessions for 250 at the least. Anything less…

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The No-Touch RuleI like pulling their hair during a blowjob or doggy, not violently or anything but just enough to where they enjoy it or say…

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BEST OPENING LINE FROM DANCERVery recently, I was at club and a girl that I had seen a few times but never approached came up to me.…

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Stripper With A PhD?My Favorite has a masters in Nursing. I was a combat medic so I knew enough about her job and the terminology to…

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The secret code?This site is so educational. I always thought the term eskimo brothers came from the popular fx tv show "the league" &…