
Comments by ButterMan

  • review comment
    8 days ago
    Ding dong the witch is dead!
    Yes they sure do buddy! And yes he got rid of most of the regular girls in favor of little 18 year olds. Hopefully things get back to normal now that he is gone.
  • review comment
    10 days ago
    Ding dong the witch is dead!
    I really hope it does improve with the new GM there. If it does i'll write a follow up.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Same ole overpriced nickel and dime Pt's BS!
    Yes $35-$40. I doubt i'll ever be back😒
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Disappointing Monday Night Visit
    Your experience is typical at dancers these says. The new manager has pretty much came in and got rid of most of the girls and waitresses that we all knew and loved. And yes they posted dances were $20 and they never actually were. This club has gone completely to the dogs overnight!
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Another good visit, not much changed
    If you can get these girls to charge $20 or $25 you are getting a good. There needs to be a standard price for eveyone.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Not bad for a Monday evening
    You are correct Rey is always worth the price of admission. and the fact that other girls there get away with charging $40 a dance when she charges $25 doesn't make sense. You are better spending your money on her a few others.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Solo trip to Dancers
    It sounds like she hustled you out of some money:( If you did 2 songs for $50 that's $25 a song. So $350 for 1/2 hour doesn't add up. You have to watch those girls.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Disappointing Saturday night visit
    I refuse to pay the $40 dance prize. But i've been a regular there so long i probably know exactly which girls are charging 25 or maybe they just charge me 25 but i'm paying anymore weekends or not.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    My semi-annual review of Dancers showclub
    Speaking of alexis another girl that sort of reminds me of her is miley. Not in the looks department but is sort of the same personality type and really cute. I think ive seen them hanging out together.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    My semi-annual review of Dancers showclub
    I like alexxis. I think she is worth getting to but she doesn't seem to work that often. She is a cutie for sure. And seems to have gotten hotter since i first met her.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    My semi-annual review of Dancers showclub
    I did go in last night and treat myself to some of rey's dances:) she has definitely still got it fellas. Highly recommended!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    My semi-annual review of Dancers showclub
    It is safe around here. It is almost like an industrial area. Notva lot around other than gas station. And as far as the VIP it is a little expensive but i've seen worse. I believe 250 for 1/2 and 375 for an hour I think. I have never thought it was really worth it just because your probably not getting extras. Although 1 girl has able to lure me back there recently for some 1/2 hour sessions. That shows how much i'm into her. This is more of an OTC club than vip imo but I have seen guys go back and do 1 or 2 hours in VIP so to each his own.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    My semi-annual review of Dancers showclub
    Your right minnow I did mean 7pm. Can we edit these? I don't know. I'm glad you liked the review.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fetishey fun on a Thursday
    3 for 100 is not a good deal. Maybe 4 or 5 for that price is fair. And what sort of "fetish" stuff🤣. I'm not sure abt this review. It would be nice if he gave a name.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Declining strip club made worse by bad management.
    Wow the only clubs i have ever been to where there was a drink minimum were all black clubs. Ive never liked pts anyway and this is just another reason to stay clear.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Kira and Cypress
    Something tells me bobby tacos is either new around here or a manager at dancers showclub..LoL Us guys that you say are just complaining about prices have been reviewing these clubs and in this game for a while my man.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dinner with a stripper
    I've had dinner with several strippers over the years. I actually had dinner with a girl last night at a place you all may have heard of. St elmos steak house. And is all part of the game. If I get them comfortable with me and trusting me the next step is OTC action at my place. Works every time.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Overpriced Private Dances
    Here in Indy at my regular club LD have gone up to 25 from 20 pre-covid. I can almost accept that price increase but they stated that techically girls can charge what they want and some try and charge 30 and 40. I refuse anything over 25 ever. To me after all of these years it just aint worth it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Kira and Cypress
    This review is a little misleading perhaps not the fault of the OP. yes some girls do charge $40 per song but about 80% I'd say charge $25. I go here about every week and I have never paid $40 per song. Nor will I ever. Doc and jeff said it all above, The $40 will ruin the club and drive guys away if it becomes the norm, I would suggest rejecting every girl that charges this rate. This is Indy not vegas or south beach.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My yearly review of Dancers show Club
    I agree with you 100% Rod. And so do some of the dancers in there. A lot of them don't like the girls being able to charge that much. It certainly takes some of them off of the table for me. But if it becomes the norm in the future I'll look elsewhere too.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ok, just not my kind of place.
    Yea the prices here sound ridiculous. Not to mention the whole bottle service theme or whatever you want to call it. Classy chassy had been going down for a while but this place doesnt sound like my style other than Otc options. But with all of this bs im not sure i want to even try it
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A catch-all account
    A nice mid-level club
    Actually the minimum is $20 per dance ,but it doesnt surprise me that jackson told you that. She,aspen and channel are the ring of the $40 per dance movement which ill never do. Its not worth it. There are plenty of girls their that still charge 20 or 25 per dance.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Will be no mileage but for sure hot line up
    Are they that bad desertcrub????? Ive never been to one there
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Disappointing Saturday Night
    Yes i can tell as a long time regular here CeCe is always one to avoid. She isnt the only but dont waste your time with her.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Get Rid of $40 Dances
    I will never pay $40 for an LD here I promise you that. I have noticed a lot of girls try and charge $25. I say well then I'll just get 2 then...LOL I have been a 3 dance for $60 there for years but since they want to play games I'll actually spend less. raising the cost of LD's doesn't work ladies. And I know april and aspen. Thumbs up to april's dance. Aspen is pretty and all but I pretty lames lap dancer really, not worth more than $20. Not trying to throw shade on anybody just telling what I know.