Comments by MikeRoberts2
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7 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
papi: lol. no multiple personality disorder here. hahaha. it's like a stripper fuck buddy of mine said, "It's not how hot she is. It's what she is willing to do." I must have busted out laughing. She's bi so it's always fun to spend time with her.
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7 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
No. Not sure what SJG stands for.
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7 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
It's pointless to give advice to losers. Losers will stay losers their whole life. they only seek to justify loserdom.
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7 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Not sure why these execs are into fat, nasty looking chics. maybe $25 for a blowjob if you are feeling desperate but 5.8 mil for something like that??? she looked like she was really capable of love too. lol
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I liked Heather Graham when she was in her late 20's through mid-30's. Super Hot!! See the movie, "The Guru". The movie was funny as hell.
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7 years ago
why debase yourself by kissing a girls ass? they are never going to respect you like that. girls like to work for a challenge, not a guy who is so lonely that he acts so desperate.
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7 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Papi, don't allow girls to treat you poorly. Just call them on their behavior. "Why are you so stuck up?" You'll soon notice they loosen up and be friendly real quick. Never *enable* women to treat you poorly because even if they give you sex, it will be a pity fuck for them. Stand up for yourself. Don't dimiss them alright, just say, "Why do you have such an attitude?" Works much better than dismissing them. I am a DOM in BDSM. I call girls on it, and give them once chance to fall in line, or be ex-communicated. This is the only way you will get respect from women.
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7 years ago
It's pretty obvious the best you guys can get are girls like butterfly and candy. girls I would reject even if they offered to pay me.
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7 years ago
You guys are just upset that the best you can get are hoes. Never been in a relationship with a real woman. It obvious that you are in love with strippers. Hope you marry one. as for @pawnrob69, sounds like a young college kid, young, dumb, and full of cum. people don't put up with a lot when they get older.
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7 years ago
Thanks for all your comments. HiLiter is on my permanent ban list as are all strip clubs. Done with hoes.
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7 years ago
a tattoo that says, "Fuck you, pay me.” Says everything you need to know about a girls attitude.
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7 years ago
I saw Amanda was at the club Friday afternoon.
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8 years ago
I remember going there a few years ago. On the nude side, a pretty girl told me for $200 in the dance area, I could touch anything. lol. Normally for $200, I am expecting full service.
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8 years ago
I have dancer friends who I see outside the club. They tell me about Butterfly for years. Hilarious!! I'm not into high volume girls like Butterfly, Brandi, Candi, etc. I've never done a single lap dance with anyone of them. They are just not my type. I like a connection first before I have sex. Otherwise the sex won't be that good. I have a lot of options outside and inside this club but I still like to come here for new girls and variety.
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8 years ago
The original Salty
Yes kid in a candy store at times. I don't have problems with limited funds as I usually walk in there with $1,000 but my cock can only take so much action. I blame it on being male. lol
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8 years ago
If a girl over counts songs, I would complain to the manager. If a girl gets too many complaints to a manager, they will let her go. I doubt that anything I said was the sole reason a girl got fired. It's the number of complaints.
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8 years ago
She was wanting a $200 tip just for that. You are the worst whore. Can' even read. Stick to sucking cock and not try your hand at reading and writing.
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8 years ago
Also I had managers who count in extra songs. I had to argue with them until they dropped the 2 extra songs. I told them we didn't do the first song and we didn't do the last song coming out because it takes time for her to get dressed. Just make sure you tell them if you notice managers putting in extra songs.
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8 years ago
Yes, I know. Kyndra will say she did 5 songs in VIP. She goes to bouncer/manager to confirm and comes back to tell me it is indeed 5 songs. I don't believe it and check with the bouncer/manager myself and he says 3. Those girls lie a lot. Also on the floor dances one time when she did 2 songs, and said they did 6, bouncers don't track those.
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8 years ago
Another girl to watch out for is Riley. She does good floor dances but becomes a total bitch in VIP. Demanding all kinds of extra money if you put a smile on your face in VIP, or anything she can think of. She does not do extras but expects to be paid just the same. :)
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8 years ago
Oh I forgot, talking to the bouncers is often a waste of time. I meant talk to the manager. Don't waste time with bouncers.
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8 years ago
Papi, you are correct. However I am friends with many of the managers at the clubs I go to. Things have been resolved amicably and in most cases, the girls get fired. Truth. I did not complain to the manager about Kyndra but if that happens again with another girl, I will this time. They don't always fire the girl but they will talk to her and those girls avoid me like the plague when they see me again. Must have had a stern lecture. It really depends on if the management is honest or sleazy and plays you just like a stripper does. I prefer honest places. Management here is good.
review comment
8 years ago
Sorry the bouncer that assaulted me was Jose. I saw the picture of the bouncer that was arrested and he was always nice and respectful to me.