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Joined Jul, 2011
Last Seen May, 2022


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13 years ago
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fake titties
Meh, I prefer & go out of my way for natural but I can settle with really well done implants (no scar, not overly…
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
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Speaking of dread diseases
Only know of one dancer that got HPV from her boyfriend, which then lead to a bad case of cervical cancer.
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13 years ago
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Stay away from this club.
How can you friend tell that he got Herpies / HIV from one girl versus the other? >_>

Yup another attention whore post. …
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13 years ago
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Ever been busted for posting a negative review?
Like uscue13, I usually do a review after several visits. I'm doing a review of the "club" not just a couple girls' dances.…
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13 years ago
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What's a PL to Do?
Myself, I always get a few random LDs with new dancers. And save the VIP $ if I find a keeper or when…
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13 years ago
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What's her motivation?
Worse ones are sob stories where the girl actually starts crying. Totally kills the VIP room.
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13 years ago
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Sarcasm, joking demeanours, etc. do not translate easily to typed text. But Trolling is easily seen everywhere.

If you want to go…
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13 years ago
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Being politically correct in the strip club.
4) PLs are Patrons
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13 years ago
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Been seen in public with a dancer?
Meh, my XATF and I were too close in age for people to notice during friendly dinners (24 & 20).

But I've definitely…
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13 years ago
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Good place for the designated driver / broke buddies.
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13 years ago
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OT: Sex 6 times a day with the worlds fattest woman.
Meh, whatever floats his boat. : /
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13 years ago
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How much of your bank account has gone to one girl?
My former ATF got $3 grand over the course of 4 months.
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13 years ago
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Gold Club
320 General Doolittle Dr Jacksonville, FL 32225
Gold Club: Fairly large club that's secluded...
Gold Club:
Fairly large club that's secluded (in a classy way) from the rest of Jacksonville. The venue is similar to up-scale restaurants (owing…
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
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2560 Emerson St Jacksonville, FL 32207
Sinsations: Small club who is only...
Small club who is only one of two clubs in Jacksonville that provide nude dances. Visited for two days Tuesday &…
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
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Dancer: "You're the first customer I've gone out with...Please don't murder me.
Heard something similar ("please don't kill me") when I gave my ATF a ride home.

"Don't worry, I want this to continue. …
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13 years ago
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Déjà Vu Showgirls
5282 Mission Blvd Ontario, CA 91762
Been a regular patron for several...
Been a regular patron for several months earlier this year & visited from Friday-Sundays (mostly Sundays). For the new guys, I wouldn't reccommend…
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
Things you normally don't see at the Club:
-Full Cop in Uniform kicking the PLs out of the club during closing time.

-Gay Guy sitting around in the club (Crossed legs, green painted…
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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House Moms
Every time I've encountered house moms, the dancers keep asking the PLs to tip the mom too. >_>
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13 years ago
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The Line-Up
The after line-up part is amusing when they all split and you're bombarded with "do you want a dance" until the right one shows…
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14 years ago
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Military Pay Day at Strip Clubs
I avoid it. When you have lots of young, boozed-up, cash-throwing airmen/ privates/ sailors/ marines, trouble has a good chance of following.

And they're not…
avatar for HB13
14 years ago
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Military Pay Day at Strip Clubs
I avoid it. When you have lots of young, boozed-up, cash-throwing airmen/ privates/ sailors/ marines, trouble has a good chance of following. …
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