Joined Jul, 2011
Last Seen May, 2022

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What does your favorite club smell like?@mmdv26. Talking with the bathroom trolls makes them spread their knowledge (sucks for them if they're in there for hours so they dump…

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Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?I prefer to do the approaching. I'll tip them on the stage & invite them over to a back table.
Unless of course a…
Unless of course a…

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What does your favorite club smell like?Faint perfume.
Noticing that alot of clubs now are putting ice in the urinals to keep the smell down.
Noticing that alot of clubs now are putting ice in the urinals to keep the smell down.

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They really are going to school!Just craigslist that shit. Easier if you're in a college town.

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Dancer's Expected Income: Unrealistic ExpectationsOne thing to look at is, she made that much on a Saturday night.
How much does she earn on weeknights? I'm…
How much does she earn on weeknights? I'm…

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What's the most you spent on tips (excluding tips for dances) in a single night Tips alone? ~$60. Most of my dinero goes to VIP rooms. Most in a single night $500.

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Mobile, AlabamaBeen to Sammy's about 7 months ago & Candy Store 3 years ago. With Alabama's pastie laws, and the outrageous prices they have…

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HUGE tits saves a womans life.Maybe if she had smaller tits, she would've fit into her seat belt?

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Strip club injuries?Girl bit my nipple pretty hard one time.
Left a bruise that took 3 weeks to heal >_<
Left a bruise that took 3 weeks to heal >_<

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stage mileageWas flexing my pecs while a girl was fishing for a dollar in my shirt collar. Then she bit my nipple... >_>
Lesson learned,…
Lesson learned,…

Singing along to songsReposting my comment to another thread, as this is a good aside:
Anyone else sing along to certain club songs? When I…
Anyone else sing along to certain club songs? When I…

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Song heard last night at the clubOne more:
Far East Movement - She Owns the Night
*Note: For some odd reason a bunch of FEM songs' lyrics work great for strippers,…
Far East Movement - She Owns the Night
*Note: For some odd reason a bunch of FEM songs' lyrics work great for strippers,…

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Song heard last night at the club>_>
If you fall in love, you fail. You have to do the opposite. My tactic is to make them fall…
If you fall in love, you fail. You have to do the opposite. My tactic is to make them fall…

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Move over Michael Vick.Well Monkeys have been taught the concept of money:
But to the scientists' horror, they also proved the existence of Monkey prostitution.
But to the scientists' horror, they also proved the existence of Monkey prostitution.

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Would this woman make a good stripper?No thanks, it just looks freakish and fragile. >_<

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what name do you use up in the club ?My first name, which is unique itself. And that then leads to a set of funny / cool nicknames & is a conversation…

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Favorite physical features on dancers1. Face - if it's a face you can wake up to, then she's a keeper.
2. Personality - If she's a not a bitch,…
2. Personality - If she's a not a bitch,…

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Taking a strip club virgin to a club for the first timeI've seen a couple groups bring buddies who have never been before. And one thing that happens fairly often is that buddies would…

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What do you do for fun, other than visit strip clubs?Work out (gym & running), drive fast around corners, fishing, BBQ & watch football with friends, destroy others at PC games.

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OT: Guy Grabs 1,000 Russian Girls' Breasts1,000 Girls = 2,000 boobs.
Then he shook Putin's hand...
Any favs? -Mom encouraging the jailbait daughter, where the girl slaps…
Then he shook Putin's hand...
Any favs? -Mom encouraging the jailbait daughter, where the girl slaps…