The Terms we use and the good times we share

avatar for JuiceBox69
I've been around tuscl for 10years ( 5as a lurker then 5 as a active contributing member) and have read countless review's from state to state.I've also been on the board and have digested tons of articles.

Below will be my commentary on the tuscl terms we use and the one's i have never seen used.

My idea of this article is to open a dialog of these terms and maybe older or more informed members can chim in and add valuable history to these terms we use or no longer use.

Since im sure the terms that are no longer used once we're used. Im also positive the same will happen to know terms today will be out dated in the future...just as some have managed to stay relevant yesterday,toady and tomorrow.

My exposition and walk through commentary should be taken as a jumping point for discussion seeing this subject is the collective mind of tuscl and not just one member.

With all this said let's dig in : )

TUSCL Glossary of Strip Club Terms

7-Up Factory: Any sizeable club where ALL dancers are 7ish and Up

^ I love this term and have used it. Being a fat guy i suppose i enjoy the soft drink reference lol. Any time im at a club that at worst all they have is 7 and at best 8 with that one 9 i will usually use this term. Not sure if im using it correctly? But that's y i started this discussion

Air Dance: A lame lap dance. No contact whatsoever. None. And there are no refunds. If you get these frequently, maybe you need to shower more than once a week.

^ my lord ! I hate visiting club's and strippers(although my ATF was one) that provide this lame service. I mean if it was $5 it's not to painful but walking in and popping$30 for Air ? Damn ! This is a term i use often to warn other's in my reviews

ATF: All Time Favorite - a patron's favorite dancer. If you have one of these, please see PL lower in the gloss.

^ obviously a very used term used on the board and i believe is often misused. Most use the term like the CF term, but it seams that this term should only be used by a gentleman near the end of his career because only then could one look back overtime and award this to one and only one dancer.

A good example of this comes from my life.I have labeled a ATF in my late 20"s after clubbing since 18 (10 years of clubbing)now although she would make a wonderful ATF im only 35 as i write this. I still have 30 plus years ahead of me. So for me she will become a candidate and i should talk about her as a CF until a longer and fuller career.

ATM: The dancer's term for a PL. Don't be one of these.

^ could not agree more. I have actually had a dancer buy me a shirt that read "ATM" with a picture of a ATM machine spitting out cash. This term often brings laughter to my soul. Mainly because im a member on another site that defines this as Ass To Mouth lol. You can find that over on rubmaps. I agree with the tuscl definition and have seen it used in reviews and the board. It is often correctly used except for on rubmaps lol

BBBJ: Bare Back Blow Job. BJ sans condom. Felatio Make sure you get to a clinic afterwards.

^ besides a HJ this has to be a safer form of unprotected sex although i do agree u should go see your doctor lol. This is a very popular term and a very enjoyable extra from the dancers

BBFS: Bare Back Full Service (aka Russian Roulette)

^Another popular term to describe risky behavior that i used to participate in until my scare...i will not return to this activity until im shadows age lol.

Bird Dog: A bouncer that watches over the private dance room.

^ this is a great example of a term i have not seen used. Maybe at one time it was ?Maybe this discussion will cause it to be used. I kinda like it for reviews if i was to use it

Blue Light Shoppers: Cheap guys who come in and wait for only the two-for-one dance specials, nurse a drink all night long. AKA Tuesday's @ Deja Vu.

^ Another term i never see used but does describe some of my many night out clubbing lol

Boobie Bashing: Smothering your face in her boobs in order for her to retrieve a tip you have placed in your mouth. A Stevie done for money.

^ very surprising this term isn't used more than it does. I would use it in a review because i love breast

CF: Current Fave

^ A term I see used a lot and a term i myself use a lot on the board and in reviews. often times ppl use ATF like its the CF..CF would be the correct term

CIM: Cum-In-Mouth

^ I never see this term used by itself but it gets used frequently on the end of the BJ and would be funny to be used on the end of HJ or FS

Cock-Block / Clam-Jam: When ever a dancer that you don't want to sit with you does so and she won't leave, she's cock-blocking / clam-jamming you. It prohibits you from getting the dancer that you do want to come over. It can be a PL's worst nightmare. Definitely in the top 5 annoyances that most mongers deal with during club visits. (Courtesy of Lopaw)

^ i enjoy this term and i see it used once in a blue moon. i guess my usage of it is limited because often i club alone.

COI: City of Industry. A city east of Los Angeles, CA

^ i have seen this on the board but not in a review but im on the east coast and maybe that is why.

DATY: Dine at the Y. Cunilingus. Eating Pussy.

^ have not seen this much in reviews, but on the board some of you guys love the hell out of this term. i have to admit i had to go to the glossary over this term lol

DFK: Deep French Kiss

^ love this term and i love the girls that provide this service.

DS: Dream Stripper

^ im very surprised to see this term in the glossary seeing i believe by the definition of the word dream their is no way this can be a real girl or expeirnce. we also have other terms like the porn star one that i believe some of you guys would miss use as a DS or even the girlfriend expeience. but nevertheless it is a popular term on the board at least and hell even i have been playing around and using it in my funny stories.

Extras: Prostitution, done within a stripclub with at least the tacit permission of the management. Extras are normally performed with your pants down and are classified into HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.

^ not only did this term cause me to make the extras gewing gum my favorite brand but this was the hole reason behind me joining tuscl

F/S or FS: Full Service, and we aint talking about the gas station, even though there is pumping going on.

^ full service or full sex as it is often reffrencend to is overall used term in the hobby and a great one at that.

Friction Dance: A contact dance performed with the dancer's legs on the floor inside of yours, as opposed to a true lap, where she climbs on top of your lap. Also known as a crotch dance.

^ a term i never see but i believe im going to start using it as it is easly can be used as FD in short and can be helpful in writing reviews

Full Contact: A lap dance where a statistically significant amount of touching and/or grinding takes place. Comes in two basic varieties: 1. "ONE WAY": at a minimum the dancer grinds your crotch with her ass with the intent of getting you off in your pants. Enhanced variations can include her rubbing her tits in your face, stroking your package, nibbling you. pinching you, etc. Often you will be allowed some limited touching of the girl (thighs, ass) but "limited" is the operative word in a ONE WAY. 2. "TWO WAY": where in addition to the above you are free to feel the dancers tits, ass, sometimes crotch, etc. Enhanced variations can include kissing, licking and sucking her nipples, slipping a finger or two in her kitty, oral sex. Can get very intimate.

^ love the term and the deffintion but i do disagree with the oral sex or the fingering parts of it. i feel their should be a line to draw as in what is high mileage and a extra but i also can see the grey areas of some issues in these terms and definetions and some over lapping. this term i see a lot at good clubs and their reviews and often times on the dissucion board.

GFE: Girl Friend Experience - usually a term reserved for escorts, but it has spilled over into strip club lingo. Not sure if it's a good thing though, as I have never had a girlfriend give me a nasty grinding lap dance. I'd much rather have a HASE.

^ im often a sucker for a good GFE and use this term a lot on the board and in reviews. not only did the term get used with escorts but i also see it used on massge forums as well these days.

HASE: Hot Ass Stripper Experience -One or more strippers having wild passionate sex with me just cause they like the bulge in the FRONT of my pants.

^ a term i have never seen and a term that i might see go away over time due to the DS term

Hoover: A British term, to vacuum, named after the vacuum cleaners. When used in Canadian clubs, it means to "suck all the money out of your pockets".

^ never have seen this term either and icould see it confussed with a blow job. Also the word ATM is good enough and hoover just seams to be redundant,

ITC: Inside The Club - As opposed to OTC (Outside The Club). Usually in reference to Extras performed ITC.

^ a term that has much love from everbody and might be up their with the terms first learned and used my new members looking for a happy ending lol.

Juiced: When the Dancer is able to take all the money that you came in the Strip Joint with.

^ i term only i have used it seams due to it being my name and im trying to get it to catch on since i re discovered it. other than this its a term i don't see used.

Lap Dance: AKA a lap, lapper, or LD. Any more-or-less intimate performance that a female dancer does for you alone for additional money with you in a sitting (or lying) position with your pants up. Almost always advertised as involving some form of contact. A LD may be totally public or completely private or anything in between.

^ the LD is a good term to have and and easy one to figure out just by reading it used in a sentence. it may be basic but it is powerful and used a lot for obvious reasons.

LDK: Cumming in your pants during a lapdance. Named for LapDanceKing.

^ this term is funny and i hope never goes away. but i can only imagine 20 years from now and the confusion ppl might have if lets say LDK is no longer with us. but still a term i love and use as much as i can

LFK: Light French Kiss.

^ never seen this used as it seams the DFK seams to have all this covered

Mileage: Just how much shit you can get away with.

^ a term that is used a lot and i love it but i would like to see the defienton add "without it being a extra" but that's just me

Mini-Lap: A Lap Dance where the dancer leaves the stage and performs the lap for a few seconds out in public, usually for $1 or $2.

^ i haven't seen this term used at all neither at least in my area have i seen it. i would love to see it in the club.

Nipple Feels: The act of tipping a dancer between her breasts so that you can cop a feel of her nipple when she grabs for your dollar.

^ another term i have not seen used.

OTC: Outside The Club - Meeting with a dancer for anything from an after work snack at Denny's to a dinner date to an escort session. Not usually approved of by the club or by many dancers.

^ one of the most loved terms and basic to learn form the newbies lol. this term iwill always be used and sought out

Pervert Row: Dancers call the seats around the the stage , nearest the stairs, Pervert Row because the poor tipping guys who sit here try desperate measures to get free close up views when the girls are coming and going off the stage, somehow think the girls won't notice them. Sure giveaway you're a PL if you sit here and nurse one drink for three hours.

^ i have used this in reviews and have herd even dancers call it this. i love the term and the usage of it in reviews.

PL: Pathetic Loser - get a grip, she's not in love with you, she just wants your money. All of it.

^ i don't see it used a lot in reviews but its very popular on the board. and i would agree we all believe we are all PL

PSE: Porn Star Experience. The look of a porn star: nice fake tits (big but not too big -have a LOT of fun with them), great ass, tattoos/piercings, and looked like a porn star (not gorgeous but also not a butter face.)

^ a term i have never seen used and i can see the DS term replacing it over time

RC or Raincoater: A patron who doesn't care what a dancer looks like or how old she is as long as she can squat and pump.

^ ive never seen this term used and im still confused on what this defineiton means lol ??? is it talking about a golden shower ???

RIL--Regular In Love: A PL who gives big money to one dancer for laps in the hope that the "date" outside the club will actually happen. He is too smitten to understand that there will never be a date, just his empty wallet.

^ i have not seen this term used and can see this being taken into the PL term down the road

ROB: Rip Off Bitch - Stay away, stay far away from these dancers, unless you're a PL.

^ a term used a lot in reviews and on the board. its a term you hate to experience but love to read about because it service as a warning to all PLs

Rock: Customer who sits in a strip club, buys the 2 drink minimum (nurses both), doesn't get lap dances, doesn't tip the girls, doesn't tip the bartenders/waitresses and sits there ALL night. Don't be a Rock!

^ i have had many trips to the club wear honestly this is me. i have herd dancers call it the couch and even the furniture. i would like to see this term catch on but i don't see many ppl admitting that this was how the night went down. i believe i will start using it at least in my reviews.

RTW: Putting bills into a stripper's garter all the way around her leg and making her look like a Christmas Tree with money.

^ i have done this and often in slow clubs lol. i have not seen this term used at all.

Six-Foot Rule: A law which states that a dancer must be at least six feet away from her customer.

^ this sounds like some shit i would not be into lol. i have not seen it used either

Snaking: Anything from sneaking a peak to outright ogling of a nearby dancer performing a personal dance (table, friction, etc) for another guy.

^ have not seen this term used but i have seen patrons do this and must admit when given the chance im guilty of this lol

Spectator: 1. Guy who sits and ogles everyone else's dance but never buys one of his own. 2. Guy who sits at Pervert Row all night but refuses to tip the girls on stage. (Also known as a PL) No one likes a spectator!

^ never seen it used and could see the ROCK term takes this one in

SS: See Stripper Shit

^ much like its sister ROB lol, SS is a very well known term to negatively talk about bull shit that these bitches put us through lol. this term is used alot

Stage Dance: Any public performance by a female dancer done on stage with the intent of arousing men and for which you do not have to pay any more money (except for optional tips). The classic striptease, in all its infinite variety.

^ love a good SD as it is a great way to scout the talent and make the choices for the night. its also a great way to enjoy a cheap night out lol. i can see this term running into perv row but not taking it in as it seams that SD is a fundamental term

Stevie: When a dancer puts your face between her boobs - so even Stevie Wonder would know he's in a strip club!

^ have not seen this term used but i love doing this. wonder how this got called a Stevie ?

Stripper Shit: Anything a stripper tells you to separate you from your money. This could range from "my car broke down" to "my boyfriend doesn't fuck me anymore" to "my, you have a huge cock" to "do you work out a lot?" Good luck sorting it out. The good strippers are masters at the shit.

^ i believe we have covered this just looks like a longer defineinton was given

Table Dance: An air dance where everyone knows before the dance begins that there will be no contract.

^ a basice term to learn is the good old TD but i do not agree with the definition as i have been to many clubs and im sure you have as well that TD is high mileage.

TF: Tittie Fuck

^ love the term and love doing it. my favorite way of doing this is TFCIM

TOFTT: Take One For The Team

^ i have seen this used but often spelled out.seeing that it is a term i believe i will start using the short hand myself

TUSCL: The Ultimate Strip Club List

^ the grand daddy of them all lol

Two-Foot Rule: A law which states that a dancer must keep both feet on the floor. This led to friction dancing.

^ sounds like these grab rules could be takin in to the term Air dance or AD

UHM: Ultra High Mileage

^ so we know what low mileage is and high mileage. this term seams to push for sex but we have the term Extra for this....

VHM: Very High Mileage

^ same as above. seams like it could be taken in to the Extra term

Whale: A club patron who ties up one or more of your desired dancers for one hour plus, often in VIP room, for many consecutive dances. (minnow)

^ something i wish to be once all my education is finished lol. a term i have seen used a lot but mainly to describe a frustrating night out lol

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary - Don't expect to receive the same treatment unless you fork out the same amount of dollars.

^ enjoy the term and have seen it used from time to time. its a term i should use lol

YMWV: Your Mileage Will Vary

^ same as above

i hope this has been a fun little walk through. please forgive any misspelled words and grammer as im not working with good software and so one. thank you for you love and grace given to me over these areas

god bless from your boy



last comment
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Juice, somehow your grammar and spelling have improved markedly. It must be a Christmas miracle.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
He reads Marvel and DC graphic novels. It's paying off.....
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Lol, muuderr foookerrrz
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
Diesel Dancer = Provides high mileage, but without a lot of pep or pickup.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Enabler= a person who actually comments on a Juice topic, thereby making Shadows head to explode
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Very thorough.

We have the six foot rule with regards to nudity.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Personally I believe the terms “Friction Dance” and “Lap Dance” overlap; IMO there is not enough distinction b/w the two to warrant 2 different terms.

“RTW” - I'm probably missing it but can't figure-out what each letter is supposed to mean?

I think the definition of “Table Dance” is incorrect – it's current definition seem more like the definition of an air-dance
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I think “Wall Dance” should be added to the glossary.

I understand most SCers may not practice-it or know what it is; but it's popular in many a black club particularly the small-ones (which many of them are) where there is no dance-area and dances are on the floor.

Since these clubs are small there often isn't too much seating available thus the ebonies will grind on you w/ your back against the wall and her back to you – and they (ebony dancers) are AWESOME at it with their big powerful butts – feels like doggy-style fucking the way they grind on you.

I love wall-dances; even in clubs were I can get a seat for floor-dances; or clubs with a lap-dance area; I still opt for getting some of my dances as wall-dances – I love to have her grinding on me w/ her back to me while I'm simultaneously grabbing-on to her titties from behind – effing love it - “four reel dat” (as Juice would say).
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
You guys are crazy....
Mikeya im add-in that

Rech im da mang around this place

Papi i agree with all u just said
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I guess I am an "Enabler"
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Papi I think RTW is Round The World,not sure, any others care to enlighten us.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ yeah - that makes sense
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
ATF: I love the fact that the de facto meaning of ATF, as the term is actually used by customers in forums all around the web, is, "stripper who is among my top group of faves ever". The fact that guys can have 10 ATFs ... delicious irony, and a reminder that it's not just strippers who can be a bit flakey.

I also love it that some of the more anal retentive types HATE that the term isn't used literally, to mean one single all time favorite :).
avatar for TheFword
9 years ago
I know there are a lot of terms for anal, butt it's all Greek to me. (I've been waiting along time for the right place to use that line.)
I have my own 2nd meaning of ATF: Ass Too Fat.
First time I've heard of a Stevie, I know it as motor boating.
You didn't mention stick shifting, which I refer to as the secret handshake. If she wants me to take her to the VIP she has to know the secret handshake.
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
Should add OTHS = Over The Hill Stripper. A stripper who is over forty and looks every bit of it too.
the term Dirty Bitch for a stripper who was massaging some cuties inner thigh, but got turned down for a lap dance, and then comes over to where I am eating and watching the show just to steal a French fry off my plate without washing her Dirty Bitch mitts first. :-D
Great article.
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
^^^ Sorry, meant to type custies inner thigh, not cuties. Maybe another term would be SCP or SCPL as in Spelling Challenged Poster / Pathetic Loser.
avatar for xpando
9 years ago
That is really cool Juice.
But just so you know, long before there was TUSCL, there are ASS-C. I can't be the only one here who remembers. Usenet is gone, well not really but no one uses it anymore, but ASS-C lives on at the holy archives ( Check out the glossary.
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