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Joined Mar, 2011
Last Seen Oct, 2022


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11 years ago
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Test drives can be inconclusive.
I've had good experiences with girls that I thought sucked on stage and in the main room, but because we clicked I gave her…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Follies First Timer
I checked out Travis Porter's Follies music video to get a feel of the layout.

High top chairs by the wall.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Follies First Timer
Thanks everyone for the advice. I think I have my budget strategy mapped out. My timing will either extend or compress my budget.…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Nothing like a little necrophilia to take the edge off. :)
That would be a sad way to get an STD.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Follies First Timer
When I do go, I plan to go during the day. I never pay more than $10 a dance nowadays (call me cheap)…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Follies First Timer
Also, what is the dress attire at Follies? What is the preferred clothing to wear here?
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Follies First Timer
I plan to get in and out within 45 min. I just want enough of an experience to soak up some of the…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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First timer and by myself
I've been stripp clubbing for near 8 years. I'd say to bring enough cash to hold you through the night. ATM's in…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
Follies First Timer
I read the reviews for Follies and it seems like the best place to visit in Georgia if a person had to choose a…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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New York New York Cabaret
1221 E 2nd St Franklin, OH 45005
I checked out this club a...
I checked out this club a couple weeks back when that had a feature dancer there. It was an amazing show. This…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Pornstar Feature Clubs
Thanks grand. That will be a good start. Besides, I'm more interested in the who than the where, but I need the where…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
Pornstar Feature Clubs
I travel around the country a lot and I'm looking for clubs that usually feature pornstars on a regular bases such as Blush in…
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11 years ago
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Liquid lap dance video
Yeah. That video is fairly old, but yeah I have to agree that she does give a good LD.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Now this is Strippin!
I second Chulo.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Liquid Lapdance - Ok it's my time to voice my opinion.
After learning about LLD on tuscl then checking it out at the website. I wanted to find out what strippers thought about it.…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Liquid Lapdance - Ok it's my time to voice my opinion.
Thanks Jack and Slick for the compliments.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Liquid Lapdance - Ok it's my time to voice my opinion.
Yeah, much of my strip clubbing has partly been for experimentation and when I found out about the product I had to add it…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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Liquid Lapdance - Ok it's my time to voice my opinion.
Yeah. This product is not for those commited to extras or those who like "getting lucky." It's a planned experience for a…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
Liquid Lapdance - Ok it's my time to voice my opinion.
Physical Properties -

Basically it is a black bikini with a rather large black pouch on the front to hold your balls and joystick. …
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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The Harem Dayton
5813 N Dixie Dr, Dayton, OH 45414, USA*
So I was travelling on Wednesday...
So I was travelling on Wednesday night and stopped by the Harem to try out my Liquid Lapdance. You can find the full…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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New York New York Cabaret
1221 E 2nd St Franklin, OH 45005
I was passing by this place...
I was passing by this place on my way home. I had a couple of hours to kill so I decided to stop…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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If Founder Died...
Yeah Founder might be some type of demigod.
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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If Founder Died...
Hey. It is a thought that crossed my mind about a week ago. I know this site changed my world a bit. Has made…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
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If Founder Died...
Hey. It is a thought that crossed my mind about a week ago. I know this site changed my world a bit. Has made…
avatar for chukko
11 years ago
If Founder Died...
This is just an open discussion about what life would be like if Founder just died in a fatal car accident or something. Who…
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