
Comments by 0ddJob69 (page 7)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Papi, I believe you have a challenger for most detailed review of 2018, maybe even all time. Wow, a little too much detail in some areas for me, but better too much than too little (most times). Good job.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Subpar visit
    That says it all for me if you are avoiding what used to be one of your go to clubs. That speaks volumes in my opinion. Thanks Papi.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    In need of an oil change....
    It is simple, but one person doing it don't mean crap. My point was more to your point, we all need to stop catering to it and accepting because they are the only looker in otherwise slim pickings (that would be one of many mistakes I made at my visit to H8N in my other review) your lower head says she is worth it, etc. As long as a majority of PL's are buying this crap and giving in to the higher price, they'll keep doing it. I get that because I would too if I were them and someone is willing to pay more. I'm guilty as charged too on some days. Just suggesting it may be time to bring it back in check. What used to be one or two girls doing this we could easily say no too has turned into most of them and many clubs intentionally doing and encouraging this crap. Not disagreeing at all with you, just more of us, myself included, need to be better at saying no. Thanks for the comment.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't call this right off I94, but a short drive as you indicated. It is right off I75 and a straight shot down Nothline from the airport as well. Great day shift lineup. I had a great visit this past weekend as I was finally able to give it a shot thanks to a couple hour delay on my plane. Thanks for the review, it was helpful.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Motor City
    Pleasantly surprised
    I just tried it for the first time this past weekend and there was no smoking during my visit as well. I had a great time and will be trying to figure out how to get here more often. Way better than Cricket, H8, or Bogie's of late.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Semi Regular
    Semi-Regular, Keep your eyes Open
    Another HOT Tuesday
    Unless something changed in the last three days or you got a love shack special, the big chairs were still present along with a older kitchen chair in my last three visits in all the rooms I was in, most recent was this past weekend. Maybe it was just the room you were in. Maybe Bam Bam finally got it on with Pebbles and broke the chair. Out of curiosity, if the big chairs aren't there along with the old kitchen chair, what did they replace them with?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Cant Get Enough!
    Jabberwock - the reviewer is accurate. MacKenzie has some very visible tattoos. I had a therapy session with her a few weeks back. Since I hadn't met her before, I cannot say if they were new or existing. I would recommend Mackenzie to anyone for any therapy needs. No hassle, no upsell, solid delivery.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Ok Visit, Nothing Special
    I hadn't been there for a while so I will let others comment on the normal talent level expected. Much different than when I was last there. They charge $10 for back area like Hamilton clubs. However, I was told the charge is only good for the shift. Meaning if a person bought a band on day, they would be required to by another after night shifts starts. As for MacKenzie, she was a pleasant surprise. She isn't what I would consider my normal preferred type, but we hit it off and I would repeat with her no question. She was very straight and never complained when I failed to tip (again, honest mistake on my part as I intended to go back a second time after a refresher and then tip - but a leach chased me out when she wouldn't leave). Again, may not be everyone's first pick, but like I said, I gave her a shot based on prior comments here by others and really enjoyed it. Good luck!
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Whirlwind Visit - Ok, But Not Great On This Trip
    Agreed. I took your advice and she failed to tell me, so I asked. The other reason I knew it was only one was because the DJ announced this would be final song for girl on stage when my girl started her dance. Also, in this case, I knew the song. So I was 1000% sure on this chick. As hard as it was because she was just smokin hot imo, I can't stand the games. I appreciate women who are just straight and deliver what is advertised. Other than this past week where I screwed up and failed to be a good monger and tip two ladies, I pretty much tip well, probably too good sometimes. I still love this club though. Hard to find a better chocolate value anywhere in the U.S. between the girl selection most of my visits and laid back atmosphere. My only complaint is the one DJ just needs to shut up every now and then when he has no value to add and let the music play. He is annoying.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Box Of Chocolates
    I hadn't been back to the area for almost a year prior to this visit, but I would agree with you Papi 100%. Talent level was average and the chocolate talent was slim, literally and figuratively. Still, worked out Ok for me since I am not a exclusive chocolate person. I do like some variety. Currently on an Asian kick. Asian chocolate would be a dream find right now if I was in the right location at the right time. Thanks Papi,could to hear from you and look forward to your posts and comments as always. Wish i could get more trips down your way.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Too Shy Shy ........ Not This Girl
    by the way, I didn't tip because I was out of cash after my first two entertainers. $150 was exactly what I had left and as others have mentioned, this is not where you want to make an ATM withdrawal.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Strike Three
    623 - true, I am the common denominator. I didn't say I wasn't approached by anyone, basically I didn't like my options. While I was in three cant miss clubs, I still have some standards. Hygiene is one, realistic market prices are another. It was a snow day from hell. Custies were as few as the dancers. Girls that made it to work were either going for a grand slam on pricing if they were average or above so they could make enough to tip out or leave early. Others were low balling but not any one I wanted to venture back with as they clearly had cold or flu, hygiene, or other issues I didn't care to be a part of. A well traveled man like yourself would likely have made similar choice given the lineup choices. Rare day as I couldn't find anyone available I was interested in and the one I did give a second chance won't get a third.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Strike Three
    bree thought you were at cricket?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    One Diamond and few cubic zirconia's
    Me and my darn typo's. Diamond indicated she is NOT an "extra" fun type girl. Apologies everyone, old, but apparently still learning my ABC's.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Force Friday Adventure plus 2 other visits
    I see Bree posted a couple more on other reviews for today, so while I tried to give her the benefit of doubt, you may be justified in your comment Mrparty.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    The good, the bad, the fugly....
    Typo on my part, my comment on Tori should have read she WAS pleasant to talk to, not wasn't. Apologize for the typo.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Night out in Indy
    I left my drink, but didn't cover it. Problem is, when a small group of guys take the table giving the "I thought you were leaving BS or if they a drunk college a--holes, the "watcha gonna do about it" macho attitude, then that leaves only a couple of options. I don't go out enough in Indy to be known around town, so management will tend to side with groups if you involve them thinking the group will result in more money, especially if they are already drunk and pretty clueless as to what they are spending or throwing around like most college kids. Dancers has always been good to me, but it wasn't worth pursuing the issue and it gave me an excuse to head over to the other club I reviewed on this date. Besides that, the Asian girl and lack of ladies approaching me, it was clear this was not my night here. Good eye candy, have had worse experiences, so not complaining. I'll have to try to remember to throw the napkin on top next time I am out there and see if it helps. Thanks all for the comments.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Force Friday Adventure plus 2 other visits
    MrParty While I agree this is not a meeting place and probably in appropriate to post on another clubs post because it comes off as an advertisement for her or another club, I had actually posted in the past I was went to a club where Bree was working, specifically looking for Bree only to find out she moved on. So I think she was responding to an older post of mine letting me know where she was. While an IM would have been sufficient, I am not offended that she commented. So there is history in one of my older post of me looking for her. So again, I agree with you this could have been done differently to update me on location, but not total BS if one is aware of the whole story.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Body Club Still good with some drawbacks
    I have grown attached to this place my last few visits. I haven't been to Climaxx during day shift per se, I have arrived just before 8pm and only on Sunday for my visits there. I agree overall, Climaxx probably has a slight edge on looks. However, for me, I like the attitude of the girls at BC better. I haven't said no much, but when I did I never got attitude. A couple times at Climaxx I would turn someone down and it was like I got the plague for 30 minutes or more until someone else would ask. Also, the girls at BC seem to circulate more, probably because in general the club is not as busy as Climaxx, but I find it easier to get a girl you are interested in to stop by. You are so right on the DJ, a huge negative. I have nothing against him, just wish he would shut up during the song. He is like a bad referee. He shouldn't be impacting the game or experience, but he definitely hurts the overall vibe of the club. If he wants to work stand up, there are other clubs for that I am sure. Overall you are spot on with your review. BC and Climaxx are very close. at the moment, I just prefer this place just slightly over Climaxx. I've had a variable, but good experience in my three visits here to date. Looking forward to being back this week after being in Motown tomorrow. Good accurate review.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Consistent little club
    Another awesome review Papi. While our paths didn't cross, this is my new favorite SC when in So FL. Thank you for turning me on to this club. Like you said, the club may not be for everyone, but all the women had a certain willingness to make sure I enjoyed myself and the few I did turn away, took it without any attitude. Unbelievable mileage for $5 + fair tip. Thanks again Papi.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Off the List
    You get the ticket like always when you arrive and hand in on the first drink. On the second drink, you get a slip back to give VIP guy. Forgot to mention, they want $5 tip to VIP guy to insure privacy. My suspicion is you will get left alone either way, but it is a joke there now. Heard they are upping wristband price as well, but that could be misinformation and someone that got hit on the quota thing and didn't know what was going on. The drink changes plus the constant hassle to make sure it is full was too much. Not sure what happened to the day talent, but I will agree with others, it is gone.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    One last comment - this girl had personality and had no issues with basic hygiene, just the honesty of the dance expectations and upsell blew it. I guess that means I have three requirements - the first two get you back for dances, the third establishes how much $ I am willing to spend once we are back. I thought the dancer and I established expectations before heading back, maybe I was wrong. So i tried again once it became clear we were at a disconnect. I was just trying to salvage anything out of the time purchased at that point and wasn't going for any additional upsell or add-ons. Like I said, win some, lose some. Like I said, until we got to the dance room and things went south, I kind of like this girl otherwise. In the end, I lost on this one. I won't be back to Miami for a while, but maybe we can meet at the club if you are still working.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Miss Ebony - To be honest, I wasn't asking for or looking for extras. I have never done FS in a club. I just wanted an honest answer on what to expect when I went back for the dances. I had way more fun sitting on the stool at the bar being persuaded for dances than I did having the dance. I don't like grinders, meaning people who sit on my lap, text, stare at the wall, or get lost on whatever planet they are visiting mentally for the entire song and don't do anything else to make the dance sensual or worthwhile. I have not preferences on skinny or fat, black, white, or other ethnicity. My only requirements to be honest were personality and hygiene. Beyond that, i want the dancer to enjoy our time in the VIP as much as I do. Maybe I am screwed up off the wall brain dead, but the way I see it, if you have established the boundaries and I as a customer respect them, you want be worried about me and are more likely to have some fun yourself - which hopefully translates into me having more fun as well because you know you aren't dancing for some a--hole. To be honest, I was hoping to run into you based on your prior writeup and just have a good time to end my night. Unfortunately, the dance wasn't quite what I expected and I wasn't going for the upsell, especially at those prices. $100 to touch (move my arms from my side) is a bargain - not in my opinion in this club or any other. As soon as any dancer has counting issues (when paying per dance), spends more time upselling than dancing, etc. it is likely we will be done as soon as that song is over unless I paid for XX minutes as the case here. My minutes were up, I was happy to cut my losses and leave. It was clear I was not willing to pay for more when the original dances were not delivered as advertised and she had established a serious trust issue on anything she was saying. I think the only honest comment I got was at the end when she said "she had to try" referring to her upsell approach. It just wasn't meant to be and I am good with that. Sometimes I get lucky and get winners who have great personalities and make the dances enjoyable and fun, sometimes I get ones who press the limits on my acceptable practices, sometimes I get ones who are all talk and games or just plain ROBs and I cut these people off at first sign of things headed the wrong way. Personality, hygiene are two must haves for me. I avoid the pin cushion girls and those without running water to bathe in. Would have been nice to run into you as your comments on prior review were the only reason I even stopped (other than I needed a bathroom and remembered you said there was no cover) and knew I had nothing to lose. Sounds like we would have had a good time. I like to think I am pretty easy to dance for. I inquire to your boundaries, tell you where mine are, and let you know what I like/enjoy. At that point, it is up to the dancer as to what she chooses to do within those boundaries and I respect hers as well. The more I enjoy, the longer we stay back if pay by song or if by minutes, the larger the tip at the end. Maybe next time in Miami we'll meet and you can introduce me to your dance style and preferences. Until than, thanks for the comments on the club, I am sure we all appreciate other people perspectives, especially those who work and have to deal with us customers.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Bogart's Review
    I was there the same time as you. The blond you took back was Carrie. I was surprised to see her drop everything with so few of us there. It definitely was not the same cast I had three weeks ago except for Tori, the older blond. Given the total number of Patrons at the time, easy to determine you were either to my left or right. I was at the middle table with Tia. H8 is right around the corner, maybe 1.5 miles tops. You can get a free pass after going to any Hamilton club to go to another on the same day. On Sunday afternoon, I usually do Bogies or H8 and if the talent pool is low at one, I take the pass and try the other if my time permits. This Sunday was probably one of the poorest selections at Bogies since August for me. I had been relatively lucky talent wise here but no dice today. Which worked out, Miami clubs took all my money again this week. Place is always hit or miss as many say, but it had been more hit than miss until this day. Hope next visit works out better for you.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Follies is the shit - IMO
    Love your reviews Papi. You always provide excellent detail and never one to hide your honest opinions. Appreciate all the insight and Intel you provide to all members. Hope to run into you sometime. Having been to Follies, not quite sure the Cliffnotes would do Papi's review or Follies justice, but they do provide a quick and accurate summary I am pretty sure. :-).