
Comments by 0ddJob69 (page 6)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    It's and Oasis, not real.
    Technically I was thinking of a "mirage" of a fake watering hole (oasis). So while a true Oasis may be real, this place was more of a "mirage" if I were to be technical (and sober).
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not a Grand Slam, but what you would probably expect for the price
    Thanks for the comments. Bella and eventually Sunshine had no issues of approaching. Intentions were clear at the bar to where if I was anything other than a customer, they could have been busted just on barside action, trust me. So three never approached (other than tip for dance) and the two that did, we agreed upon backroom hustle terms, it just took 9 songs for their set, plus 12 more for the other two girl sets, and add in 6 more for the two that left, so 27 songs to get attention I thought I was going to get back around the 12-14 song count window. The ladies seemed easily sidetracked by locals so by the time they got back to me, it was time for them to go on again. Rinse and repeat. This was going to be my last stop for the night, so I was willing to wait it out. Risque was a no go (didn't bother with review, no value add to recent reviews on that club), and since the bartenders weren't pushy, I was OK with with just enjoying my drink up to a point and watching this comedy of errors.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I Dream of Genie
    Loved this place. I've hammered Oasis enough so I won't comment more on that. Thanks for the comments and private message.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    It's and Oasis, not real.
    Given the level of attention and the wonderful ladies down the street, if I am lucky enough to be back in Philly again, it would take a lot for me to want to put this ahead of anything else close by. I would have to strike out everywhere to want to come here again. We'll see. There were just some many other options in Philly or across the river if you don't care about physical club appearance, just enjoyed the entertainment and level of attention from the other ladies. I honestly thought this place might have been good when I first walked in and wanted to like this place. Just didn't work out. The experience was just so far below anything I tried in my time in the area, so it is hard for me to have the desire to try again given how far below it was the other locations. Even the go-go bar was far better than my time here. Besides that, Oasis probably has my picture up and will have me banned after my comment to the dancer. Works for me.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere everywhere
    Slow night
    Indiana sucks, not in a good way. HM clubs are rare. There are a couple clubs in this area and also the NW state that offer extended mileage per say, but nothing "high" like Miami, Detroit, etc. $300 in Indiana if you get touched anywhere under the pants or better, consider yourself lucky. As a general rule, this State sucks for clubbing.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Old Faithful and the Asian Unicorn
    Always wanted to ride a unicorn. Looking forward to your follow up.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Linzee - Nothing else to say
    Absolutely agree. She made my day for sure. She is one of those people I just don't think you can have a bad day around.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good time on a weekday afternoon!
    Sounds like you had a much better time than CP254 above.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Not much to Cheer about
    I had this on my list of places to visit next week or two while in Philly. Sounds like I should reconsider.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Try again
    The mileage here is nothing like it sisters clubs in Florida, that is 100% for sure. All but one of my experiences are very similar to what you have described. Although, my last visit here, I did find someone who provided Sunshine state like experiences in the VIP. But as a general rule, you are correct - tip at the stage and enjoy the massage at the table why they try to coax you into a dance. Just recently I find a much better club I am going to visit more often when I go to Toledo. Way for fun, laid back, and easier on the wallet. Quality of the girls is about the same at any of the Toledo clubs in my opinion. There will be a couple that are hot, a few that are not, and several just average. LE has taken its toll on T-town clubs and they are just not what they used to be.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Playtime at the Playhouse
    I am going to be in Philly next week or so. I plan to put PH on my list of clubs to try to hit. It looks like Philly has European, Russian, Asian, and South American entertainment options that I don't come across most trips and we definitely don't see much of here in the Midwest. Good review and comments, looking forward to my trip.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The good news is Harley’s back! Everything else sucked
    Thanks for the report Sal. I only got to meet Harley a couple times before she left and haven't been able to make Subi's work timewise for a while. If I would have known she was back when I was in Toledo, I would have made the 45 minute drive up to Subi's for sure. Never got dances with her (yet), but loved the attention at the booth and buying her some potent drinks. Hopefully she'll still be there in a month or so when I should be back in the Toledo/Detroit area again for extended stay.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Passing through
    My understanding is dances are $10 at the tables. Some dancers will still charge only $5 though, so it is worth asking, probably upfront so you know what to expect. Also, when I got dances at the table, sometimes (not always) when the one manager guy is there, he wasn't allowing the dancer to sit on me. Other times, I have gotten some pretty incredible mileage at the bar and tables. I typically stay at the bar unless I know I am still getting $5 dances at the tables and if the manager is in a jerk mood, I just move back to the stools where I can still get the grinding and mileage with the right girl.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Back to Chablis !
    If it is the same girl that I had dances with on Tuesday visit, she was worth spending time with.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Multiple visits but not multiple pops
    Thanks for the advice. I know who you are talking about as I seen her as describe once and yes, she has serious GPS issues. This girl, I could never make my mind up if it was the same girl or not. The glasses were missing, but that doesn't mean anything anymore as some of them are strictly cosmetic so to speak. But yes, the girl you speak of is at the wrong club to be seeking out those type rates.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Not like last year
    I'll be in Philly next week and planned on hitting this club one of my nights there. I'll definitely clarify the time limits based on your review and Papi suggestion.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Back to Chablis !
    Glad you had a decent time. Also glad to hear your experience was similar to mine (minus the 10 anomaly). I didn't meet Sapphire on my three visits. I wasn't patient enough to wait as all my arrivals were much later in the evening and when I found a keeper, we were off to the back. I'll keep her in mind and try to arrive earlier and be more patient next time I am back in Toledo.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointed I didn't try this place a long time ago
    There was no cover on any of the nights I went. I arrived at midnight, 11pm, and 10:30 pm respectively. I probably won't be back to this area for a couple months, but anxious to hear if jestrite50 experience. Again, first visits to this club for me and I knew there was slim to no in the club mileage at the other locations although rumor has it Alcatraz has gotten better. Thanks for the well wishes, not sure when I will be back to Miami. Headed to NY, Baltimore, and Philly over the next couple of weeks. Good to hear from you Papi.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointed I didn't try this place a long time ago
    Good luck. Hope you get as lucky as I did on my week in Toledo.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Surprisingly good time
    I have never been to Bogies and had a non-existent wait staff. There is always too many waitresses and they are generally annoying. If you go two songs without being approached for a drink or shot, you are lucky. It is impossible to not have a drink in this place and as soon as you are half full or less, the waitresses ask you if you need another drink every time they walk by. Then with the drink specials every 15-30 minutes, mandatory that every freaking waitress ask you if you want the special. Also, IMO, the talent level here is significantly down right now but despite that, it is still possible to find and occasional gem. If you truly never got hassled for a drink here, go buy a lottery ticket because that just never happens here or any Hamilton club.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First visit to Subi's was a great one
    Susie was working, but I didn't meet her on any of my visits yet so I can't help. Hoping for another trip into subis today (as of this reply) if time permits on my way through. Harley, Island, and Chrystal (or Kristal) were the three in the review you mention. If I get to stop again and the visit warrants, I'll write another review.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Venus is closed
    For what it is worth rh48hr, I do email as well and did so for the two I posted today if I am sure they are closed. I agree with huge though with regards to this review, if the reviewer isn't positive of his information that would negate a prior post, this served no purpose as it isn't anything most of us didn't already know.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    First visit to Subi's was a great one
    So I have made three trips here now since this review. The second trip was a Saturday and very similar to the review I described above. The third trip was a Tuesday early afternoon. Lineup much much slower to arrive than it did on the prior two weekend visits. The charge of $30 to the dancers also seems to be taking a toll on our dance prices. Because of the increase bar fine, most dancers now want $110-$120 guaranteed to go back in my three experiences and less will take the $90-$100 prior reviews suggest. Didn't feel my Tuesday visit was worth an entire review as everything was still pretty much the same, just a smaller lineup trickling in at a much slower pace on the weekday. I didn't accept any of the offers for dances as I was saving my money on this trip for another dancer at another club who sadly was a no show. Had I known that, I probably would have take one or two people up on dances here for sure. I am growing fond of this place, but having been on a Tuesday, I can easily see why this may still be hit and miss like other clubs as well. Still, a new favorite club for me on extended layovers. Good luck all.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    If you fall off a cliff, get up and try again...
    Good time after work
    Thanks Cowboy.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    If you fall off a cliff, get up and try again...
    Good time after work
    Cowboy - Any chance if you happen to notice if Brazil still there or has she moved on to another club. I'll be down that way next month and hope to hit Lido if time permits. Thanks in advance.