
Comments by HiYaDave

  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Not your typical philly club
    I am trying to remember what this place was called originally but it was absolutely one of the first "anything and everything is available in the back room" clubs in town. The good times really are over.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Nothing to write home about
    I've been out of town and out of the game since pre-covid, but about ready to get back in action now. Back in the day there was always some satisfactory action to be had with the right girl, so I am glad to hear that situation may still be available. If anyone remembers me from days gone by and would care to message me with some likely daytime candidates I would appreciate it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Plesantly surprised
    If ever there was a shill review this is it. For once I actually agree with desertscrub !
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I actually had an okay time !!!
    Formerly Sabel's, and this guy's first review. Pretty much all I need to know.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Replaced Vibe with AA Dancers of Various Sizes
    Then I kind of wonder @funonthaside, why do it? Pretty much any club in town will get you a whole lot more for a whole lot less.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Not stormy
    minnow, go the fuck away!!!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    An enjoyable Wednesday night at Risque
    Apparently for some goofy reason bars are allowed to apply for an exemption to the no smoking regulation. I think it has something to do with the percentage of sales of food vs alcohol. Oh and of course this is Philadelphia, where money still talks, blah blah blah. On another note I do have to admit I needed to Google "casamigos".
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Might be an option during hard financial times..
    PAWG-Patrol, read the review. There are no private dances here. Geeze these brain dead self anointed "adjudicators"!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Corner bar with boobs
    Somebody in charge needs to revoke desertscrub's adjudicator status!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The best little club in Philly
    Agree with oldman915. Not every positive review is a fake review. Get a life, scrub and loser (both of whom are appropriately named by the way)!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not oasis more like dry desert.
    Used to be if you wanted vanilla Oasis was the place to go. If chocolate was your preference then PO up the street would be your destination. Oh how the vanilla options have disappeared. Are all the white girls on onlyfans, fansly, and chaturbate?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Most likely will come back.
    Not a shill review or club ad. Does look like a review just to get the reviewer's VIP status.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nothing doing unless you don't mind getting disappointed and ending up at another joint
    Last sentence of the review could not have summed it up better. Fuck the club details. Focus on the message!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Don’t bother going.
    Nobody who knows anything about the Philadelphia strip club scene goes to this dump.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ohio, Indy, FL & Vegas
    Close to Airport - Oasis is worth a visit.
    Frankly, sounds like a shill review.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Put a fork in it
    It really is a shame what has happened to this club. Once upon a pre-covid time this was a reliable place to check out. Good mix of dancers, almost always a few of whom knew why you were there and were more han happy to take matters into their own hands to make sure you left happy and came back again soon for more. It hasn't been the same since Cheerleaders bought the place. Pity!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Short visit but back to normal
    If desertscrub and RockAllNight actually want to know what a shill is they should each look in the mirror. The above review is an accurate portrayal of this place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    PO Afternoon
    tincan,actually I have had all three shots. I have also noticed that Hak's seems to be open. I've always felt they would do better as a towny shot and a beer kind of joint rather than a pastie covered titty bar. It just might be worth it to stop in some late afternoon/early evening, if for no other reason than to see if any of the girls are playing "loose" with goofy restrictions.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    PO Afternoon
    Due to personal health issues (none of which are serious) as well as recent ubiquitous Covid concerns, I have essentially retired from the game. Base on this review, as well as most other recent reviews from PO as well as those from Oasis just down the street, it sounds like I am not missing much! Many of you know me by my screen name going way back to the Yahoo group years ago, as well as BGFE, SCL, and several other sites whose names I have forgotten. Good luck and happy mongering to you all, new friends and old. For now I will find my satisfaction in the form of my recliner, in front of a gently flickering fireplace, enjoying a cheap bottle of Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon. Interesting how one's simple pleasures in life can change over the years.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Like Cheers....just with naked chicks
    Desertscrub, maybe refrain from posting a thumbs down vote claiming it's a "Shill review or club ad" if you have never been here to see for yourself! This review is 100% right on and totally factual.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    And now for something completely different!
    To ThatXGuy 85, in the past many of the dancers who worked here also worked at other clubs and did lap dances or whatever there. Here it is more "I wanna get naked and get some tips!"
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Frustrating visit with limited options
    1:30 - 2:00 is way too early for this place. Try closer to 4 - 5 pm next time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Slow Saturday with new talent
    Too explicit, osprey1966? Seriously? Somebody revoke his so called "Adjudicator" badge, please!!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Quick recon - promising but not hugely welcoming
    I haven't been since Covid but in the BC days regular lap dances were $20 and strictly monitored, although now and then with the right dancer she would manage to get her hands on the goods keeping her body between you and the obnoxious room nazi. Private dances were way over priced but supposedly more liberal services were available for an extra tip. It is normally a pastie club but in the past there were times when that rule was less stringently enforced. I've always said they would do better if they got rid of the dancers and turned it into a local townie type sports bar.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A Pleasant Party Hang But Not For Serious Players
    I agree with the comments about breaking it up into paragraphs, and frankly the entire review could have used some proofreading prior to posting. Having said that I also agree, a good review overall. Not at all my kind of place though. I am of that age when by midnight I am generally at least 3 hours into my night's sleep!