
Comments by 9thClient

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    13 years ago
    ITC Stalkers
    Pete - of course you are correct - there is no upside to most physical confrontations regardless of where they may occur. I'm almost entirely unconcerned with a physical confrontation ITC - I doubt it would happen during the weekday when, presumably, most people aren't wasted or totally ignorant. And I don't visit clubs in the hood. If my ATF is busy, I find an alternative or bail. I don't stalk around like a nut. I've never had a physical confrontation in any club and don't plan to start. I was just curious as to who else had experienced this kind of weirdness.
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    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    If client 'B' had a scheduled time with a dancer and the dancer did not honor that time (which is not what happened, assuming your post included all the details), then client 'B' has every right to spend the money he would have spent on dancer 'A' on dancer 'B'. And client 'B' shouldn't feel even a twinge of guilt about it. Many of the guys who buy dances earn more per hour than a dancer - and if a dancer wastes the clients time, the dancer is risking the possibility that a once regular client will be a client no more. I feel this is a two-way street, as well. If the client stiffs or is late arriving for the dancer, then the client is at fault.
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    13 years ago
    ITC Stalkers
    Regarding guns - I keep a gun in my car at all times and I'm good with it, so I'm not too concerned about the OTC stalker confrontation. And unless the guy is some MMA ninja (which I doubt because most of these guys are in their 50's), I'm not really concerned about a normal physical confrontation. And Pete, I've had the exact situation - set up a time to meet and then she's in VIP - I was pissed and later informed her that if it happens again I'll find someone who's more considerate of her regulars. But I dont understand a reason (short of some Mexican gang situation!) for me to alter my behavior or schedule for the convenience of bad-apple ITC stalkers. As far as I'm concerned, the stalkers need to alter their behavior, not me.
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    13 years ago
    ITC Stalkers
    @steve_ny: Fortunately for both of us, she's a day girl. I rarely hit these joints at night. On the other hand, the day crowd is a crowd more likely to be 'regulars'. But I agree with you regarding guys like this. A stalker ITC is probably a stalker everywhere. @looneylarry: The strange thing about the stalkers she has is they generally seem reasonably well-to-do. Not terribly weird looking (except for one) and clean cut. As for the license plate, I don't know that he did this, but my paranoia entertained the possibility! @rickdugan: I'd consider taking a job as a bar-back pretty freaking extreme! But I've heard some similar stories (re: gifts, etc) from her. @GSWx4: I thought the request to see her while in VIP was ridiculous. I informed the waitress if it happened again, there would be no tip for her. & finally, @Alucard: Only once have I alerted management, as it was a guy who was very clearly disturbed in some fashion or another. He was asked to leave, which he did - I then walked out of the club with her and paid for a valet to retrieve her car. I also escorted her to her apartment to be sure she wasn't followed. I know this isn't a foolproof plan. I also know most of the guys who stalk her spend enough money to gain a little favorable treatment from management. I still think it's weird, but unfortunately, I now know its not unheard of. There are some crazy MF'ers out there!
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    What's the worst foot-in-mouth moment you've been part of?
    Since my prior response was really non-responsive to your question, I'll go ahead and answer - my worst foot in mouth moment was asking a friends wife when she was due - when she had delivered three weeks earlier.
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    What's the worst foot-in-mouth moment you've been part of?
    I don't know how many times you asked this question, but to me this appears to be one of those examples of never being able to win in a conversation with some ladies. To some, perception is reality and both perception and reality can be really F'd up to some of these ladies.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer's ATF
    Once you're a proven regular of a particular girl, in my experience I was guarded pretty carefully by that particular girl. Guarded to the point that many of the other girls wouldn't even approach me when my regular girl was in the club. There were always a few new girls who would venture forth to test me, but the old-guard girls would stay away. Now, when my regular is not in the club, I get more proposition traffic than most guys in the club. As for whether they talk about other guys, my experience is also yes. I know many of her other regulars first (and in some cases, last) names, their professions, their marital problems, the kind of cars they drive and all sorts of little details about them. It is my full expectation that her other regulars may know the same about me, to the extent the girls know anything about me. It really makes no difference to me what the girls or their regulars know about me - but I can understand why some of these other guys would not want this information shared. According to my ATF girls, they have very little to do with the other girls in the club. They don't divulge earnings to the other girls, probably to prevent them from trying to poach their regulars.