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Joined Feb, 2010
Last Seen Feb, 2023


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9 years ago
Review malapropism that made me laugh
From a recent review, "...VIP booths are behind the tainted windows..."

I can imagine a number of "tainted" items in VIP rooms, carpet and chairs…
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9 years ago
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Nevada whorehouses
Here's a rare one that lists prices on their site.

I've been to them and, yes, the draw is definitely legality and safety. I…
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9 years ago
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Many People Are Reading
"May your ATF leave a period stain on your new khaki Dockers"

Too late! That curse has already hit Me!

OK, I'm exaggerating... I'm pretty…
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9 years ago
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Many People Are Reading
I only post a comment once in a blue moon but read regularly because you guys are so entertaining! Reading the TUSCL discussions…
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9 years ago
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I went to a spa in western Canada last summer and was VERY happy (nearly shocked, I say) with the quality of women available.…
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9 years ago
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LDK in action
Light gray cotton pants...what was he thinking?

I agree, that dancer is super fine.
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9 years ago
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A trip back in time for sure
My review below was also a Wednesday. One of the dancers told me I came on the right night as it was was…
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9 years ago
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The most you spent on a BJ/FS
Estafador, I've had three NV brothel visits (I live on the east coast) and found them to be "as advertised". That is,…
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9 years ago
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The most you spent on a BJ/FS
I think Tiburon is full of shit, regarding prices, but I like the question.

Most I've ever paid is $500 at a Nevada brothel. …
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9 years ago
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I have one word for Bada Bing ...
Accurate review. I stopped by here last December at 8:00 P.M. And it was practically empty.
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9 years ago
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Diamond Dolls
6720 Townline Rd Syracuse, NY 13057
Diamond Dolls - Wednesday Night
I was recently on my own and overnighting near Syracuse so I took the opportunity to find some naked dancing women. My evening…
avatar for hassenpfeffer65
9 years ago
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What is your goal in clubbing?
My goal is to enjoy naked women; looking, flirting, and touching when possible. At a SC I can shed the veneer of professional…
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9 years ago
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Barebacked Against My Will
Excellent article! You're a shoe-in for the 2015 TUSCL award for Fine PL Literature!

"(I effing love-it when a woman takes the…
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9 years ago
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For guys who like big boobs...
That was so disgusting I had to watch it twice!

She's a good candidate for that show, Botched.
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9 years ago
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I thought we all came here to talk about tits and ass.
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9 years ago
This brings new meaning to "tailgating"…

Some people go to a strip club to watch a game. Some people take the club to the game.
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9 years ago
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The magic if the lap dance room
I hear you, brother! I've definitely experienced Lap dance goggles with a "not exactly my type" dancer. Personality, effort, and sensuality can…
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9 years ago
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Tuscl Reveiws
Writing the review later is almost as much fun as the club experience and I usually get a stiffy remembering the details of my…
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9 years ago
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RATE MY REVIEW: Cadillac Lounge, Prov., RI
I appreciate your review since you obviously put thought and effort into it and you give us real information about the club. Hell,…
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9 years ago
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Good article about Michigan club
Just noticed Jackslash beat me to this several hours ago.
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9 years ago
Good article about Michigan club
Article from Detroit free press about Big Bon's on Michigan's upper peninsula and the increase in business during firearms hunting season.…

My favorite quote is…
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10 years ago
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Doll House
6105 Philips Hwy Jacksonville, FL 32216
Monday afternoon - first time visit
I recently had to make a solo trip down Florida’s east coast I-95 corridor and took the opportunity to visit two Jacksonville clubs as…
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10 years ago
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3701 Emerson St Jacksonville, FL 32207
Sunday afternoon - First time visit to Wackos
I recently had to make a solo trip down Florida’s east coast I-95 corridor and took the opportunity to visit two Jacksonville clubs as…
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10 years ago
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How did you start strip clubbing?
In 1991 I was visiting a relative in south Florida and he took me to my first strip club. I don't remember the…
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