
Comments by Slin (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    Strip club addiction?
    Daaamnn you guys have a lot of money to burn. I start getting worried if I visit a club more then once a month. That said, I do seem to spend more time then I like thinking about previous hot lap dances.... I don't do drugs and don't drink much so I'm always joking at least my hobby doesn't do physical damage. I've always wondered if I was getting emotionally or mentally damaged though.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Adult Friend Finder
    I would recommend Match.com instead. I haven't used it myself by I've heard from people who have that it works fairly well for meeting chicks off-line...better then free services like Okcupid and PlentyofFish anyways (which I've had some success with) If a girl agrees to meet you offline then it's a guaranteed lay since she must have already have a good deal of attraction to you. You just have to not fuck it up by acting weird. AFF reminds me of the Intimate Encounters section for Craiglist if you are a male looking for a female...it's 99% all spam bots. However, if you look at the "platonic" or even "dating" section then it's a bit bitter. Most women wouldn't want to post up a profile on a page that's only geared towards sex since it would be admitting to themselves that they are a slut.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Be sure to get most of your jollies off during the first time you meet her though! Cause that's the best you're going to get; she gets a bit more stingy later on if you back to her after wards. I think your theory makes sense. I remember her thanking me after the first time I got dances with her for giving her a chance. The 2nd time I saw her at the club she said something about how some guys don't want her because of the type of look she has or something (tattoos all over the place). I guess when she does find a guy that does actually dig her she likes to lead him on to get the thrill of being desired. I also remember her dancing on stage with a black girl once. There was a table of black guys that decided to make it rain for the black chick by tossing a huge stack of singles at her. Later on, Linda was bitching to me about how she was busting her ass on stage and getting nothing while that other girl was getting tons of bread for doing nothing.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Oh and what was her reaction when you offered her $500 to ho herself out?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    World's oldest profession
    Malcolm X said in his autobiography that he believes that once a man gets past a certain age, he no longer has sex for the physical pleasures but more to satiate his ego. I believe this is the case here.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    I just wrote an article called "How I Got Played By A Stripper" and submitted it. One of the things I mentioned in the article was how pointless it was for her to run all that stripper game since her dances and cool attitude in the club was already enough for me to make her one of my regular girls (I tend to spend 90% of my strip club money on the same 3-4 girls that I know are quality) Well, I'll still be getting dances from her regardless. Now I can just enjoy them without having to waste any mental energy on wondering about what could be!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Oh and I have an idea if we decide to head down together. We go into the club. You sit down at a table or at the bar while I go look for her. Once I find her, I'll get some dances. Upon getting done with those, I'll say "Hey I have a friend that I want to buy a dance for. Let me bring you to him." I'll bring her to where you are sitting and we can watch the fireworks unfold LOL
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Btw, what was her reaction when you called her out? What did you say to her and what did she say back?
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    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Hahahahahahaha...dude I was actually thinking about that. However, I actually still do want to get LDs from her (can't believe you got to finger her you bastard! lol) and I'm kinda afraid that if we do something like this it would = no more LDs from her. Even worse, I'm afraid this could to lead to some drama and her trying to get me kicked out of the club which would suck cause Flash in my regular hangout. That said, the potential for LOL is great and it'll make this story even funnier then it already is so I'll think about it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Actually might be better to post here so ppl can learn more...unless there's details that you don't want to share in public
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Oh and feel free to PM me too if you want to talk about this more.
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    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    ...Damn! Well thanks a lot brother. Guess I'll just go back to enjoying the dances without having to worry about the other shit! Got any more stories regrading her? Maybe you can give write up a report like I did about your interactions with her...I'd imagine it would be helpful for all of us SC junkies on here.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Decided to randomly text her: Me: You getting crazy snow up in NYC too? Girl: Ya it's bad Me: hahah i'm driving around at like 10 mph...feel like a little old Asian lady Girl: lol About a hour later I sent: So how are things going with your right now And that's it...don't know if this means anything
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Hmmmmm...I realize you are joking but I am tempted to actually do that lol
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Club discussion boards
    I wasn't even aware of this feature until I saw this thread...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Georgmicrodong: I know her schedule already so should I just show up during my next visit and then try to push for the OTC? I'm thinking asking if she is willing to meet up right after her shift. Asking for a later date just leads to flakiness and further leading on while asking to meet right after is "put up or shut up".
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Should I just text her something random and see if she responds? I'm thinking "Hey I'm eating an amazing pork sandwich right now. Thought you would like to know"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    She asked me why I didn't call when I first saw her. I said I did and she looked confused. She then asked if I had texted and I showed her the text I sent her. She dug through her inbox to look for it and found it. (During this time I actually was looking at her phone to see if I could see any messages in there that indicated that she was playing other guys but none of the messages I saw made sense without context). Apparently she forgot to add me. Who knows, maybe this is a hustle too. If she doesn't send any messages out about her schedule, would that mean this could be legit? Like I said, I'm leaning towards this being a hustle but I'll stay open. I don't mind paying for dances with her as a regular customer. I will never be buying gifts for her and what not though.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    You should start a thread with the details.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Oh and random wtf comment #3 from her. While we were at the bar, she accidentally drank some of my water. She then said "Don't worry. I don't suck dick so it'll be safe for you to drink. (smile)" Uh okay. I responded by saying "Well I suck dick so you might be in trouble" lulz
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Okay boys, just returned from the club and here's what I have to report. Once I saw her at the club, she asked me what I haven't called. I told her that I did call and she gave me a confused look. She then asked if I had texted her. I told her I did and showed her the text I sent. She went through her inbox and found it and saw that she had forgotten to add me. She added me and sent me a quick text just to test out if it works. Later on we got a drink at the bar. There she talked about how she is working 6 times a week now (which a friend who gotten a dance before already told me) because apparently she lost a bunch of money on gambling and really needs money. She said once she isn't working so much, she's down to hang out. I didn't get the meet up afterward. I asked her if that offer for a ride home that she made on Saturday was still on the table. She said she didn't have to drive to work this night and that her cousin was driving her back. So yeah. Got some dances from her after wards...wasn't as intense as it was before she said she apparently got into hot water with management for being too freaky. I get ready to leave and she tells me to text her when I get home to let her know that I'm safe. So now I'm mostly sure that this is a hustle. Still, she's a good dancer so I'll still keep getting lap dances from her if I'm ever down there. Maybe I'll try for a meet up again in the future, who knows. Regardless, I'll enjoy the in club fantasy. Thanks to everyone gave advice.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Oh btw, what would be a good cheap neutral place to pull her too if I do get lucky enough to be at that point? I'd prefer not to get a hotel room since they are expensive as hell in NYC. I heard that all night karaoke rooms are a good place since each room is private and are open 24 hours.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    Okay brothers, thanks again for all the replies (especially georgemicrodong who gets the award for post of the read) Here's my current plan which was formed while taking in all the comments made on this thread: 1. Go into club next week (won't be able to do so this week like originally planned because of other engagements) 2. Find girl and ask her if she wants to get a drink. Once this happens, I'll talk to her and try to read her a bit more and to also build rapport. 3. Get dances; at the end of the dances ask her what she is doing after wards and if she wants to meet up. If she says no, then that's the end of that and I'll be perfectly happy to just keep this as a "in club regular" relationship. If she agrees to meet up, then proceed to the next step. 4. If we meet up outside of the club, then that's the moment of truth. I'll ask her straight up what she is looking for. Depending on her response, we will proceed from there. Some things to keep in mind: - No GIFTS of any sorts to her unless we have already established what I will receive in return. No shoes, clothes, jewelery, etc. etc. The only money I will spend on her is on dances which brings me to my next point... - People have advised me not to purchase more dances because what she is hustling me to get more dances. Thing is, my typical style when I go to a strip club is to spend 90% of my money on a 3-4 girls that I know deliver good quality lap dances. If a girl dances good, then she'll keep my business without having to do any hustle. Even if this girl didn't pull all that SS (giving me her number, offering me a ride home) I would have continued to get dances from her during each subsequent visit just because her lap dances were so good. I have NO PROBLEM with having her as one of my regular dancers regardless of whether she is playing me or not. Another note, this girl has only been working there for 3 months and her behavior (giving out her real name and number) seems to be consistent with girls that are new to the job.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    I actually did a reverse cell phone search on the number she gave me and it actually matched up. He first name is indeed Linda and the last name that came up is pretty Arabic sounding. The report also gave her age and it matches what my buddy had told me her age was (apparently she had told him). I'm posting because I know it's full of people who have managed to get OTC contacts so i'm hoping to get advice on how to pursue it without getting screwed over. What have your guys' experiences been?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
    I'm planning to see her this this week...will report back. Thanks for any feedback. I don't mind if they are harsh or brutal, that's exactly what I need