Joined Aug, 2009
Last Seen May, 2018

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Hottie v. Hottie #6: FeaturesI did not do anything different with the pictures in this survey than in the last . . . perhaps the problem is with…

Hottie v. Hottie #6: FeaturesIt's been a while since the last Hottie v. Hottie Survey. This is a straight forward rating of some Feature Dancers. (Survey…

commented on
If you were going to open a strip club . . .@gmd . . . that being so, why not name the club 109 degrees =mc2 (3.141 3.141? (the 2 is superscrpited)

If you were going to open a strip club . . .What would you name it?
Personally, I am torn between "Champagne and Lace" and "Beer and Boobies" :D
Personally, I am torn between "Champagne and Lace" and "Beer and Boobies" :D

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Hottie v. Hottie #5ScottyW . . . I hope that you don't live near Atlanta then, because all the dancers in HvH #5 dance at Cheetah (http://www.thecheetah.com/).…

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Hottie v. Hottie #5It is also interesting that while only four dancers were correctly identified by a plurality of the respondents, the others, except Brazil, had their…

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Hottie v. Hottie #5We've reach Critical Mass on the number of responses. Here are some interesting results:
Nearly half the respondents though Khloe looked more like a…
Nearly half the respondents though Khloe looked more like a…

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Hottie v. Hottie #5When we reach critical mass, I will reveal which dancer chose her name the best (i.e was correctly identified by the most survey participants)…

Hottie v. Hottie #5It's been a while since our last Hottie v. Hottie Survey . . . Frankly, I was short of ideas, and what I came…

commented on
After Hours Club?From what I've been able to learn online, the club has been around for quite a while. A story about the owner seeking…


Pure Pleasure
68 Labrook Concourse A
Richmond, VA 23224I am posting this review within the 4 week blackout period for VIP credit for two reasons. First, to report that Sunday at…

After Hours Club?I've been invited to an "after-hours club" that opens at 2 AM Tue-Sat (actaully, Wed-Sun would be more accurate). By invited, I mean…

commented on
Show some humility in this thread!Meeting one of my former students from the local community college in the local club . . . it was embarassing for a moment…


Pure Pleasure
68 Labrook Concourse A
Richmond, VA 23224This was my first trip to PP since it was remodeled and came under new ownership. The physical layout of the club is…

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Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal EditionWow! HvH #4 has over 90 responses in less than a day. Best every so far.
Here are the results:
Just shy of 29%…
Here are the results:
Just shy of 29%…

Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal EditionHottie v. Hottie #4 is here! The twist this time? You have to decide whether each dancer you meet is the one…

Romney Offers to Debate in A Strip Club!Can you believe this!
WASHINGTON (AFP) -- GOP front-runner Gov. Mitt Romney has issued an audacious challenge to his three rivals for the 2012 Republican…
WASHINGTON (AFP) -- GOP front-runner Gov. Mitt Romney has issued an audacious challenge to his three rivals for the 2012 Republican…

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Hottie v. Hottie #3Results for the first shift:
Here is how the girls made out (before deducting the tip-out etc.) after the first shift.
There were 45 customers. …
Here is how the girls made out (before deducting the tip-out etc.) after the first shift.
There were 45 customers. …

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Hottie v. Hottie #3""Finally, some real hotties"
That was my impression too. But too late."
There is no pleasing the undead . . .
That was my impression too. But too late."
There is no pleasing the undead . . .

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Now We Know who Writes the Blog "Diary of an Angry Stripper"She also teaches at the University of Houston . . . Oh! the Humanity! (Or should that be "Humanities"?) Wonder if any…

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Now We Know who Writes the Blog "Diary of an Angry Stripper"She's not half bad . . . . http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix…

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Hottie v. Hottie #3Not too many responses yet (probably because I post late). Some respondents made it rain during the stage dances (I think they may…

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Hottie v. Hottie #3Clubber . . . the photos are in the order that the names are listed next to where you enter the tip amount, so…

Hottie v. Hottie #3Just to keep things interesting, I've added a new twist to HvH #3 --- instead of rating the dancers, you get to TIP them…

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Hottie v. Hottie #2Results from HVH#2 (42 surveys)
Dancer’s in order of Ranking for
Face: Kelly, Vanessa, Selena, Alley, Brooke, Dallas
Tits: Alley, Kelly, Selena, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke
Ass: Salena, Kelly,…
Dancer’s in order of Ranking for
Face: Kelly, Vanessa, Selena, Alley, Brooke, Dallas
Tits: Alley, Kelly, Selena, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke
Ass: Salena, Kelly,…