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Joined Aug, 2009
Last Seen May, 2018


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13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #6: Features
I did not do anything different with the pictures in this survey than in the last . . . perhaps the problem is with…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Hottie v. Hottie #6: Features
It's been a while since the last Hottie v. Hottie Survey. This is a straight forward rating of some Feature Dancers. (Survey…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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If you were going to open a strip club . . .
@gmd . . . that being so, why not name the club 109 degrees =mc2 (3.141 3.141? (the 2 is superscrpited)
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
If you were going to open a strip club . . .
What would you name it?

Personally, I am torn between "Champagne and Lace" and "Beer and Boobies" :D
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #5
ScottyW . . . I hope that you don't live near Atlanta then, because all the dancers in HvH #5 dance at Cheetah (…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #5
It is also interesting that while only four dancers were correctly identified by a plurality of the respondents, the others, except Brazil, had their…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #5
We've reach Critical Mass on the number of responses. Here are some interesting results:

Nearly half the respondents though Khloe looked more like a…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #5
When we reach critical mass, I will reveal which dancer chose her name the best (i.e was correctly identified by the most survey participants)…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Hottie v. Hottie #5
It's been a while since our last Hottie v. Hottie Survey . . . Frankly, I was short of ideas, and what I came…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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After Hours Club?
From what I've been able to learn online, the club has been around for quite a while. A story about the owner seeking…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
logo for undefined
Pure Pleasure
68 Labrook Concourse A Richmond, VA 23224
I am posting this review within...
I am posting this review within the 4 week blackout period for VIP credit for two reasons. First, to report that Sunday at…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
After Hours Club?
I've been invited to an "after-hours club" that opens at 2 AM Tue-Sat (actaully, Wed-Sun would be more accurate). By invited, I mean…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
commented on
Show some humility in this thread!
Meeting one of my former students from the local community college in the local club . . . it was embarassing for a moment…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
logo for undefined
Pure Pleasure
68 Labrook Concourse A Richmond, VA 23224
This was my first trip to...
This was my first trip to PP since it was remodeled and came under new ownership. The physical layout of the club is…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal Edition
Wow! HvH #4 has over 90 responses in less than a day. Best every so far.
Here are the results:
Just shy of 29%…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Hottie v. Hottie 4 -- Deal or No Deal Edition
Hottie v. Hottie #4 is here! The twist this time? You have to decide whether each dancer you meet is the one…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Romney Offers to Debate in A Strip Club!
Can you believe this!

WASHINGTON (AFP) -- GOP front-runner Gov. Mitt Romney has issued an audacious challenge to his three rivals for the 2012 Republican…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #3
Results for the first shift:

Here is how the girls made out (before deducting the tip-out etc.) after the first shift.

There were 45 customers. …
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #3
""Finally, some real hotties"

That was my impression too. But too late."

There is no pleasing the undead . . .
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Now We Know who Writes the Blog "Diary of an Angry Stripper"
She also teaches at the University of Houston . . . Oh! the Humanity! (Or should that be "Humanities"?) Wonder if any…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #3
Not too many responses yet (probably because I post late). Some respondents made it rain during the stage dances (I think they may…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #3
Clubber . . . the photos are in the order that the names are listed next to where you enter the tip amount, so…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Hottie v. Hottie #3
Just to keep things interesting, I've added a new twist to HvH #3 --- instead of rating the dancers, you get to TIP them…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
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Hottie v. Hottie #2
Results from HVH#2 (42 surveys)

Dancer’s in order of Ranking for

Face: Kelly, Vanessa, Selena, Alley, Brooke, Dallas

Tits: Alley, Kelly, Selena, Dallas, Vanessa, Brooke

Ass: Salena, Kelly,…
page 7 of 16