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Joined Aug, 2009
Last Seen May, 2018


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13 years ago
I Rise to Gatorfan's Challenge
Gatorfan posted a comment on my Article “Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me” (…) challenging me to come up with a…
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13 years ago
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This time I'm being serious
In general, no, but I will instantly gravitate toward an Asian or Latina dancer if there is one, probably because they are not as…
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13 years ago
Minx, Formerly Atlantis, in Virginia Beach
It's places like this that give strip clubs a bad rep . . . "Minx" is the new name of "Atlantis" -- the most…
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13 years ago
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Ten Things that Annoy Me in Strip Clubs
The thank you walk was very common when I started going to SC regularly about 16 years ago, and I still see it occasionally.…
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13 years ago
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The topless clubs where you can drink or the fully nude clubs that you can see e
In general, I will opt for the juice bar, all other things being equal (distance to travel, safety of the location, reputation for having…
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13 years ago
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What's the best song to get you turn on/excited in a Strip Club
Being tone deaf (really) I have to say it's whatever song is playing during a full contact LD :-)
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13 years ago
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Will my stories end strip clubbing as we know it?
If Local Law Enforcement can't get a clue from, I don't think TUSCL is going to be their prime source for leads either.
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13 years ago
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Feature Dancers Survey
Gatorfan . .. the link is still good.

re: "Bolt ons" some one once described the over-enhanced porn star as having a bust only…
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13 years ago
Feature Dancers Survey
Not as much interest in the feature dancer's survey. Based on the responses thus far, that may be due to an overwhelming negative…
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13 years ago
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Strip clubs in the early AM hours???
I've seen "legs and eggs" advertised at some clubs (i.e. a breakfast buffet for those who stay until morning). Personally, I don't need…
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13 years ago
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Upscale vs Downscale
I prefer to go a least somewhat upscale, but proximity to my current "20" to use some old CB slang, is usually the deciding…
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13 years ago
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Worst Stripper Name
Tip Drill --- did she choose the name from the song by Nelly? Or, based on her photo and the explanation of what…
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13 years ago
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Worst Stripper Name
State names may be a reference to where the dancer is from (I know of more than one Jersey) . . . and…
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13 years ago
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Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
As a rule, I wait for dancers to come by and offer to sit and chat. However, If I see a dancer I…
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13 years ago
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Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs
<<- No one will rob me on my way back to the car, they know I'm out of money>>

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13 years ago
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Worst Stripper Name
This probably does not count since it was not a "real" stage name, but I once was a regular customer of a dancer who…
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13 years ago
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New Survey: Feature Acts
Che -- re: immature crowds and DJs response to features. Amen to that brother!
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13 years ago
Worst Stripper Name
Some suggest that a topic for a "10 things" article could deal with good and bad stripper names. I am not sure I…
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13 years ago
New Survey: Feature Acts
I've noticed recently that feature acts have gone out of vogue at the clubs I frequent. A few years ago, they were almost…
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13 years ago
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Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs
umm . . . doesn't the naked women part go without saying? I mean I wouldn't post a list of ten things I…
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13 years ago
Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs
So far my "Ten Things" have been mostly negative, so here are Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs:

1. Strip Clubs may be one of the last bastions of true capitalism. They…
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13 years ago
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Baltimore -- Worth a side trip?
Thanks . . . good article on the block here…. I do recall from my misspent youth that the Block had a…
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13 years ago
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Not a good night at my usual club . . .
It occurred to me after my little rant on the discussion board that they were probably scheduling the talent for tonight (there was a…
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13 years ago
Baltimore -- Worth a side trip?
In a couple of weeks I will be passing close enough to Baltimore that it would be practical for me to swing by the…
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13 years ago
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What's the most you spent on tips (excluding tips for dances) in a single night
Probably $100 to $150 in single dollar tips (including several in a row when the dancer smiled at me) at the stage when I…
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