Joined Aug, 2009
Last Seen May, 2018

Rate the Hottie #4If you have not already done so, be sure to Rate Hotties #1 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…), 2 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…) or 3 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…)
I am posting Hottie #4 now…
I am posting Hottie #4 now…

commented on
Rate the Hottie # 3@LeeH . . . LOL
@pabloantonio I think Hottie # 4 will be the first to garner some real appreciation (if I am any judge…
@pabloantonio I think Hottie # 4 will be the first to garner some real appreciation (if I am any judge…

Rate the Hottie # 3If you have not already done so, be sure to Rate Hotties #1 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…) and 2 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…)
Rate the Hottie #3
Trying to keep it random,…
Rate the Hottie #3
Trying to keep it random,…

commented on
Rate the Hottie No.1"I think in person at first sight she'd be about a 6 and possible to slide up to 8 depending on how strong the…

commented on
Rate the Hottie #2@motorhead -- Never fear, I've got one warming up in the bullpen that I feel certain will get a high rating from you .…

commented on
Rate the Hottie #2ahem . . . Alucard thinks Lexi (http://www.thefurnacebham.com/…) is a 7.5, though her ass is too big, but Britney (http://www.cowboysgc.com/image…) is a 9 because…

commented on
The 100 hottest women of all time.And not a single Far East Asian in the list? What about Lucy Liu? Joan Chin? Sung Hi Lee? Grace…

commented on
The 100 hottest women of all time.Tina Turner? Never, even when she was young. And Phoebe Cates is only 89? Umm . . . really, did the…

commented on
"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey
Rate the Hottie #2A gratifying and edifying response to Rate the Hottie #1 (https://www.tuscl.net/postread…).
Our first Hottie was from Alabama, so for Hottie #2 I went to the…
Our first Hottie was from Alabama, so for Hottie #2 I went to the…

commented on
Weird Club NamesJumbo's Clown Room in Hollywood . . .really? Who want's to go to a SC named JUMBO'S? Forget about "Clown Room" as…

commented on
Rate the Hottie No.1As to skin . . . can't help you there . . . I am at the mercy of the webmaster at The Furnace

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Rate the Hottie No.1Just for Ermita (and anyone else wanting bigger pictures)

commented on
Rate the Hottie No.1I have two more ready to be posted, but will wait a while to give more posters a chance to rate #1. I'll…

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Rate the Hottie No.1Che:
I agree that the info would be a downshifter for me as well if I included personality in my rating…
I agree that the info would be a downshifter for me as well if I included personality in my rating…

commented on
Rate the Hottie No.1Well, let's start with the obvious that these are professional photographs (Kudos to The Furnace for this . . . but I actually would…

Rate the Hottie No.1The "What's a 10" survey has generated a lot of debate over how we rate dancers. So to explore that concept more, I…

commented on
"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"SurveyYes the order is random when the survey is taken, but the results are reported for the linked picture regardless of where it fell…

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"Top Earners" in the ClubSome top earners may just work more than others. I know of a dancer who works as a Realtor (she actually would give…

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"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"SurveyMH: "Conversely, the survey would indicate the least ideal would be a large black girl, with short hair, fake tits, a big butt, unshaved…

commented on
New Survey: What is a "10"
commented on
"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey"Cute ass", not "cut ass" . . . Sorry about that.

"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey“Critical Mass†results from “What is a 10†Survey
1. Do you think the 1-10 scale has any validity?
A plurality (43.2%) believe the scale has…
1. Do you think the 1-10 scale has any validity?
A plurality (43.2%) believe the scale has…

commented on
New Survey: What is a "10""There a 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't."
Post 'em here!
Post 'em here!

commented on
New Survey: What is a "10"Che:
The photos were randomly selected, but I did reject a few that appeared to be glamour shots (probably not real…
The photos were randomly selected, but I did reject a few that appeared to be glamour shots (probably not real…