
Comments by kingcool

  • review comment
    2 months ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Had to fall back to an old favorite
    I’ve gotten standard L1 service for the 100 / 200 price of the room a handful of times. But it’s rare (if not impossible) in my experience, at TTs, to get into a room for less than that. The 300 is the price of entry these days. Many years ago you could pay the club the 100 and negotiate the tip to the girl of 200. That changed and they want the whole enchilada upfront. Also most of the girls will ask for additional tips for more than just a good dance in the private room for 30 minutes. I’m just trying to set expectations YMMV.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Desire Compendium
    Great review and perfect list for those who want to understand what they are “getting into” lol.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Hoo Hum Desires
    Good review
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Loving it
    Taco Tuesdays at TTs
    @jascoi Totally agree it is pricy. Girls are pretty hot though.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
    Another month in the rearview
    Great review! Keep em coming Doc.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    A Rare Midweek Visit
    I’ve always liked Sheena and she gives a good dance. But JR never gets to make an appearance and feels left out.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    A Rare Midweek Visit
    Nice review. Sheena has a menu? That’s news. Every time I ask what her menu is she says “A legal Rhode Island dance”.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Slow Sunday afternoon
    I’ve had some private time with Cleo on a few visits. Very good in the VIP! Didn’t break the bank either.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
    Nights are still a good value if you know how to look
    Fantastic review. I enjoy the warnings on the ROBs. Incredibly helpful. I’d love to see the expression on that girls face when she’s told to F Off to Fuckoffistan.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A few weekend trips
    Nice review Stevie. Hit all the major points very informative. Been trying to get Lotus for a VIP forever!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    @OWG I’m more picking on the ‘regular’ guys who sit around and do not spend dollars. The time wasters. Chair fillers. I’m Old White too (and a lil fat) but you patented the OWG nickname first!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    On the topic of guys spending all day with select girls. Yes it’s annoying but that’s the girls choice and not the guys fault. She’s there to make money and if sitting with some fat old guy is her decision then so be it. I hate it too! I’ve had the most success by grabbing a bunch of phone numbers and texting before I go in. They usually will make time for me. If no prescheduled appointment it is difficult to extricate the hotties from the time waster regulars (I’m not including the ones who spend big bucks because they are part of the money ecosystem). I know from some of the girls I have gotten close with they hate being monopolized by a time waster too. Best bet is to tip at the stage, intercept them from stage or vip or dressing room, or one method that I’ve tried that’s worked is tip another girl and ask her about the one you’re targeting. That way you’re not cock blocking the regular, another dancer is. I’ve tried it with bartenders and staff as well. “Hey can you tell DAnCer I’m only here for an hour and I want to do a room ASAP”. One time I got Chris the manager guy to go pass a message to a girl and she came running. The other advantage of the “let ‘‘em know” strategy is the dancer will try to fish or cut bait with the time waster - force them to make a room or no room decision. @haywood “MANY guys who are at Desire every day” did you just insult every customer lol? Bravo! Just kidding I love your reviews and comments. @everyone Who are these guys who think the girls are really into them? It’s all a 15-30 minute fantasy. Watch your girl as you’re leaving reboot her personality and act like the next guy is as much her favorite person as you just were. They break out the big smile “heyyy there you are”. It’s all a big illusion but at least for that 15-30 minutes they are all yours. Great great discussion here. Makes me want to go to the club right now!!!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Low expectations, Fun Sunday
    Great review. I seem to be only getting the graveyard shift on the Sundays I go! @Manuel “ashes hauled”. Nice.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Variety isn't the only spice!
    Wow! Love the additions. Though 2 @‘s for Nicolette is bold haha. Great review.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
    Views from a nighttime regular
    Solid review. Thanks for taking the time to write something coherent and informative. Welcome to New England. I’ve been to clubs in Jersey and agree with your assessment. Clubs in Manhattan are the worst for price and mileage. You can’t get much better quality for the price (for the non GPS girls) at CD.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    More fun times
    Awesome review. Straight to the point with recommendations on who is fun! Appreciate it.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A catch-all account
    Best? Not all its cracked up to be
    What a sad life to have to come on here and make up a review to trash the club and dancers. At least if you’re going to do it try to make it seem believable, funny, or semi creative. Perhaps you did go to Desire and were ignored by the women because you sat in the corner writing this review.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Expensive private room. Enjoyed. Would go back.
    I would hope for $380 she took her bottoms off. Ouch! Nelly is correct that the VIP “should be” $40 to the house / $100 to the girl for 15 minute increments. Better luck with pricing next time. You can get a lot of fun for the basic $140 all in from the majority of the ladies. Some want more tips for extracurricular activities but some are cool with the flat fee…
  • review comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Sunday Suckday
    Spot on review Tetra. Agree on the Sunday suckday - I’ve done the stop in, see 3 girls (or less) working, have a drink and bolt move many times. I think there is a 3-8 shift and have seen some hot girls come in from 230-3. I’d like to know more about Rosalie if any other Desire readers have info - PM me or post!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Desire, my go to afternoon club
    I didn’t see anyone ask you for more details. “I am so out of here”. BYE. Loser.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Monday’s are slow at Desire. But if you’re meeting someone it’s good bc it’s not busy and you can relax. But going in without a pre-appointment is hit and miss. I’ve had a few good experiences but mostly at night. Best day in my opinion is Thursday afternoon. Things start getting warmed up for the weekend and a lot of girls on. Plus OWG is there so you know it’s a good shift.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    couple of visits
    Nice review Nelly. Maybe we need to reshuffle the girls into groups: Great VIP, Great VIP but basic / no extras, Good VIP but bottoms stay on or come off for more $, Lousy VIP don’t bother. Lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    CT State Police and Homeland Security at EB today
    “Police believe for several years prostitution and sexual activity have occurred at the strip club on Merrow Road.“ Great detective work there Sherlock.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    VIP Changes
    I can see paying some sort of combo to the tune of 300 for 30 minutes. But guaranteeing a 200 tip as part of a 400 investment? That’s crazy with no guarantee of happiness. I’ve had varying levels of success here but the better visits were where I could choose my tip amount based on performance. Expecting more on top of 400 is crazy. Vegas style no extras rip off in my opinion… no thank you.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Just trying to capture the spirit of the thing...
    Another Tuesday Night Experience
    @Rosewoodtone I think in the past (pre CV19 shutdown) when things were swinging and the place was always busy it was different. Especially on afternoon shifts. Many of the girls had appointments with “regulars” or regulars would come in and take up time with the dancers. So yes if you were just randomly popping in you might be out of the action. Or have to wait, like wallpaper, if you were laser focused on one of the more popular girls. There were instances where I had set up times to see someone I knew and she would text me day of and try to move me around her schedule “I now only have 15 minutes at 330” or some BS. I haven’t seen it as much in 2022 or 23 so far. Every time I’ve gone in the last few months I’ve been able to find someone I liked even as I was on my way out haha. And night times are always a crapshoot depending on the dancer / PL ratio. I find the night shift to be not as much fun, much more hustle. Day shift is usually laid back especially 12-3PM on weekends. But as they say YMMV. Throw enough money around and let them know you want to go to a room and I think most girls will break away from guys who aren’t going to spend money on them.