
Comments by michael.stivic

  • discussion comment
    7 days ago
    MLB Closer entrance music
    Ted Nugent “Stranglehold”
  • discussion comment
    8 days ago
    Your life is on the line
    Patrick Mahomes Fernando Valenzuela Ichiro Suzuki
  • discussion comment
    25 days ago
    Your favorite song(s) for great harmonica?
    First song that jumped into my head was Roadhouse Blues. Suicide Blonde also came to mind. Might not be the greatest song, but it takes me back to some great memories from college,
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name One Movie…
    In Bruges. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-gG2qo_l_A
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    3 years ago
    Best female singer
    Have to add Annie Lennox to the list. Lots of great artists already named, but she is in my Top 5.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A new experience for me
    Maybe she used to work at Hooters... Waitresses there use the same trick.
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    11 years ago
    OT: NHL
    Let me see if I have this right... We should never utter a negative word against a stripper, but professional athletes are fair game. Two words to describe Alucard: HYPOCRITE; BUFFOON.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hottest Stripper You've Ever Seen
    Easy question. She is a native of Poland who emigrated to Canada and became a stripper in Montreal. I found her a couple of years ago when she was visiting the Sundowner for a weekend. Long, lean body and a beautiful face. Plus, she is funny with a playful, flirty personality. Spent that Friday and Saturday with her. She even played hard to get... no OTC action until the second night. She still calls when she is going to visit Niagara. It is a 3 hour drive for me, but I always look forward to those weekends. Now you have me thinking about making my first trip to Montreal.