
Comments by Daddillac (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt
    The number of people who took this as a serious post speaks volumes lol
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    2 years ago
    OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt
    I think we can debate the student loan giveaway program somewhere else.... this thread is supposed to be about what will the program do to the cost of pussy. I think it will drive the cost up lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt
    As for attacking Joe... That was not my intent, I was merely trying to relate current events to strip clubs, which is what we are supposed to be discussing
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    2 years ago
    OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt
    I just know how many of them are in school for something and are stripping their way through (according to them) LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt
    Maybe you don't understand supply and demand.... Before they needed us to pay those bills and they were willing to work for it. Now Joe has paid their bills and asked for nothing in return, this is going to drive the cost of pussy up dramatically. Remember after the stimulus checks came in....
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Pussylicker2, Techman and Desertscrub - go fuck yourselves
    I'm agreeing with rick here.... and that is difficult for me to do but he is right. There are far too many people only approving if it meets certain standards, usually there own standards veiled as founders. As for your gun, unless required by some other reason, I keep mine in a safe in my car when I valet. No problem, now if your occupation forbids that then maybe you should rethink going to strip clubs on company time
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta 2AMer sort of
    @Papi.... Biden's America
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    not at all... I think we will survive this presidency, It will just be a very deep hole we have to climb out of. One that we did not HAVE to dig. So far I have not questioned anyones patriotism at all unless you meant that you were questioning mine?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I have two sets of clients that are great people and great parents... both of them have children who have not spoken to them since Trump was elected... that is such bullshit I have some friends whose daughter said I was a racist rapist because I voted for Trump What the fuck do you do with that much hatred for a person that you cancel your parents or a friend because of politics?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I can believe there are other POV's some of them have merit even if I disagree with them
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    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I posted that last one before I read your response
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    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I can think of many things I wish Trump had done different... he was doomed from the start, remember he had to call in the national guard to insure a safe transition of power (there were bomb threats), so this notion of insurrection is not new or limited to the MAGA movement. He went on from there to the Russian Dossier, impeachment, covid, etc... The left did not let him breathe, so his mean spirit may have been a response not a way of life. I have sat in a room with Trump and 6 other guys for 7 hours working on a hotel deal, it fell through primarily due to his wanting too much in return for little investment. My client decided the Trump name was not worth as much as he thought it was. It ended very well and everyone was nice. So I have first hand experience with the man... NOT a friend of mines brother did this or I heard this happened or some contractor said this. He has some rough edges but he did a lot of great things for this country.... So far Biden has not done anything I can think of that is worth anything... He has been awful and anyone who voted for him voted for this... you had a choice, you could have voted for Jo Jorgenson... but 81 million dumb fucks voted this stupid bitch into office
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    And so here we are... calling names, pointing fingers, not taking responsibility, digging in our heals until the other side recognizes us as correct.... While the country burns under a shitty president Congrats
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    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    @25... Do not misrepresent what I said... I said I know you are more reasonable than SJG. I get it... you hate Donald Trump so much that you cannot see clearly (you and a lot of people). However aggresively pushing all Republicans into that box does nothing but further the divide between Americans. I personally look at the situation the country is in right now with inflation and blame it all on anybody that voted for Joe Biden. So if you voted biden you own the mess we are in, your hatred for Trump led us here.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gun control
    "It is rare that personal guns are used for a good outcome, but it can happen. Buy a large margin, they are used for bad outcomes." SJG This flawed thinking is a huge part of the problem in America. Good outcomes.... defend your home, hunt an animal, target practice, shooting range, fun, etc... Bad outcomes.... kill an innocent person There is NO way that the bad outcomes occur by a large margin. Dumbass
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    @25... you cannot take the fringe Republicans and define the party by them. The only thing that type of behavior does is align you with SJG. I know you are more reasonable than that. As for voting I have voted Democrat and Republican... the traditional republican values line up more with my core values so I most often vote Republican.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    Lia Thomas identifies as a woman... that does not make it true. You may not identify as a democrat but your actions and political stances suggest otherwise... not a condemnation just an observance. If you feel the need to defend yourself about being a democrat then you are obviously aligning yourself with the wrong party
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    @25... No complaints here, just an observation BTW you may not be out to take away guns but your party is. They will not be successful, just like abortion will not go away (no matter how much your party bitches and manufactures lies)... you simply cannot put toothpaste back in the tube
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    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    When my youngest turned 15 she wanted a party at the gun range... They ran a little safety class for 15 kids then let them shoot handguns, ar 15, ak47, an uzi, etc... they had a blast. Im sure some of my liberal friends head would explode thinking of me exposing kids to those guns but its not their kids lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I have a small arsenal and I don't mind the background checks, finger printing, etc... The gun show loophole should probably be closed but really what are they closing?... I Dr. Evil wanted to buy one of my guns, we meet up at Pink Pony in the parking lot and make the deal how is anyone going to regulate that? The other thing I have encountered with liberal friends is that when you agree on a point like the loophole, then they have another thing they want until you give up all your guns and I am simply not doing that
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Ivana Trump first wife of former President Donald Trump died at home of unknown
    That might be telling... We have more manners on an anonymous strip club website than Twitter. What is this country coming too
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Gas prices 2005
    Try doing your math again GMD... inflation since 2005 has averaged 2.46%. Making that 2.30 now 3.45 roughly, a long shot from over $4. As for the president having very little to do with the economy, you are right generally. In this instance Biden slowed supply during the pandemic and then did not amp up supply when the demand returned. Had he actually done nothing we would be in better shape right now from an inflation perspective.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Footblall royalty chooses which college to attend
    There are only 3 conferences in Football.... NFC, AFC, and the SEC
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Roe v Wade
    The issue of this being a "Nanny State issue" is crazy given the liberals are pushing for medicare for all. Assumoing that passes then "healthcare" that I pay for is providing welfare moms birth control by abortion. I'm fine giving them birth control, I'm not fine killing babies. As for Rape, Incest, Threat to Mom's life by all means allow the abortion. We should have exceptions to rules, NOT rules for exceptions. My Body My choice doesnt hold water when you are using MY MONEY
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Footblall royalty chooses which college to attend
    As a dawg fan I hate to see one get away... However our QB room has two 5 stars, one 4 star, and a walk on that won the Natty.... Not sure we will miss Arch that much, but I wish him well