Comments by jablake (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Bobbyl makes a very good point: David9999 seemed, imho, like he wanted to stay away from flame wars. Every once in awhile he would lose his cool inappropriately and respond very negatively to an honest question. But, he sure didn't seem to want to engage in tit-for-tat at least from what I can recall.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    "If my review is so obviously phony how did it get published, or why hasn't it been taken down?" It wasn't too long ago that jokes were being made in this forum about a published review by trinadiazreal. Founder definitely recognized that the review was fake, but it still stands. He might let it stand cause it is so silly, but generally I don't think the standards to publish are high and shouldn't be! IMHO. :) Now, when you said you tried to get published and failed I was thinking what?! But, if every other sentence was a vulgarity then that could explain it. Now for some strange reason TUSCL seems to be anti-transgendered clubs! ;) I don't know the reasons, but my attempt to get Trixies listed has failed a couple of times. Other clubs that I request a listing for it seems like almost immediate service. Anyway, who knows why poor Trixies keeps getting left in the dark. :( Maybe TUSCL thinks I'm trying to pull some stupid gag or they don't understand the demand for T-Males or . . . The T-Male at Angels was a BIG Blubber Butt, but she looked better than the other whales. Her equipment was tiny and she didn't drop the panties as required for stage dancers and most of those dancers seem to want to drop the panties first.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    "You guys forget in the club and VIP its relatively dark" At the old Angels not only wasn't there any music, but the club was very well lit. :) Probably so the guys could shoot pool (the club was smaller in the old days, btw). When the first hottie arrived thru "affirmative action" she was looking good in bright sunlight or in moonlight or in clublight. Some dancers are dang hot regardless of lighting. And, the nonsense about makeup----some dancers look much hotter without that garbage on their face. Of course, others would look better if it was packed on at least one inch thick.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    Seems like the consensus everytime he posts this topic is that he is a fool. Me 2 cents is that he may enjoy the mocking and ridicule and or he is trying to convince himself thru repeated postings that there is real affection. I'll go back to my worn out analogy of the loser boyfriend. If hotties can fall for some of these low-lifes, then why not shadowcat? Not every youngster is repulsed by old age just as not every male is repulsed by fat. Shadowcat apparently does have a following. A TUSCL ministry anyone? :) Hell, some relatives turned their very profitable martial arts business into a church and the savings are substantial----they are relgious nuts and they do a bunch of preaching at the business. I guess it is just commone sense the government should give them a bunch of financial rewards compared to martial arts businesses that don't do a bunch of preaching. Don't worry; it is the right religion e.g. NOT Islam, and very positive also is that Israel is their guiding light because the Jews are God's chosen people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Most lap dances are a waste of money.
    If it is more than $5, then it is a waste due solely to my puny budget and the fact that I need a lot more than 1 dance.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    I don't think it is a question of experience for the customer. An experienced stripper may in short order determine that a customer is very experienced when it comes to stripclubs. This recognition probably wont stop the SS if she also determines the customer isn't seeking something as mundane as a BJ or FS, but rather is seeking fantasy or real affection. In my neck of the woods it seems like the BJ or FS is looked upon as practically found money. That's all the customer wants? No, stupid acting required? Damn, that is the perfect customer. Milk his wee wee and make money. Anyway, even experienced dancers can be brain-dead when it comes to recognizing SS. Over at the pink site some dancers will claim that the "need rent money" is always SS; definitely not always and depends on the area, the dancer, the club, etc. If the club was just about getting a BJ or FS, then it doesn't have much value to me. Sorta like the $20 dance clubs don't have much value to me. I remember this one new dancer who appeared to be total SS and it turned out that I wrong. She was a very real person. The nasty SS she was talking was learned from experienced dancers who believe that is what the customer wants. Well, some customers love makeup and fancy clothing. That is a turnoff for me. Some customers don't mind or actually prefer old. Another turnoff for me. Some customers want blubber butts. Thumbs down again. So was the SS she learned making her more appealing? Maybe to some other customers. Anyway, the point is that I was fooled into seeing her as a total phony or ROB when it turned out she was a very high quality person, imo, and was just attempting to do a good job. Now, the experienced dancers wont normally feed me the garbage they taught her because from experience they seem to recognize that is a turn off for some customers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    BTW, the sister is learning at least one wrong lesson from my helping her. She says I couldn't really hate the government or I wouldn't give any money to her to help the school. Her thinking is way off. I help her even for projects that I don't like or approve of because she is trying to do good and I'm hoping that she'll learn to help people if she can even when she doesn't agree with their spending priorities assuming the good intentions are there. Also, I needed to show her that I wasn't going to hold *her brother's actions* against her. If I was going to say NO to the school, then I should have done so with her brother------yes, knowingly heading down a bad path because I'd gone down the bad path before sometimes, rarely imo, that needs to be done. As far as strippers-----I definitely can be taken by a good con (I do love a good con, btw). It is the budgeting that to me is all important and I try not to say NO merely because some other stripper didn't treat me right. That would be like saying NO to the sister because her brother didn't treat me right.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    I think the line depends on how wealthy you are and how you react to financial loss. A $1,000 doesn't seem like that much for a man earning over a $100,000 a year. If it was *me* in that financial situation and a stripper treated me like shit, then it wouldn't be a big deal. It just wouldn't, but then thinking like that has made me a financial loser. Now, if I was *shadowcat*, then apparently it would be very upsetting. That isn't necessarily bad. Look who is financially successful and who isn't. But, the reactions are total opposites. I'd be thinking that was a cheap price to pay to learn she isn't a very nice person. And, move on to next hopefully more deserving hottie. Hopefully you are still reading so I can bore you just a little further. I helped out a neighbor kid (the amount was peanuts) and he was supposed to use the money to help his school (a "charity" that I found distasteful; screw the public schools), but of course he used the money to buy candy instead of doing what he told me. The candy was a better way to spend the money, imo, but it just pissed me off because he didn't do what he said. :( Fast forward a couple years. He has his hand out for another school "charity." I tell him to go to hell because I don't believe in supporting the public schools and he used my money to buy candy the last time. Fast forward: His sister *really* wants money for this nasty school. Damn, if it was up to me the damn school would be shut down as it is nothing, but a flag waving propaganda instrument for the government. So I tell her screw the school because I don't even like it! So, she says I'm helping *her* and the school is secondary. I say your brother used that same stupid school to take money from me and used it to buy candy. So wouldn't you rather have candy? She says the school is more important than candy---not to me its not! Bottom line she pointed out that she is ***NOT her brother and she should be given the opportunity*** to show that she keeps her word. I gave her that money (pocket change) and ***future monies*** because surprise surprise, she is very good about keeping her word. I don't have a problem helping her when she asks because I appreciate it when people do what they say they're going to do. Her brother? I don't trust him with money and any help is far more limited and when he complains I explain why. Getting burnt if you can afford it isn't bad imo, unless you start losing out on future opportunites due to that injury (getting burnt). Yes, I'm familar with all manner of yappings about "experience," but imo that is more like a blanket of ignorance for most people. Helping out the sister makes me feel good especially because she continues to be trustworthy. I'm glad my negative experience with her brother didn't end up costing me the opportunity to say YES to meeting her stupid needs/wants. :) I don't know what your financial stress level is. Perhaps you'd get majorly upset over $5 wrongly spent or taken by a stripper or maybe you could lose up to $750 without stress. Hey, that's you and it got you this far so maybe you want to continue suffering over financial losses due to fraud or maybe you want to budget and realize there are always rotten eggs and just don't let them stink up everything. More likely than not all my yapping hasn't helped put things in perspective even a little, but good luck. (BTW, no I don't like you-----flag wavers are just huge negative to me, but good luck anyway with the strippers.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    This review business caught me by surprise. :) I never understood till of late that this was major deal. Yes, I like to read reviews for the *details* but, I just figured some people do 'em other people don't. I learned one thing about the Rhino------I sure as hell don't want to be anywhere near it. You have to get lucky to cop a breast even when you're Prince Charming and you're paying between $20----$40, seems outlandish, but then you all are probably just a lot wealthier than me. I'd probably have rated it a 1 and been pissed that there isn't a 0 rating available. The review seemed too "kind and gentle" considering the reviewer seems fairly openly hostile to almost all strippers. Surprised njscfan didn't note that or if he did my addled brain missed it. BTW, I did read the link provided by njscfan. Found it very depressing, but it might just be the mood I'm in.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    It wouldn't be a boring stripclub if it was stocked with nothing but affordable 10s according to my scale.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    Actually, yes (NO JOKE!) assuming they did their best. I had one lawyer lose a case, but he really did his job very well. It was ashame to see him lose. Now, he wants ALL his money upfront before he will deal with me so time for more lawyer shopping. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    "ok Im seeing no paragraphs on any recent reviews. Older ones I do." Part of the well-oiled conspiracy. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    I've refused to give dancers dances solely because I didn't think they'd be long term. I like to see the same dancers for years and years.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    I'd rather take the chances and get burnt. I'm not a fan of trusting-----more like accepting X amount of losses. I "trusted" an attorney just recently and it was frustrating that he pointed out the very law that I'd brought to his attention. At the time he said that, that law wasn't a problem even though it appeared to be. Well, further research on his part revealed it to be a problem. So money down the drain, and back to the drawing board---more disappointing than changing his mind (which may have been the right course of action) was that he wanted me to proceed pro se. Nope, the judges that I know hate pro se litigants and it is better to have an incompetent attorney than to go pro se. The attorney disagreed under the reasoning that I'd only got time an a filing fee to lose. Most likely he is correct and that isn't a bad gamble EXCEPT that my health is very poor and I'm hurting. Anyway, I spoke with another lawyer today and he thinks the idea of going pro se is nuts. I'll probably be hiring him and rolling the dice again . . . basically, I'll say a little prayer that he can get the case decided without completely draining me----he could be an honest lawyer or a crook. The most frustrating thing is that he won't lay out a framework of costs----so I'll budget a loss and the only negative with that approach is the jugdges tend to go bonkers if you need to replace an attorney regardless of the reason. TRUST NEVER----But, roll the dice whether it be lawyers or strippers. Oh, the nitwit flag waver---damn, when my temper gets the better of me I'd love to shove the flag down his throat even if I needed to drive to whatever "primitive" area he resides in. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    I have 7.0.5730.11
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    I'm using internet Explorer 7 something. It should be the latest.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Hmmm . . . I just took another look at your review and I still don't see paragraphs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Well, I attempted to do a rewrite and I'd give myself a failing grade. To wit: Scores has a happy hour in the late afternoon and I got good and drunk over there before deciding to visit my favorite club, the Rhino, via taxi. I paid a $30 cover. The décor is very much to my liking with furniture and carpeting that are nice. There are nice areas where you can sit away from the stage (on an upper level) if you want to be shy. The club has multiple stages, a bar (w. video poker?), and rooms of varying "privacy" and, of course, price. The place was busy while I was there but not jammed. I think the girls could sense that I was a bit drunk, so I was not left alone the entire time. The girls were at least smiley here and acted nice, but all seemed to share a fixed set of lines. There were good looking as far as Vegas goes. Not quite as high quality as Scores, but good looking nevertheless. (This is a bit surprising since the Rhino has a rep for being much dirtier.) I do remember jokingly picking one girl up in my arms as if I was going to carry her to the VIP but she told me I had to put her down otherwise the management would get upset. Now, fortunately, I am a bit wise to the ways of Vegas, so have learned to always take the girls for a spin before doing the VIP thing. That night I took several girls for a spin. Mileage was, overall, pretty low but some girls would at least let me touch their breasts or would rub my dick for a bit outside the pants. Prices varied. $20-$40. I was told VIP prices here are $200/hh. (Rumor has it that for $400 VIPs there are areas and girls where anything goes.) As is standard practice in Vegas, don't believe the $200 thing. That's just to get you in. Then they will try and upsell you to "buy the lady a drink", if you say "sure" you might be surprised it will run you $20. I would also advise never to do the VIP with a girl who spends her entire test drive trying to sell it to you (duh!). Anyway, I decide that I wanted some take out that night rather than gamble on VIP. This turned out to be surprisingly easy. I thought no girls would be up for it given how busy the club was, but it turned out I would be lucky this night. How did I do it? Very simple, if the girl showed a bit of work ethic and I got a decent "vibe" (I am quite a charming guy) I just quietly asked her if she "did private shows." Didn't take me long to find one who said she would, and could since she was about to leave anyways. She wanted the name of the hotel I was staying and the room number. I gave it to her. (Surprisingly, she also didn't really negotiate the price; $300 was fine with her.) Now given how easy this was, and how reasonable the price was, I wasn't sure if she would really show up or flake out. But less than an hour after I arrived at my hotel room, I got a call that she was in the lobby. Everything turned out to be legit!) In summary, yes there are escorts who double as strippers in club. If you want that just ask. The worst they can do is say no. Also don't assume they have to be high mileage in the club to do private shows. Friendliness seems to be the more accurate factor in guessing who will and who won't. Finally, always be careful of the hustle factor when in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Talk about weird . . . a lady friend wants me to teach her 18 year old daughter how to drive stick. What is weird about that you might ask? The friend drives stick like an old-pro and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Her thinking may be that teaching another person to drive especially her daughter is too stressful---just seems weird, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    And, you may be 100% on target. I see people do strange shit all the time so anything is possible. Heck, FONDL stated that he hasn't been to a stripclub in 10 years or something absurd and he is hanging out at TUSCL? That just is somewhat mind-shattering.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Dirty" Talk by Dancers is Positive or Negative?
    I guess I just don't like noise unless it is conversation. And, the conversation preferably is clearly spoken. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Hi njscfan, He could have done a review about one of the clubs that I've written about and added a few made up facts . . . it just doesn't seem that difficult to write a review. I should be able to write a half-way decent reviews of clubs that I've never been to and it seems like anyone can knock out reviews. And, let's say someone calls me on my knowlegdge of Miami clubs--yeah, I feel fairly confident discussing the $5 clubs. But, if someone called on my knowledge of clubs in Texas would it be that difficult to BS? If someone calls you a liar, then you call them a liar back and geez it proves nothing. If he is a troll and you believe that, then it seems like you enjoy feeding him.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    "The main advantage of old age is: you haven't died yet." Then there is no advantage, imo. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    I LOVE silly dancers. :) That is so sweet with a young dancer. And, I don't mind that she'd rather be with people her own age---that seems fairly normal. Ideally, I'm in when the club is dead and she isn't busy. I don't see anything golden about old age except that it should be one step closer to death.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Correction: I don't mind the personal points, but the pronouns----there's got to be a better way! :)